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Messages - Geroj

16. Pawns cant shoot from behind wall, they just shoot wall in square in front of them - that was a weird decision whoever done this
17. Some common things require large amount of skill(14+) like planting tomatoes, brewing wine etc etc
18. recipes unbalanced, like one pizza need 20 flour, thats a lot of grain, because from 10 grain/corn/rice you get 6 flour, so one pizza need almost 40 corn to be made together with 1 cheese and 3 tomatoes. Lot of steps for a fine meal and well fed effect
19. Weird armors with shield mechanics and "evade" effect
20. Puppies drinking alcohol, not adults just young ones, dont know if it apply to other animals

Quote from: Valor on January 26, 2018, 08:37:00 AM
Quote from: Geroj on January 26, 2018, 07:00:11 AM

14. after several versions of this mod I played I still have no idea what is prometheum (resource needed in some ammunition recipes) and where to create it

Prometheum is gathered from a special plant called Blazebulb. Take special care with this beauty as it explodes if heated too much :) (Ie.: Perfect for extreme desert playthrough)

Oh hey, thanks for that info, had no idea and I never seen anyone selling blazebulb. Would be nice if it was added to help
So after playing it few ingame years here are my qualtiy changes

1. trees, dont know why but they spawn everywhere and on 5% the look big already and take LONG time to cut down
2. grass, opposite to trees it spawn after winter on map borders and grow slowly, sometime not even reaching my pastures in middle of map
3. riding horse mod would be nice
4. pick up and haul
5. doberman dog
6. light bulbs burn A LOT of watts
7. ceramic recipe gives only 10, this need to be buffed to at least 20 to become some serious material for building
8. that chemical plant recipes are terrible as well, from carbon to synthetic fibers. Amount of resources you put in is huge compared to what you gain (not to mention slow to create)
9. weapons, instead of exotic stuff like walther 2000 and cows shotgun, not to mention mass effect weaponry i would like to see some classics from 20. century from east to west and vannila friendly advanced weapons
10. visitors do not use bathrooms or medical beds
11. trader ships sell crap. When animal trading ship arrive I would assume it carry some farming animals but nope, its filled with yorkshire terriers and cobras, oh and elephant is in every single one I got
12. visitors love to visit colony at beginning when there is absolutely nothing in it but later almost nobody visits - this happened in more than one game I had
13. asari and their lighting bolt stunning colonist for half/one day
14. after several versions of this mod I played I still have no idea what is prometheum (resource needed in some ammunition recipes) and where to create it
15. fruit trees if not harvested disappear -would be nice if they just returned to growing state like harvested ones
Why we cant tame ogre?  :(
Quote from: Chiasm on July 13, 2017, 01:58:34 PM
Any tips for mechanoids? I'm using AP ammo, but they tend to one-shot my guys and very rarely miss, even through embrasures.

155mm cannon can do some damage to them
Quote from: Valor on July 10, 2017, 10:11:20 AM

Appart from having insane issues with mechanoids, whixh I can quite accept (big freaking machines), I have serious issue with Asari raids. I have melee only colony (medivial norbals) and usually raid goes like this:

I ambush Asari raid, cut 2-3 down, they drop ammo. Then one of their lightning strikes, knocks down few of my people (not really an issue), but also makes ammo from Asari explode, which kills nearly everyone. And Except for using ranged weapons I see no way how to avoid it. So my question:

Can I with XML editing only Either: Turn off Asari lightning OR Stop ammo from going bonkers after lighting strike (or at all - after all in this system anyone on fire with ammo in their pocket should be dead).

PS.: I know you can pickup ammo that is exploding to prevent further damage .. not usually possible tho.

I asked it few times already. My problem is I cant find where asari biotics are defined or exploding ammo file. Only way i found is changing Damages_LocalInjury.xml  in lightning damage columm <explosionHeatEnergyPerCell>10</explosionHeatEnergyPerCell> to 0
sidfu what about asari thunder attack that microwave ammo like popcorn? Is it possible to fix it?
Oven recipes are not working, dont know why really, checked files but my modding skill is 0
I have all resources and it still say "need materials"
Quote from: Canute on July 07, 2017, 12:50:28 PM
At HCSK the problem isn't mode the best weapon/gun it is more what do i have and can build.
To compare weapons you don't know (but you can build) i just suggest to spawn these weapons with the dev tools, and use the destroy from dev tools afterwards or save/load.
At mechanoids you should prefer AP ammo, and keep a good stock of them.
About armor, use your terminator, he got alot of HP, regen HP pretty fast.  Use him as meat shield while your pawns stay abit behind. Build serveral walls he and your pawns can take cover.
Alternative build/use sniper rifles, stay out of range of the mechanoids.

AP ammo is helping with armor penetration, you still need to deal with their enormous health pool, so no AP ammo is not helping and spawning advanced weapons and stuff is not really option if you dont want to cheat
Quote from: BlackMonSterX on July 07, 2017, 11:12:04 AM
What is best gun and armor?

I need advice about problem with mechnoids , Posion ships and Artifact make me sicks

They are bullet sponges, no matter what you use they will soak a lot of it, because every their part have loads of HP. Centipede can take good 100-300 bullets and AP munnition will not help that much. Tried antimateriel rifles and HEAT rockets, not much success with them either
Asari got nerfed badly, most of them are 400 years old and have almost no skills, before they were quite good and had beautiful trait: Maybe they should retain some "pretty" trait and get at least some skill above 10-12, because they are considered pretty by all races and long live enough to develop some skill mastery
Also when they electroshock somebody, he drop down, drop ammo and it start exploding and thats OP as hell

And question, can asari or any other race develop some relationship? Because I have few of them, some humans, and one cat something and it never happened. Not even between asari and asari
Quote from: BlackMonSterX on July 06, 2017, 03:11:01 AM
ehhh... how to Install Biomatter eyes and ears?

My colonies lost it both on battle , I craft new eye and ear on biomatter but in Operate option have no feature for install it...

and more question... what the "Best" alloy for smithing?

and just report some funny bug(?) I don't know how but last time i saw...
Caravans come on my home and their horse bleeding for some reason...
it should have blood on ground but I wonder and not understand why Horse blood become to Honey  ;D
until caravans leave they drop around 800 honey on my colonies :o
not a big bug but funny~

To install nose and ear you need medical II research. Legs, eyes and internal organs with medical III and I guess medical bed

Best alloy is pobedite, but hard to make because of tungsten is hard to get. Followed by clear tungsten alloy, titanium and ferrotitanium, which is probably best crafting alloy for mass producing - iron(steel) is easy to get and so is crude oil(carbon alloy) and it need only little ilmenite Ore(titanium)
Quote from: kenmtraveller on July 05, 2017, 02:20:49 PM
I'm a bit surprised at the ammo changes.  It seems like in hardcore SK  you should still need sulfur and gunpowder to make bullets.  I'm wondering if it's a bug?


Maybe its not ready because of CR-CE change, but I have no idea why someone just changed every recipe in ammo bench and every file so even enemies carry thousand bullets
Razor rain is not obliterating everything anymore, yay for new mod version changes  :)

But damn, that ammo production was nerfed. Was ok before, now I can create 500 bullets from 15 iron ore? Before it was steel and gunpowder and it was only 80 bullets
So i built manned 50. cal MG what? I manually reloaded it, manned it and its still just rotating and doing nothing. It says "reloading", but its full 150/150
Quote from: gustavoghe on June 30, 2017, 03:03:51 PM
Question: There isnt anymore the option to build medium coolers? I know redisheat is out, but, Im missing the medium coolers for large walkin freezers. Now I have a 11x11 area, with 4 small coolers, and they are not handeling it well...

Had same question, stuff your food into containers, barrels work well