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Messages - miah999

Quote from: salt1219 on November 03, 2013, 01:00:25 PM
huh down payment on a batcave isn't on the list for some reason.  over sight?

Sorry but the current Batcave prices are around $47,000,000.00, Tynan doesn't have enough for a down payment. And that doesn't include really awesome vehicles like the Batmobile, Batwing, Batcycle, Batcopter, Batboat, Batsub, Batjetpack, Batscooter, Batsegway, Batskates, etc....
Quote from: Tynan on November 02, 2013, 09:31:24 PM
I was actually thinking of doing a Scrooge McDuck money-pit, but that's not really spending the money per se.

You could probably have a few grand changed for Loonies, and fill a bathtub.
Awesome work, can't wait to play the latest version!
Off-Topic / What Should Tynan Spend the Extra Money on?
November 01, 2013, 08:07:24 PM
There is no way Tynan can spend nearly $300,000.00 (Kickstarter+Paypal) all on RimWorld. So what should he spend it on?

This is not to be taken to seriously, great/funny suggestions will be added to the poll.
Quote from: Enjou on November 01, 2013, 04:08:16 PM
Lore wise, currency could make sense if its value were tied to a resource. Perhaps to address the concerns of inflation, the space government went back to the gold standard and every space-dollar is worth a set amount of gold or some other valuable scarce resource.

The only problem there is there is no one government or level of technology. So while the use of currency within your own region of space would/should be a simple mater, the problems arise when dealing with "unknown" cultures.

While your "paper" dollars may work sometimes, what happens when you get to the planet where the primary form of currency is dung beetles?
Quote from: MrDemonic on November 01, 2013, 01:33:39 PM
You could do currency in a dynamic way almost. Everything you start a new colony, depending on where you crash determines the type of currency you use and the value of it.

Crashing on one planet makes you use gold as a currency. Gold being gold, it has a high value, meaning you have to use less of it to buy something.
While crashing on a different planet make you adopt...I don't know...bottles or coloured glass as a currency (Maybe even similar to how bottle caps were used as a currency in Fallout). This particular currency would have a very low value, meaning you would need to use more or it to buy something.

You could even have multiple currencies active. You can acquire different currencies that each have different values. Though it would be more interesting to stay away from real currency like dollars or pounds.

Just a quick thought anyways.

This is all really interesting, but very complex to program. So it won't be something we'll see any time soon. But great ideas, nonetheless.
Since the discussion of Raiders and Traders ( when so well I thought I start another.

Should there be money in RimWorld?

In the setting of RimWorld there is no Faster Than Light (FTL) travel, so it can take decades to travel to even a "close" star system. In that time what guarantee would colonist have that their money would be worth anything when they get there, or that any traders would accept it as tender?

What do you folks think?

I have one possible solution: That is to replace money with a precious resource like gold or platinum, or maybe something more exotic like tantalum. This would be used like money and doesn't require more then cosmetic changes to the current game.

In the future this could also be a mine-able resource allowing colonies quick access to an infusion of "easy" money. As a mine-able resource it also allows Tynan to create map generation algorithms that favor "money" generation over metal, making for a colony that has to be more trade focused, as it would have to buy its resources.
Support / Re: Lags alot.
October 28, 2013, 12:06:26 PM
Another thing to keep in mind is that Tynan intends for colonies to be around 20 members, so in the future your not likely to have 40+ colonists.

I'm not sure how he plans to accomplish this, or if optimization will negate these plans, and 40+ colonists will be the norm.

But right now the pre-alpha builds lag on...
Large numbers of colonists
Large numbers of raiders
Large numbers of muffalo
Too many hydroponics tables
Large selections generating a large number of selection boxes
Too much grass on the map
Too many miner mining at once
Too many builders building
Etc... it's a pre-alpha, many of these issues should be solved by January.
This poll was at the request of those that voted in the first, it's just for curiosity, it has no bearing on what Tynan will do. He's already said Archaeology will be his first module.
Quote from: Tynan on October 24, 2013, 05:02:28 PM
Quote from: miah999 on October 24, 2013, 03:17:00 PM
That's certainly an interesting take on the colonist plight Stigma, and would definitely explain/justify a crueler play style.

What about the idea that the planet is not for criminals but for "leapers" or some other sort of outcasts, maybe it's where a race of Transcended send ships that stray into their territory.

Well, transcendents never send ships or communicate - just to clarify :)

Party pooper  :P But seriously I hope you're finding some inspiration in this thread and many of the other great threads on this forum.
That's certainly an interesting take on the colonist plight Stigma, and would definitely explain/justify a crueler play style.

What about the idea that the planet is not for criminals but for "leapers" or some other sort of outcasts, maybe it's where a race of Transcended send ships that stray into their territory.
Quote from: Spike on October 23, 2013, 07:16:43 PM
... they don't even have to be spelled out - just hinted at. :P

That's true, full exposition isn't necessary, but I do love complex back-story.

As for the Sargasso idea, that reminds me of Voyager: Elite Force.
Pandorum is certainly a good source of inspiration.

And of course it doesn't have to all be one ship per se, take the Trigun Seeds fleet for instance: perhaps something (like a central AI failure/sabotage) went wrong with a whole fleet bound for the Rim World to build a colony, and ships have spent decades in decaying orbits. Some crash before they awake, maybe others have more control over their situations.