I am a big fan of the changes from B18-B19. 64bit has been a blessing for my PC, too. More performance improvements would put the final version of this game in a very good place, I think, as the modding community is one of the most robust I've seen.
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Releases / Re: [B19] Hospitality (v1.19 - updated 09.08.2018)
August 26, 2018, 06:00:40 AM
19.2006 Broke a ton of mods
AllowTool and RandomPlus were two that I was using, and were broken, and are now fixed, in case you need examples of what changed.
AllowTool and RandomPlus were two that I was using, and were broken, and are now fixed, in case you need examples of what changed.
Mods / [Mod Request] Make Doctors save dying pawns rather than going and playing games
November 23, 2017, 06:50:53 PM
I logged this bug report ; https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=37119
Basically, I found that pawns assigned to doctoring who are also set on Restriction "Anything" will watch their friends die in pain while they go play horseshoes, have a nice long nap and eat their favorite meal. Setting their Restriction to "Work" will override the playing and napping, but not the eating.
What I'd love is for pawns with Doctoring assigned to a high or very high priority to ignore these needs in order to treat badly wounded pawns.
I don't have much faith that this'll be implemented in a timely fashion into the Core game, if ever, so I think the answer is a mod.
I've tried the Priority Treatment mod; https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=30917.0
It is no longer functional. Adding the "emergency" tag has no effect on whether the needy pawns actually treat dying patients.
EDIT: I Think I might have fixed it by adding the following code to the existing mod:
Basically, I found that pawns assigned to doctoring who are also set on Restriction "Anything" will watch their friends die in pain while they go play horseshoes, have a nice long nap and eat their favorite meal. Setting their Restriction to "Work" will override the playing and napping, but not the eating.
What I'd love is for pawns with Doctoring assigned to a high or very high priority to ignore these needs in order to treat badly wounded pawns.
I don't have much faith that this'll be implemented in a timely fashion into the Core game, if ever, so I think the answer is a mod.
I've tried the Priority Treatment mod; https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=30917.0
It is no longer functional. Adding the "emergency" tag has no effect on whether the needy pawns actually treat dying patients.
EDIT: I Think I might have fixed it by adding the following code to the existing mod:
Code Select
<label>rescue downed allies to bed</label>
Outdated / Re: [A17] Priority Treatment
November 23, 2017, 06:50:15 PM
This mod no longer functions in B18, pawns do not treat doctoring as an emergency.
Bugs / [0.18.1722] Doctoring/Patienting not correctly treated as "emergency"
November 23, 2017, 06:38:12 PM
Hello folks,
I've noticed along with other in B18 that Doctors will often let their patients die while they wander around, eat food and have a nice, full night's rest. I've been able to reproduce this behaviour, and I've even tried an old mod which 'fixed' this, which does not appear to do anything.
I've created a test savegame here: http://www40.zippyshare.com/v/9BLGFzfw/file.html
There are two pawns:
One is injured, downed and will die in ~5 hours.
The other pawn has their Joy at 13%, Food at 16% and Rest at 20%. This pawn is assigned to doctoring and is capable of doctoring.
The needy pawn will sleep until long after the downed pawn dies when left alone.
If you wake the needy pawn up once her rest need is over the second threshold, she will go to Joy activity, and then she will go and eat, while the pawn next to her bleeds to death on the ground. None of these needs crosses the low threshold at any stage.
I found a mod calling "Priority Treatment". As far as I can see, that mod simply sets treatment to "emergency". Here is the code:
Even with this mod turned on, the doctor ignores the dying pawn and COMPLETELY fills their needs while the pawn dies next to them. This happens with Work priorities set manually to 1 and when they're just Automatically assigned.
The issue happens when a pawns restrictions are set to "Anything" in the Restrictions tab
If you set the needy pawn to "Work" type restriction, they will eat a meal, and then tend to the patient, they will not seek joy or rest before doing so.
The expected behaviour would be something like;
Pawn is dying (<12 hours say)
Any pawn assigned to doctoring would try to treat that pawn unless they have another 'emergency' themselves.
Somewhat low Joy, Rest or Hunger shouldn't stop a pawn who is assigned to Doctoring with a high Priority from treating a badly wounded patient.
Even with very low joy or hunger, a pawn assigned to doctoring should doctor a very badly injured pawn before seeking joy or food. (Slight Malnutrition is preferable to your friend dying)
And also more generically:
A pawn assigned to "Anything" should prioritize their emergency duties more logically. If everyone around you is writhing on the floor, bleeding to death, but you're getting a bit hungry, would you go to the kitchen, grab a meal, sit down and enjoy it while they died?
I found this post https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=35545.msg367773#msg367773 which mentions patienting is changed. Is there a way for me to revert this specific change and test the behaviour?
I've noticed along with other in B18 that Doctors will often let their patients die while they wander around, eat food and have a nice, full night's rest. I've been able to reproduce this behaviour, and I've even tried an old mod which 'fixed' this, which does not appear to do anything.
I've created a test savegame here: http://www40.zippyshare.com/v/9BLGFzfw/file.html
There are two pawns:
One is injured, downed and will die in ~5 hours.
The other pawn has their Joy at 13%, Food at 16% and Rest at 20%. This pawn is assigned to doctoring and is capable of doctoring.
The needy pawn will sleep until long after the downed pawn dies when left alone.
If you wake the needy pawn up once her rest need is over the second threshold, she will go to Joy activity, and then she will go and eat, while the pawn next to her bleeds to death on the ground. None of these needs crosses the low threshold at any stage.
I found a mod calling "Priority Treatment". As far as I can see, that mod simply sets treatment to "emergency". Here is the code:
Code Select
<label>tend to patients</label>
<verb>tend to</verb>
<gerund>tending to</gerund>
Even with this mod turned on, the doctor ignores the dying pawn and COMPLETELY fills their needs while the pawn dies next to them. This happens with Work priorities set manually to 1 and when they're just Automatically assigned.
The issue happens when a pawns restrictions are set to "Anything" in the Restrictions tab
If you set the needy pawn to "Work" type restriction, they will eat a meal, and then tend to the patient, they will not seek joy or rest before doing so.
The expected behaviour would be something like;
Pawn is dying (<12 hours say)
Any pawn assigned to doctoring would try to treat that pawn unless they have another 'emergency' themselves.
Somewhat low Joy, Rest or Hunger shouldn't stop a pawn who is assigned to Doctoring with a high Priority from treating a badly wounded patient.
Even with very low joy or hunger, a pawn assigned to doctoring should doctor a very badly injured pawn before seeking joy or food. (Slight Malnutrition is preferable to your friend dying)
And also more generically:
A pawn assigned to "Anything" should prioritize their emergency duties more logically. If everyone around you is writhing on the floor, bleeding to death, but you're getting a bit hungry, would you go to the kitchen, grab a meal, sit down and enjoy it while they died?
I found this post https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=35545.msg367773#msg367773 which mentions patienting is changed. Is there a way for me to revert this specific change and test the behaviour?
Ideas / The new Blight behaviour is great. Now make 'Breaks' act the same way.
November 06, 2017, 06:12:17 PM
I love the new Blight behaviour, because it lets you interact with it.
Before, it would just happen, wipe out your crops randomly, and it'd feel like RNG just boned you for no reason. Now in A18, you can interact with Blight. You can adjust your work priorities and restrictions, pay attention to where the Blight is, and root it out. That's interactive and fun game design, meaningfully challenging and rewarding/punishing a players actions. As a design consideration, I love it.
I'd love mental breaks to behave in a similar fashion. Pawns could have a 'last straw' when their mood is low. In the same way that someone is always responsible for a break now (Pawn is wandering. Reason: ate raw food), I think breaks should be like Blights. The break should have a trigger that can be treated (in most cases). For example:
" I am going to burn this place to the ground if I don't sleep on a good bed tonight "
" I am going to kill all these animals if someone doesn't clean this place up "
" I am going to punch everyone in the face if I see another rotting corpse "
" I am going to lose it if I have to eat more raw human meat "
Essentially the 'break' event would happen, but instead of a pawn just immediately murdering all your animals, or setting everything on fire, the player would have the opportunity to interact and prevent the spree by doing something; re-assigning beds, cleaning, burying corpses, cooking food, etc. If the player succeeded, then maybe the pawn would have a smaller 'catharsis' type buff that'd boost mood as a reward for the player paying attention to the pawns needs.
I think this would be a good mechanic, because some of the less worrying breaks might not be worth the cost of avoiding, and some of the worst breaks might be too hard to avoid, meaning that breaks will still happen, but the player will feel that their actions had much more impact on their occurrence.
Before, it would just happen, wipe out your crops randomly, and it'd feel like RNG just boned you for no reason. Now in A18, you can interact with Blight. You can adjust your work priorities and restrictions, pay attention to where the Blight is, and root it out. That's interactive and fun game design, meaningfully challenging and rewarding/punishing a players actions. As a design consideration, I love it.
I'd love mental breaks to behave in a similar fashion. Pawns could have a 'last straw' when their mood is low. In the same way that someone is always responsible for a break now (Pawn is wandering. Reason: ate raw food), I think breaks should be like Blights. The break should have a trigger that can be treated (in most cases). For example:
" I am going to burn this place to the ground if I don't sleep on a good bed tonight "
" I am going to kill all these animals if someone doesn't clean this place up "
" I am going to punch everyone in the face if I see another rotting corpse "
" I am going to lose it if I have to eat more raw human meat "
Essentially the 'break' event would happen, but instead of a pawn just immediately murdering all your animals, or setting everything on fire, the player would have the opportunity to interact and prevent the spree by doing something; re-assigning beds, cleaning, burying corpses, cooking food, etc. If the player succeeded, then maybe the pawn would have a smaller 'catharsis' type buff that'd boost mood as a reward for the player paying attention to the pawns needs.
I think this would be a good mechanic, because some of the less worrying breaks might not be worth the cost of avoiding, and some of the worst breaks might be too hard to avoid, meaning that breaks will still happen, but the player will feel that their actions had much more impact on their occurrence.
Releases / Re: [A17] Combat Extended - v1.6 Mechanoids Extraordinaire patch (23.09.2017)
October 08, 2017, 08:47:14 PM
When the ammunition system is toggled off, enemy sieges can't spawn in mortars and just stand around while drop ships come in and the mortars despawn.
Releases / Re: [A17] Smokeleaf Industry v1.0
September 21, 2017, 07:41:06 AM
I'll repeat what everyone is saying, the art in this mod is incredible. Keep up the good work!
Releases / Re: [A12-17][MODLIST] Fluffy's Mods | Getting ready for A17...
September 12, 2017, 10:10:02 PM
I'm curious to know when the spin-off 'Production' tab from Colony Manager might be available. In the video examples, it looks incredibly useful.
Outdated / Re: [A17] Bionic Butchery - reclaim your bionics
September 12, 2017, 06:09:21 AM
I think this mod might conflict with Harvest Everything, but I am not sure. I can't get bionics off corpses. I tried butchering them after researching, but no dice.
I'm going to try to isolate this.
I'm going to try to isolate this.
Mods / Re: [Request]Sex And babys
January 13, 2015, 12:59:51 AM
I like this idea. Let's take this a step further: Animal Reproduction. Goes hand in hand with domestication to make colonies !FUN!
