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Messages - alxgvr

Ideas / Re: About this board
June 05, 2023, 11:21:31 AM
Guys, how about different approach?
Instead of posting suggestions post "things I don't like about the game".


Instaed of "please, allow shelves to store items depending on material they made of"

Write: "I don't like the fact I can't set the rule to store only swords made of pasteel on particular shelf", or "Disappointing, I can't set the rule for "manage outfits" to wear only dusters made of devilstrand as armour, and forbid other types of dusters".

Or, "why can't I set maximum amount of items to be stored on a shelf? I want to store no more than 5 simple meals on the shelf in a dining room. Other meals should stay in a frige. Buy I can't. Outrageous!"

Technically, those are not suggestions ;)

Sorry for bad English.
Let the player set maximum amount of particular resource which can be stored in particular stockpile or shelf. Here is an example:

I have shelf in the dining room which contains beer, smokeleaf and tea. So pawns can take whatever they want to have fun and socialize. I need to store 10 items of each, no more. Rest of beer, smokeleaf and tea should be situated in stockpile for trade. That means I must select this particular shelf and set "store no more then 10 items" for each drug, and put it on "critical" priority. So pawns will carry drugs on that shelf in a first place, but when max cap is reached - they proceed to cary rest of the items to other storage places.

Another words: I don't need three stacks (150 items each) of smokeleaf in my dining room (and no beer and tea, because no space for them left on the shelf) . I need 10 smokeleaf, 10 bear and 10 tea on the shelf in the dining room constantly, and rest (hundreds) for sale in the stockpile zone.

Same for medicine. I want to store 1 pack of herbal meds in the prison. I dont need to store 25 or 100 there. 1 pack will lay on the shelf in prison until is used for prisoner treatment. Because I will set max cap for herb meds on this shelf at "1" and priority at "critical". Rest of meds will lay in my hospital on a shelf with priority "important".

Imagine, you can can store 1 meal in personal bedroom for each pawn! Your pawn wake-up in the morning, takes his/her breakfast right in the bedroom on a shelf. Because shelfs in each pawn's bedroom are set to "critical priority", "meal", "store no more than 1". Rest in the frige.

This rule will give much more control, flexibility and less micromanagement. You can make auto-managed chains of stockpile zones/shelves! Especially on pair with "Manage outfits depending on textile, storage depending on materials" suggestion:
Hello. In "Manage outfits" section please add a filter to specify clothes made of particular textile.

Example: I have an outfit rule for armor.  Flak vests, helmets, etc. I want to add dusters made of devilstrand to that rule. So when I select "armor outfit" pawns should put on flak vest, helmets and devilstrand dusters. But no dusters made of other types of fabric. Dusters made of cloth or leather should remain in "casual outfit" rule. I want to be able to separate clothes depending on textile type.

Same way I want to specify shelves which type of dusters to hold. I want to devilstrand dusters on one shelf, regular dusters on another, human leather dusters on third. Or a shelf to hold only plasteel swords and no steel swords (usefull to keep weapon made specifically for gladiator battles near the arena). When storage is selected, please add a filter "only allowed ingredients" and list of materials, so player can select not only the type of item to store but also which material this item is made of.

Devilstrand, hyperweave, thrumbofur - rare and expensive textiles. I can't allow my pawns to wear them 24/7.  I allow pawns to put those dusters on only during raids. In peace time they wear ordinary dusters made of leather or cloth. That's why I wish to separate them.