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Messages - xeonxifiaction

Thank you so much Skyarkangel! Something for us to play while we wait for the official update :D!
Can anyone give any news on this mods progress? Maybe Justin perhaps? I know real life comes first and all, but updates would be nice :) Just wondering if a prototype for A13 was up or not.
some news about alpha 8 would be nice? :D
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 8) New Weather
January 06, 2015, 12:42:43 PM
Sweet mod, going to try it out. Maybe see if a tornado is possible?
I will defiantly have to try this out! It seems like a very interesting mod.   :D
The idea for this mod seems awesome. I will defiantly be trying out this mod  :D
Mods / Re: [Mod Request] Different Races For Colonists
January 03, 2015, 11:21:12 AM
I don't really think a new military system would be needed. I just think different races for colonists in general would add a little more fun to the game to have more diverse colonies.
Mods / [Mod Request] Different Races For Colonists
January 02, 2015, 03:15:04 PM
While playing through the game I realized that it would be really cool to have an off chance of getting a person in your colony of an alien race of some sort. I figured it would make for a cool little add on to the game.

Maybe the different races could even have chances of having special traits that are specific to each race.

Just an idea I had.