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Messages - blaktek

'Twas more about the boring part, actually.  :-\

Survival has been resolved some time ago. So do I have to steel myself for 3 more years of fallout, or will it end sooner than that, or whenever it feels like it ?
So... How long is the Nuclear Fallout event supposed to last ? I'm at 2 Quadrums now. I think I remember a message speaking of a 100 days half life, which is 1.75 years, which would mean the total length of the event being 3.5 years.

I'm reaching about 500 days on this colony, been at it for two weeks. Will I have to abandon the place ?
I saw a similar question asked a few pages back, don't remember if it was answered, though.

Quote from: TallPine on July 02, 2017, 04:26:00 AM
I've just started trying mods, so maybe I did something wrong, but still I need help. I cleaned up the %appdata%\LocalLow and copied there ModsConfig.xml (couldn't find ColonistBar_KF.xml, ColonistBar_PSIKF.xml, I guess they became obsolete), then I cleaned up the Mods catalog, and copied there everything that was in the Mods catalog of this mod, overwrited everything that I was asked about.
And I have an error in a context menu of a pawn's actions

I was about to build an Electric Arc Furnace, and realized I couldn't rotate the blueprint. So I scoured the Architect to see if more buildings were affected ; found some.

- Aquaculture Basin.
- Coffee Machine.
- Electric Arc Furnace.
- Long Plant Pot.
- Advanced Solar Generator. (this one might be on purpose)

Is there a way to remedy this (like a Def edit) ? Or are all those purposefully stuck ?

Edit : I use the version that was packed 06/30/2017.
This'll be fun !

Just transmitted my attempt at a French translation.
Quote from: gustavoghe on June 30, 2017, 03:03:51 PM
Question: There isnt anymore the option to build medium coolers? I know redisheat is out, but, Im missing the medium coolers for large walkin freezers. Now I have a 11x11 area, with 4 small coolers, and they are not handeling it well...

You could use a few Coldstone Batteries to help. Or you could edit the coolers' energy per tick lower than the -5/t default  (Buildings_Temperature.XML  -> <defName>Cooler</defName>  -> <energyPerSecond>-5</energyPerSecond>).
I didn't expect such a quick answer, thank you. I'll get to updating and fiddling some more. :)
Outdated / Re: [A17] Cybernetic Storm v4.0!!
June 29, 2017, 04:15:47 PM
I had so much fun with your mod, back in the days. Thank you for the update, much appreciated.  ;D
Thank you for this mod, My colonies weren't enough of a headache as they were.  ;D

One thing, though, the ceramics appliances (the only ones in use for now) seem to have a problem with the breakdown thingie. I have an alert indicating a failure, go there and see the sink or w/e with full HP and a red pulsing icon. I can't repair the thing, the icon never goes away, and the object is still usable.

I use the latest version of Hardore SK, fiddled with, so this mod might not be the culprit.  :)

Screenshot :

Please disregard my previous post, I wasn't aware of the need for different levels of research benches.  :-[

Which leaves me stumped, again. I need a hi-tech research bench to further my colony. To build this bench, I need plastic. To make plastic, I need a petrochemical laboratory. To build that, I need the petrochemical plant research, which needs the deep drilling and multi analyzer researches.

Those researches need a hi-tech research bench !

I could wait for a caravan carrying plastic to come by, but that will take years. I'll cheat the bench in, but not willingly.
I stumbled upon a quirk, I think :

My research toon suddenly stopped researching. No way to left click the bench, no way to make another toon research either.

Using the notification log, the last tech unlocked was "Dining room furniture III".
Thing is, the #III tech doesn't exist in the tech tree, I have instead two successive techs called  "Dining room furniture II" ; each unlocking the proper gizmoes. The second of the duplicate names is between #II and #IV and unlocks what #III is supposed to.

To get to the point : is a labeling error in the tree able to bork the entire research protocol ?

Edit : Yup. There's a quirk there.
The research is unable to proceed to "Dining room furniture IV". Actually the protocol is frozen if that tech is selected.

I'll keep it for last.