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Messages - Fearle55

Well, I guess that we need something along map generator update with more lush vegetation, and new worktype like harvest with new "time" activity. Like Sleep or Joy, but related to autonomous harvest. This way it could be somehow automated. But that would go only for those tropical biomes. All kinds of deserts, thundras and ice biomes wouldn't benefit much from it, since there isn't much vegetation. Unless add some plants resistant to cold, which would be prepared and cooked somehow, before they could be eaten. Some kind of cooking repice.

About talking to the visitors, there is mod that allows you to improve relations by talking, and recruitment. Maybe there could be an option to talk, and ask about some knowledge, and if interaction roll were successful, you could get some random information. Be it farming or perhaps technology.

Either way, I don't really think that matter will improve much in modding category, unless main game gives some framework to work under it, as far as farming goes.

Or... maybe just befriend a faction and make them your farmers. They would work field for you. Give them some food and shelter in return for their work. Or hire farmer mercenaries for a season or two :D.

Anyway, those ideas that were put in 1st post, are mainly about the fact that the seeds would exist in game. I think main problem is, that people want it to be too realistic. Personally i don't mind to have to deal with seeds for some time early-mid game i think. But i definately wouldn't want to micromanage it forever. After all this is Space colony sim, not farming sim. :)

//Updated Idea#10


Like lots of other people, I use many mods. These mods adds buildings and all kind of stuff to the game.
Problem is, that UI in current state, even after adding many UI improvment mods that already exist, gets cluttered easily.
It is not hard to end up with 4-5-6 rows of furniture in "Furniture" tab (especially when you don't use modpack, but handpicked mods. And all items from those mods land in one category). Another problem is that most of such items are good for early game only, and are pretty much not used afterwards.

Idea is to add "Hide" button, when "Right Click" or "Shift Click" on menu item, and select option "Hide". This would remove items from visible menu, removing clutter this way. Also option to show hidden items should be accessible somewhere as well.

This way you can leave anything you need. And hide what you don't need. You could also Hide tables you alredy built, to have better view on things you haven't built yet.

TLHeart, I understand you very well. I played with seeds and without too. Depending on modpack i used, i had mixed feelings. I liked extra challenge to get certain seed type for first time. But management was in fact tedious. I think that i just got new idea to add to the list. I think it might be somewhat good alternative for some.

//Added Idea#10.

Keep your opinions coming guys.

Mods / Re: I have problem with drinking :(
November 03, 2015, 05:33:41 PM
Big thanks for explanation. I will check it out. I used both UOM and SK, problem seemed to occur in both. I guess they both used pre 1.21 version of your mod, so thats why it didn't work. I guess modpacks are no longer reliable since for compatibility reasons they use too outdated mod versions, and it tends to bug game a lot. Thanks for quality support :)

Mods / Re: I have problem with drinking :(
November 03, 2015, 03:15:47 PM
I think you may have just hit the nail. I checked mod info file and it is version 1.20. I used somewhat older version to be more compatibile with modpack. I guess i will have to ditch modpack, and pick some mods i like by hand :(. But also you mention that they use them during "Joy" time. Is that a requirement? Or do they can drink soda in other time zones like "Anything" or "Work" ?

Mods / Re: [Request] Quality Control
November 03, 2015, 12:10:10 PM
I think that most of this stuff you can actually do already in the game.
Here are my observations about what you said:
- Quality is mainly dependant on crafting/tailoring skill of colonist who makes it. Makes sense.
- If you don't know how to build a rocket, or lack skill for it. It won't matter if you spend 2x or 5x time. You will never build it.
- Manipulation, sight etc. dictates crafting speed. Bionic eyes, hands, brain implants will allow your colonist to craft faster.
- If you are unhappy with quality of item then there is mod that allows you do rip clothes apart for material they were built from.
- You can use that recycled material to craft new, hopefully better quality clothes on your next attempt.
- There is no known to me way of upgrading quality of existing items. This subject was already discussed in some thread if i remember right. And such upgrading was considered easy way to gain lots of money from traders, making game unbalanced and compared to cheating.

Hope that helps,
Added Idea#9. Thanks to //Morkul
Hi Everyone,
First of all: I know it is regular thread and not actual forum poll. Reason is, forum poll allows "5" options max. Since I wanted to give you fellas more options than "5". I resigned from doing regular poll. Now...

This poll is about possible solutions to problem of implementation of "SeedsPlease Mod" into modded game setups and modpacks by various autors.
As an attempt to finding some common ground between people this poll has been created.

Here are few ideas how could SeedsPlese Mod be integrated into the game, since there are those who love it and those who don't really love it. Unfortunately there is no good solution for both.

Idea #1
-Seeds would be completly removed. Grow to your hearts content.

Idea #2
-Seeds would be completly removed for low level plants. But would be required for high level plants. (Merchant only). There would be a % chance of seed return if lost due to weather or temperature. For high level plants.

Idea #3
-Seeds would be required for all plants regardless of their level. However they would be craftable in some way, or obtainable in other ways. Perhaps ability to buy low level seeds from !! any !! friendly merchant. Perhaps improvment to map-generator to include some areas that can be harvested for low level seeds or cultivated, some distance from base as a drawback.

Idea #4
-Seeds are required for all plants. Seeds could be crafted, or bought from merchant. Seeds could be improved by crafter on a table (one-time upgrade, one-time use) for either:
1. Longer growth period, but better weather resistance (perhaps winter proof after final research tier, but very slow growth), smaller food yield after harvested.
2. Faster growth period, normal weather resistance, better yield, no soil requirement (except for stone etc. ofc.), no seed return after harvested. (for quick food when necessery - to survive short term crysis at a cost).

Idea #5
-Seeds are required for all plants. Can be crafted or bought from merchant. Can be genetically engineered for weather and temperature resistance. Can be created in "3D printer" after final research chain.
To give player self sufficient supply and relive him of too much micromanagement in later game period. As a reward, after surviving early and mid game period of seed management.
Perhaps upgrade that makes your seeds permanent. Until you delete them. After plant gives yield it returns to 0% growth and starts again. Infinite loop. (After final tier research upgrade, and after high cost artificial seed production).

Idea #6
-Seeds are required for high level plants only. Normal growth rate and normal food yield after harvested. Perhaps ability to improve mood when eaten. Low level plant do not require seeds. However "Grower" would have to do more maintenance work to care for those low level plants. He would have to go to the field every now and then, or perhaps after rough weather to do "Farmland Care Job" to sustain development of those plants.
Or do work on the soil, like fertilizing. Basically it would be something like "building soil blocks" job, wouldn't require any materials, only big chunk of time. This way player would be able to survive, but losing 1 or 2 colonists to do work, without time to spare for other tasks. Until better ways of survival are opened.

Idea #7
-Seeds from Glitterworlds. Very expensive, very resistant to weather and temperature, very rare. Grow 1 year straight day and night - outdoors (if at least lit 30%). Give high amount of food every 10 or 15 days.
After 1 year is over they give last yield and have only 20% chance to return seed. Rest die and is lost forever.

Idea #8
-Seeds are normal, no additional changes to what they are now. Except after plant gives yield it gives 400% or seed return. Those additional seeds cannot be used to farm. They can only be used as a food syntesizer material for low level foods like "syntesizer paste etc.", Similar to mechanics that are alredy in place, but used as additional substitute source.

Idea #9
-Suggested by user "Morkul". Allow to plant trees or bushes, that have yield cycle and allow to be harvested few or many times a year without replanting. For example Apple trees etc. Another take at this is that harvested apple already have apple seeds inside it. So perhaps allow to use "apple" - food itself, as seed for new tree. // Remove seeds for perennial plants and change the current crop output to double as seeds.

Idea #10
-"Farming Manuals". Yup, you can't plant what you don't know how to cultivate. Simply put. You have to buy a book for certain plant first. Your "Grower" must read it, to learn the skill. Once he successfully learned the skill, he can grow this certain plant, without seeds. This gives you some early hurdle to overcome. Once thats done you're in the green.
As an additional challenge, only that specific "Grower" who learned that book can cultivate this certain plant (not whole colony) Book could be lost or added to library afterwards.
UPDATE: Perhaps ability to talk to visitors and strangers, and if successful, they could teach your "Grower" or colony how to grow specific plants. Or ability to go on adventure event with possibility to obtain knowledge.
//Thanks to TLHeart - I got this idea after reading his response.


Whew :)

Well those are ideas for now, It would be great to have some feedback from you guys. Those numbers and ratios aren't final. My idea is to take "3" "Ideas" with most votes, and create final conclusion "Idea", constructed from those "3" winning ideas.

For those of you, who are interested to vote here are the rules:

1. You can have max "2" "Votes" for max "2" different "Ideas". You can use 1 vote, or both, or none. Up to you.
1a. If you dislike every presented idea, but still want others to know your opionion write #Dislike. I will count dislikes and present number of them on 1st post after poll is closed.
2. Vote format: Write: Idea#1, Idea#2
3. If you have good idea to improve on existing idea write it under your vote. I may consider it for final idea construct.
4. Important!! Make your mind before you vote. I will be very hesistant to count votes in edited posts. If i include them or not is not decided. Depends on you guys.

Anything that changes or any additional info i may have missed etc. will be edited into this (1st) post.

I expect this poll to be open for 7-10 days, it all depends on amount of community interest.
Mods / Re: I have problem with drinking :(
November 03, 2015, 04:06:24 AM
It's good to see that sometimes people manage to get some laugh when finding catchy title :D

Anyway, at the moment i have only "root beer" available, so if there isn't anything else i guess colonists should use it no matter how desireable it is. I tried colonists with chemical interest and chemical fascination trait but they ignored it too. I didn't try to deny all food with exception to root beer, I will test it. When it comes to normal beer, colonists drink it almost to every meal, so i guess they like it :D They pretty much drink it all the time if I have it. Could "nutrition vaule" be important here? I noticed root beer is only 5% so i would guess, that eating grass would be more desireable, than drinking beer. Could it also be issue with item tags, like if it is edible or something? :D Perhaps moving brewed stuff to more general category would be better. Maybe simply to improve bad moods?


Edit: I denied any possible food for my colonists, and let it run for a while. It appears that they prefer to die from starvation insted of drinking root beer, which was the only thing available on whole map. :(
Mods / I have problem with drinking :(
November 01, 2015, 03:10:39 PM
Hi Guys,

As in the topic, I have problem with drinking :( And I need serious help!

... Related to the mods about brewing and similar stuff.
I noticed that colonists only use about 1/5 of all those brewed goodies. They drink tea, and coffe, and beer. However they completly ignore other kinds of goodies. They don't smoke weed (I mean autonomously), root beer, they don't eat candies or any other sweets, they don't use 80% of all others products related to this kind of items.

My question is, is it supposed to work like that? I noticed almost all items have some effect on health or moods, yet most of this stuff is treated like it is not there. And it is annoying to tell all colonists to eat it manually. Is it some kind of bug? Do those items need to be somehow supported by AI that is inconvinient or hard to do? Did anybody had similar issues? Am I missing something important?

From my observations when it comes to lagging you can try to 1) minimize your tables range like someone suggested, set it to 50 or 80 max, the less the better, just haul your item to stockpile first so it will be in "50" range of the table. 2) If you play biome with little number of aggresive animals so they don't kill each other out then amount of pathfinding or whatever they do is high and indeed impact game speed. Just send your hunters to be on their way. Or throw few fire granades and let the work do by itself. 3) I also noticed problems with mods that add many factions, no matter if they are built-in or added by hand. I think that every time you have visitors or some events happen or both, game do some "checks" (relations checks or whatever) that is hard for the engine. Especially when you got many colonists, and lots of commotion on map from animals. 4) Avoid any items that are far from your base, and are set to "green" (allowed to haul). Colonists depending on the range often set path to pick item, and when circumstances like mood change, they drop their path and set path back to base, and when their mood is better they again set path for far away item. It decrese performance by noticable margin sometimes, causes some milisecond stutter lags usually few in a row. Avoid long distance trips.

Outdated / Re: [A12d] Colony Manager
October 30, 2015, 03:24:49 PM
Right, I'm aware of this tab, i checked it too, it displays FAQ info and similar stuff, which is good. However for my particular searching needs i find your solution hands down superior. I type in search window (in "available" tab) for example "vancidium" and i know straight away if i can make it, and the name of a table with coresponding bill. 100% simple, 100% proof :) If i can have my vote, i give +1 for "all" tab to stay. At least for full production reference and planning reason. Thanks!

Outdated / Re: [A12d] Colony Manager
October 30, 2015, 12:26:20 PM
I have CCL, I use AK Hardcore modpack, with few minor additions. I'm not aware of any help system i think, is it built-in inside CCL or is it some CCL-addon? I have trouble locating it on the forum. Can you perhaps give me some link?

Outdated / Re: [A12d] Colony Manager
October 30, 2015, 05:30:28 AM
About removing this "all" tab, could you please let it remain in the mod? Perhaps as some separate tab or button.
Personally, I think it is really useful. Recipies tell you what table they use. I used this functionality when I had problems to find where to craft certain recipies. This way I knew that my item is on "that" table and not on "other".

Yeah, I know what you guys mean. Personally I like increased resource count and complexity, but honestly some mechanics are just way off. Not to mention if you add zombies apocalypse to the mix, and start game in some unforgiving biome. For me I had 3x "Heat Wave" and 1x "Cold Snap" + 2 Raids + 6 Zombie Raids in 1st half of the year, on Phoebe Challenge. It took me actually 1,5 year (and brink of death many times) until i set up 1st wind see the picture.

To me, those production chains feel like they're only there to slow you down, I mean half of the "operations" you have to do are unnecesery (some even not really logical). They only fill your workers time, so they can't do anything else but craft, craft, craft day and night until they're dead from exhaustion. Just "meddle" those items from left to right without much reason.

When it comes to seeds...I ... I.. alredy feel bad thinking about them.. To the next one.. :S

Why can I use charcoal to smelt titanium bar, but I can't use wood logs or charcoal to generate power in coal burner ?:( Are those non flammable or something? They sure burn good from lightning strike!

And worst of all, at least for me was too little info on technologies, and what they unlock, and too little documentation on some resources. For example electronics factory. I needed some "microchip integrated circuits" I knew how to produce them. But how do I know how many electronic components I need to start me off. It wasted me probably 2 stacks of those to finally get what I needed, just becouse I fed them in too little number to factory to actually give it enough time to finish production tick (You either get all, or nothing). I had to look up values in ".xml" file to have general idea about cycle time, becouse it doesn't give you any idea in tooltips or descriptions. Well, only trial and error was an option. (Needed about 32 (Good crafter can make 6 at best, per each craft, and it eats lots of raw meterial to even do 1 craft, especially in early-mid game)).

I mean if you need for example "10 electronic components" to get "1 microchip component", but you feed 12 of "electronic components" it will waste those "2" that sould be leftover from production cycle. It will eat them like coal burner eats coal, without any return for you. It will not use those "2" for next production cycle. Bigger problems start with bigger numbers. Some reasources are hard to come by, or take long to produce. It's bad to waste them like that. I really wish it was made as "bill" to avoid that.

Overall I like the modpack, and I do not bash it in any way. Just giving my observations in hope that one day it will turn out to be greater :D. Need to remember that we probably look on hundreds of hours of worktime as it is.
