I think the game has too many solar flares, I suppose. As ShadowDragon said, "redonkulous".
They are most effective, and most frightening, if you've been relying on turret defenses and a raider party waits for one to occur before attacking. In upsetting the food supply, they really provide very little effect, because berries and potatoes are produced again in only two days from the first onset of the solar flare.
It's only their effect on the one crop that requires 3 weeks to mature even in a hydroponics tub that is devastating and absolutely effective.
I think, Damien, that you are correct that I was ignoring the basic game mechanics issues, in that there should be a hydroponics balancing factor, but I feel like they could be more balanced in a few ways:
a) Require maintenance by colonists on a regular basis (to refill nutrients or whatnot) as the crops mature
b) Require explicit nutrient resupply (so your colonists have to go mulch things or shove in animal corpses or whatever to feed the hydroponics tubs)
c) Wear out and require repair as they produce crops
Solar Flares (and I think, based on their severity, they are Coronal Mass Ejections) are like a giant hammer of destabilization against a significant but optional system.
(And yes, I grow Devilstrand in the ground at the moment.)
They are most effective, and most frightening, if you've been relying on turret defenses and a raider party waits for one to occur before attacking. In upsetting the food supply, they really provide very little effect, because berries and potatoes are produced again in only two days from the first onset of the solar flare.
It's only their effect on the one crop that requires 3 weeks to mature even in a hydroponics tub that is devastating and absolutely effective.
I think, Damien, that you are correct that I was ignoring the basic game mechanics issues, in that there should be a hydroponics balancing factor, but I feel like they could be more balanced in a few ways:
a) Require maintenance by colonists on a regular basis (to refill nutrients or whatnot) as the crops mature
b) Require explicit nutrient resupply (so your colonists have to go mulch things or shove in animal corpses or whatever to feed the hydroponics tubs)
c) Wear out and require repair as they produce crops
Solar Flares (and I think, based on their severity, they are Coronal Mass Ejections) are like a giant hammer of destabilization against a significant but optional system.
(And yes, I grow Devilstrand in the ground at the moment.)