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Messages - NephilimNexus

General Discussion / Re: Steam Trolls!
July 18, 2016, 12:51:40 PM
Quote from: Elixiar on July 15, 2016, 06:11:17 PMBut there are those among steam that would serve no real reason to down vote other than to **** on the sandcastle. Some have already tried to do so.
We must squash them. Legitimate reviews are fine but for once, at least, for a time! Let us finally show steam that a true game worthy of its platform has arrived!

Praise Tynan!

You know it's funny, I came here to write a thread on the toxicity of the rampant fanboism associated with this game and how it would put Star Citizen to shame, and how the Steam reviews are clearly nothing but a circle jerk of botnet-aspirants mindlessly upvoting every posititve review and downvoting every negative review without even reading them first... because that's what trolls do.

However, instead I'll just quote you, since you've already so perfectly proven my point for me.  Thanks!
General Discussion / Re: A14B for Sendowl?
July 18, 2016, 12:48:07 PM
Quote from: viperwasp on July 18, 2016, 09:39:57 AMWhats this balance thing I keep hearing about?

Apparently it involves not using any mods or console commands.  I've heard rumors of such a thing, but I've never seen any proof it exists.
Bugs / (A14) Ouch!
July 16, 2016, 05:09:14 PM
That's gotta sting...

[attachment deleted by admin - too old]
Steal code from Dwarf Fortress.
Make a fireproof predator.

Life finds a way.
Convoluted mess.  Can build crematoriums with researching cremation.  Entire research tree is an explosion different ideas moving in different directions - fuses can be researched before basic power.  Crafting is just as confused - want to make a bow?  Use the crafting spot... or use the hand sawmill.  Want to make arrows?  Crafting spot only, sawmill can't handle it.  Butcher table can butcher corpse, but sea snakes and blueblades still need their own separate billings.  That's just the stuff you'll find in your first week on a planet.

Yes, it's got a lot of stuff crammed in there without causing any massive game malfunctions, but beyond that there really is no real sense of underlying logic behind how any of it is supposed to fit together.  Meaning that coding errors were looked at but no one seems to be asking how or why things are supposed to fit together like they do.  Did anyone ever stop to ask "Do we need this?  Is there another item already in the game that does essentially the same thing?  Could I perhaps move this mod's one new function into the existing paradigm, making sure that it logically fits into the tech tree just so, instead of just trying ram the entire thing on top of everything else without rhyme or reason?"

An ambition idea, to be sure, but sorely lacking in any direction other than "Add moar stuff!"
You laugh but I've had a colonist killed by a mad squirrel before.
Just a hint from a retired kitchen manager:

Cooking anything at 500C = Lump of smouldering carbon.  That's 932F.  You're halfway to the melting point of iron right there.  165F (75C) is enough to sterilize food, and never in my life was ever called upon to turn an oven or grill up past 500F (260C) for anything.  Also, the whole point of charcoal is that it retains high temperatures for long periods of time without needing constant top-ups.

I mention this for the sake of realism as well as reducing the work-grind on that grill of yours.  Should be easy to fix, yes?
Build a double-thick stone wall room with a dozen heaters all set to 200 degrees.  Lock enemies in room behind triple set of unpowered doors.  Wait two minutes.
I was very amused when I saw a hauling bot jump into the seat of an ATV and start driving it around.

Even more impressive is that the bot could still drive it around even after it ran out of fuel.
Quote from: Tynan on May 26, 2016, 01:49:04 PMComputers don't understand the significance of events, just that they happened.

For this problem I would suggest spending some time looking at how Crusader Kings 2 handles event logging: The player themselves gets access to a little menu tab that lets them decide for themselves what kind of events are worth noting in the chronicle and which should be ignored.

It's an easy solution and one that will make people happier than trying to automate it.
Quote from: Tynan on March 21, 2016, 04:46:51 PM
I just figured out how to kill the infestation bugs without a real fight. Just dig a long tunnel and shoot them from a distance with the survival rifle.

They only thing I see wrong with this is your choice of weapon.  You should be using turrets instead.
What the game needs for the ending:

1) Write up a few hundred short story pieces based certain triggers.

2) Code system for compiling & editing trigger-story piece connections.

3) Turn this into a narration that can be saved for posterity.

For example:

Fred (name), the a vat-grown soldier (background) who had survived many brutal battles (injury count) finally returned to his home unit (background).  Soon he retired from service (age) and lived with his wife, (relationship) Helga (name).

Helga, the sickly child who grew up to be a (background) tribal hunter (background) and has two bionic legs (medical history) returned home with her husband (relationship), Fred and continued to work as a game warden for many years (age).

Bob was a prodigy child and an inventor whom, sadly, never made it off the planet, having died from malaria (cause of death) during the third year (time of death) of the colony.

Red Hawk the tribal herbalist never imagined himself living on a Glitterworld someday.  He and his loyal dog, Sparky, were very popular curiosities.  Soon he opened an apocathary selling ancient tribal remedies and kept busy for many more years despite having a bad back that was never treated.

As you can see, the idea is that the game remembers numerous little triggers associated with every character (there's plenty of room for more, too) and weaves them into a little story for them at the end of the game.

Then the game can save all this to a file that acts as a sort of achievement/memorial wall for all the player's colonies.  Something they can look at and wax nostalgic over past games, or simply use as a measuring stick of success.
Quote from: Techgenius on May 24, 2016, 01:29:36 PM
Why is it so hard to update the Droids? as far as I know all the scripts/codes are in place, are they not? do these droids communicate and marry each other like in MAI? because these droids appear to be more multifunctional than the.. synths Haplo created, yes. THEY ARE SYNTHS, "androids" and the like. But not droids. Droids are inferior btw? according to Stellaris they are.

I don't know anything about coding, but I can tell how droids used to work.  You are correct: They didn't function like colonists at all.  They had different body parts and different damage models.  They used energy from recharge pads and that was it.  They didn't have emotions or social interactions.  Each one had a function that they did and nothing else.  Some droids cleaned, some hauled, some crafted, some farmed, some did combat (poorly).  Each type had it's own sprites.

MAI is pretty much what I meant by "colonist in a droid skin."  Because that's pretty much what MAI is.  Like you said, a FO4 style Gen3 synth, functionally indistinguishable from human.  Mippen's droids were like Star Wars droids.  Very obviously mechanical.  To me, that's what made them better.  A robot with a Joy need defeats the purpose.
IMHO, Mippen's droids were the best thing to ever happen to Rimworld.  They weren't just universal "colonists in a robot suit" - they really did have dedicated functions, different damage systems, the works.

Most of all they gave me a great end-game goal: SLACK

I knew that if I stuck at it and survived long enough I could eventually turn my colony into a utopian paradise where robots did all the work.  Exponential droid growth meant my colonies could look forward to someday having nothing to do but fill their joy meters all day long.

It was a good goal, and now it's gone, which has decreased my motivation to play by roughly 100%.   :(