Agreed, let us toggle off the autopause / autoslowdown.
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General Discussion / Re: I hate how the game forces you to pause on so many insignificant occasions
May 15, 2017, 07:32:34 PM #2
Bugs / [A17.1536] Sound randomly cutting out for periods of time
May 14, 2017, 10:15:58 AM
in the current build my sound keeps cutting off for seemingly random periods of time (both music and sound effects) then coming back on whenever I do something, but I can't figure out what's causing it to go off or back on.
really breaks immersion
Moderator's edit (Calahan) - This was originally posted in the A17 feedback thread. I split the post off, gave it an appropriate title, and moved it to bugs because it is a bug report and not feedback.
really breaks immersion

Moderator's edit (Calahan) - This was originally posted in the A17 feedback thread. I split the post off, gave it an appropriate title, and moved it to bugs because it is a bug report and not feedback.
General Discussion / Re: Alpha 17 is on public unstable branch
May 03, 2017, 09:04:38 PM
Nitpicking here but things that make a big diff in quality perception:
this is ugly
As far as water's concerned the surface looks good now, still the edges/transitions from dirt to water lack some kind of hint of depth difference (it really looks too flat). I'm not saying it's easy or high priority stuff, but yeah. It's the little things, as Alice Cooper said.
this is ugly

As far as water's concerned the surface looks good now, still the edges/transitions from dirt to water lack some kind of hint of depth difference (it really looks too flat). I'm not saying it's easy or high priority stuff, but yeah. It's the little things, as Alice Cooper said.
Ideas / Re: Micro Management Annoyances and other comments
December 06, 2016, 02:37:52 PMQuote from: Darth Fool on December 06, 2016, 02:29:39 PM
Animals tend to stay near the edges/corners
yeah that one does kinda look awkward and immersion breaking sometimes.
General Discussion / Re: Nominate RimWorld on Steam!
November 25, 2016, 02:45:45 PM
good idea and done.
Off-Topic / Re: United states elections(part one); what are you gonna do?
November 12, 2016, 07:30:11 AMQuote from: sadpickle on November 12, 2016, 03:27:54 AM
I like (not endorse, but like in a theoretical way) the idea of a Military Republic. In a militaristic democracy, full citizenship is only available through military service (including non-combat service). The voting franchise is limited to full citizens, AND they are the only ones who can hold public office.
Using the US as an example, if we had such a government, the structure of government would not change. People such as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump would not have been eligible to run for president, or for any public office. They couldn't vote either, and neither could I. Some 80% of Congress would be ineligible for their posts. I think it would be fair to say government would be more conservative (the current US military tilts right), but if liberals were to pursue government careers anyway the makeup of the military would probably more closely resemble the demographics of the country as a whole.
Starship Troopers is a cool movie sign me up.
Off-Topic / Re: United states elections(part one); what are you gonna do?
November 10, 2016, 06:14:58 PMQuote from: mumblemumble on November 10, 2016, 03:42:12 PM
To be honest, i wish voting required more than "citizenship" and a pulse. Requiring an Iq above 80, or some other measurement of contributions to society would be nice.
Maybe not owning property, but something.
If voting was limited to taxpayers, the entire map would've gone for Trump (you can find those maps and statistics out there if you're curious). If you aren't paying into the system, it's really easy to want to be generous with other people's money. There's a word for that that we don't mind using when discussing communist regimes: expropriation.
Off-Topic / Re: United states elections(part one); what are you gonna do?
November 09, 2016, 05:40:08 AM
sjws better understand it's time to go home now. They totally pushed this one over the edge and people are really tired of their shit.
Ideas / Re: Possible River Generation in the new 16A update
November 07, 2016, 04:24:42 PM
so it's happening 
Thx Tynan!

Thx Tynan!
Ideas / Re: Blood - Lasts forever?
September 03, 2016, 09:33:12 PM
should go away with time and especially rain
Ideas / [cheapest ideas] sidebar remembers settings when loading game
September 03, 2016, 12:47:54 PM
I'm assuming this is relatively simple to implement (I may be completely wrong) and it's a rather obnoxious thing when you're playing short sessions mid/late game so: It would be great if the sidebar tally thing could remember which menus have been kept open when you saved, so you didn't have to "set it up" the way you like it again every time you load or restart the game.
And yeah I should/would post this in cheapest ideas but it seems the thread has devolved a bit since last time I checked it out sooooooooooo here's this.

As an unrelated side note, I feel like when you have a decent research pawn you can really blow through the whole tree before you even have a fraction of the resources necessary to setup all the related infrastructure (I'm playing on Cassandra rough? I believe?). I'm not saying it should be addressed one way or another, but yeah, just that it feels a little off.
And yeah I should/would post this in cheapest ideas but it seems the thread has devolved a bit since last time I checked it out sooooooooooo here's this.

As an unrelated side note, I feel like when you have a decent research pawn you can really blow through the whole tree before you even have a fraction of the resources necessary to setup all the related infrastructure (I'm playing on Cassandra rough? I believe?). I'm not saying it should be addressed one way or another, but yeah, just that it feels a little off.
General Discussion / Re: homosexual couples can't "get some lovin"?
September 02, 2016, 01:16:43 PM
You can always euthanize your gay colonists if that's a problem, or wall them in somewhere far off to die. Sure you'll get a mood debuff for a bit, but that's a small price to pay for keeping your colony free of sexual deviants. 
OR you can use them as the "vanguard" during a raid. They love the attention.

OR you can use them as the "vanguard" during a raid. They love the attention.
Bugs / [BUG] Choice of food source AI
August 31, 2016, 02:47:07 PM
Cook Jagerbomb grabs some berries off the field to eat (he starts walking to some spot to eat - note that he is still walking - and the "consuming berries" status is showing). There's at least 15 fine meals available in the freezer so I tell him to stop his BS right now and haul those berries back to the freezer stockpile instead - note that he never gets to start actually eating the berries, he was still walking to his "eating spot" when I give the order, and immediately drops them to start hauling by picking up another stack of berries. He does what he is ordered, but then after dropping the berries in the freezer, instead of making sense and grabbing a fine meal less than 10 tiles away, he still chooses the berries and gives himself food poisoning. He was in the same freezer where the fine meals are sitting when he made that choice. /pullinghairout
Ideas / Re: Cave Physics. (Temperatures need re-balancing for caves) [RIMWORLD]
August 05, 2016, 02:57:53 PM
Follow your heart man