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Messages - Vexare

Ideas / Re: Idea how rimkids would work.
May 19, 2016, 10:44:53 PM
*bump*  ::)

This topic keeps coming up because a lot of players would like to have it in the game. I don't understand why some people are so averse to it - but it should at least be an option for those who do like the idea of raising families. Breeding animals is a thing, so why not colonists?

I personally have been looking forward to it being added for a long time and was excited to see Tynan add relationships and other family connections to the last version. Rimworld is the closest thing I've found to the complexity of Dwarf Fortress at least in the sense of the random storyteller AI and management system.

Dwarf Fortress has children and it's often annoying, often hilarious, but it adds another layer of interesting interactions and conditions to the base/city management to consider as part of your strategy.

My suggestion is have this be something that's entirely managed by the player's decision. Just as in real life, if you don't want kids, you take measures to prevent it. Easy solution for all those who don't want it in their game.
Ideas / Re: Integrate Edb's Interface Please!
August 27, 2015, 02:27:14 PM
I'm cool with using it as a mod, but this post is in suggestions for that reason - to suggest it be added to the base game eventually. It just seems like an intuitive natural part of the game.
Ideas / Integrate Edb's Interface Please!
August 26, 2015, 03:01:15 PM
I did a quick search to make sure someone hadn't already begged for this recently.

He hasn't updated the mod yet for A12 and this is by far one of the more popular mods out there. I started trying it at the start of A11 ... totally addicted to it and love it. It's so nice to have your colonists funny little faces on a hotbar across the top of your screen to help you keep track of everyone so much easier. Please consider adding this to the base game!  :)
Adding my name to the list. Just started using this back in A11 and now I can't play without it. @Tynan ... pleease put this in the base game - Edb Interface is awesomesauce.
Seems to me this should be a fix/addition to prisoner AI. If they will pick up a meal off the ground that's in their vicinity to feed themselves, they should be capable of taking food out of the nutrient paste dispenser. Honestly, the dispenser is a waste of time/materials for regular colonists - at least allow it as a viable way to feed prisoners.
I came to check on this mod, it was one of my favorites when I played a few months back. I really like the idea of prisoner doors so that you can set up prison yards and places for your prisoners to be out and about without getting out of the colony. It's a handy way to create a slave labor colony too! Anyone know if there's another mod that does something similar? I hate keeping prisoners in a single room, feeding them day after day and nothing else. They should get a little more freedom and usefulness options.
Quote from: Tynan on April 22, 2015, 04:38:26 PM
You can keep playing your old save, it should be fine between hotfixes of the same alpha.

Cool thanks for that heads up! I can stop worrying I'll break the game loading all your mini-builds one over the next. Awesome job on all the new stuff btw. I was a big advocate of adding a morale system and I'm so glad you created all the cool ways for the colonists to have a little fun instead of just being mindless worker ants. :)
Quote from: Dave-In-Texas on April 22, 2015, 04:26:26 PM
well then, unfortunately you have two choices.  Wait a week or so from when the alpha is released to start playing  or ignore that message and try to keep playing... if nothing serious happens then cool.  its hard to say anything other than the obvious.. its alpha... lol :)

ps:  I did that with save game from 10d and it didn't break anything.

Well right, I get that and I'm cool with it. The post was more of a nod to Tynan on how rapidly he's changing / fixing things lately than an actual complaint. Since I really don't want to get any mismatched version bugs, I'm going to wait until he slows down a bit on the rapid build changes before I invest any long-term colony building hours. I'm playing around with the changes to see what everything does for now.
Quote from: board on April 22, 2015, 04:13:23 PM
Just keep playing the same save file. [??!??!?!!]

It tells me the versions differ and I should not do that - do you not get that message when you load a previous build world over a newer build?

I don't like to 'test' builds mashed together so I prefer to start over with a clean slate because if a bug pops up, I can be sure it's the newest build I've installed and not some conflict with an older one.
Quote from: Skissor on April 22, 2015, 08:13:54 AM
And what about taking things from the stockpile? Is that random too? Because I sometimes think it is...

This drives me nuts! "Hmm, I need another pile of stone chunks to craft into bricks ... here let me wade through 20 other piles to get to that ONE special chunk way back there in the corner, then wade all the way back to my workbench again!"   ::)
It's probably just me, but every time I start the game and see that Tynan's put a new build out (seems like every other day now), I don't want to keep playing my current build and scrap it to download the new one. Never thought I'd complain about too many updates in a game - usually there's never enough in an alpha release! This speaks volumes for your wizardry Tynan, but when can we stop downloading the new ones and actually invest some longterm play in one build?! :P
Quote from: Tynan on March 17, 2015, 02:20:23 AM
Survivor - too general, your enemies can be survivors if they survive your gunfire to escape

I don't think this is too general at all, and I would prefer it to 'colonist' for at least the starter characters. Many of them do not fit the 'colonist' title at all when some are criminal kingpins (Vector is a fav of mine) or other quirky professions.

I get it what the OP is saying though. It's kinda bugged me they are "colonists" as well because it may be sending the wrong message to players (like me) who are expecting a long-term colony building sim game rather than a scenario campaign game where you are fighting to survive with an end-goal of escaping the rimworld you're stranded on.

Now, *if* you decide to add additional outcomes / scenarios such as sandbox colony building for longterm society building play (a la DF/Gnomoria style gaming) then please do give individualized titles like colonist. I personally hope you are able to find a way to make that possible with choice given to the player on how they want to play the game rather than forced ending.

I like the fact that new folks you take in have different titles and I think there's a lot of room to adjust that based on the situation... "escaped slave" and "tribal runaway" and "crashed ship survivor" etc etc. Adds variety to your people.
General Discussion / Re: So... Tynan; Emergence?
March 19, 2015, 10:22:26 AM
Did you guys read any of the articles the OP linked? Particularly the second one gives a better idea of the game-maker's approach to "AI" which is just a buzzword you're referring to in game technology and how a computer decides 'emotional' responses based on scripts and algorithms.

I don't think he's referring to the storyteller's AI which determines the frequency or predictable behavior of attacks and 'events' that occur in the game. I'm thinking this is more about the behavior of the colonists.

In RimWorld, colonists and pirates and tribals all have 'traits' which give them innate tendencies. Those are all scripted outcomes that when mixed together determine whether the 'person' (pawn/unit) will break sooner than others in a stressful situation or how fast they move, or their overall moods and motivations. This is the 'sim' portion of the game. Emergent AI deals with that a bit more in gaming where personality quirks come into play and are factored through a series of possible outcomes that could occur. Such as, in the case of a mental break ... what plays into determining if the colonist just wanders around aimlessly for awhile and then snaps out of it, or goes berserk and tries to kill everyone? Does their 'personality' and traits decide that or is it simply a random roll of the storyteller's AI that decides?

Vagabond is wondering if Tynan is tapping into deeper AI ideas or leaving it to a simpler random roll type functionality in determining outcomes for situations in RimWorld not just for 'events' randomly (or predictably) generated by the storytellers but also for the individual colonists actions and responses.
Ideas / Re: Entertainment / Morale Boosters
March 18, 2015, 12:46:26 PM
@Tynan: I just checked the changelog after a little break and saw you are adding a 'fun system' to the AI - hurray! I really think this will add a lot of immersion and variety to Rimworld's colony life. Looking forward to seeing how chess and other games turn out. Awesome work.
I would love it if Alpha beavers actually posed a threat to wood walls. Those are often the first walls built in forest biomes until you work up to stone so they would be an early game threat like they are now just an early-game food and leather source. Then we'd need to come up with something for each biome that's similar.