I like it. Goes with my idea of crashed survivors from previous "finished" games where you escaped.
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Ideas / Re: More interaction with environment = invincible structures
March 24, 2015, 09:41:49 PM
True. Maybe instead have asteroids then. The map gets more and more cluttered unless you clean it up. People can randomly be smashed if unlucky. Take a good while to mine it out. Dunno about having valuable minerals in them though... That might be imba. Also don't know about indestructible blocks landing in the middle of your stuff and nothing you can do about it. Maybe make them have a small chance for plasteel in the core, but you won't find out until you mine it out. Like 1/20 has compacted plasteel in it or uranium and it's surrounded by blocks that take twice as long to mine out (without constant maintenance, you end up with lots of random structures, but there should be a limit to how many can be on the map, similar to how fires start ran to keep the whole map burning up).
General Discussion / Re: What resolution do you play at?
March 22, 2015, 11:39:55 PM
Yes, I suppose there are still some 4:3 LCDs running around. I have seen a few, and they are absolutely terrible. LCDs back then were VERY primitive. I used to be a CRT advocate and still am to some extent, but they are dead and gone and my 19" CRT (R.I.P.) was dim as a candle and blurry as all get out before I retired it, and that was a looooong time ago and it's been about that long they stopped making them (mainstream anyways. I'm sure you can pay a ton to get one new still).
Old 4:3 LCDs will have terrible ghosting due to the terrible response times. It's like the 1990s where everyone used mouse trails in Windows 9x because it was cool. Everything should have excellent response times, size, resolution, LED backlit (brighter, last longer, energy efficient). I have a CCFL myself and need to replace this one at some point. Only because the polarization sheets separated and dust got in there (there are specs under the screen "skin") and the light bleeds through the edges on dark scenes (since I bought it, actually).
I suppose I am one of those "won't buy a new monitor because this one still works" guys. The irony. But, It's got all the latest tech besides being LED and... well... being new.
I want a G-Sync monitor, but it's old TN panel technology (terrible view angles and color) and it's ridiculously overpriced just to remove tearing with v-sync off or removing the input lag/framerate drop with v-sync on. I'll upgrade when it's viable.
/sort of off-topicness
Edit: Nope. Sorry. More off-topicness: http://www.techpowerup.com/210846/amd-announces-freesync-promises-fluid-displays-more-affordable-than-g-sync.html
Old 4:3 LCDs will have terrible ghosting due to the terrible response times. It's like the 1990s where everyone used mouse trails in Windows 9x because it was cool. Everything should have excellent response times, size, resolution, LED backlit (brighter, last longer, energy efficient). I have a CCFL myself and need to replace this one at some point. Only because the polarization sheets separated and dust got in there (there are specs under the screen "skin") and the light bleeds through the edges on dark scenes (since I bought it, actually).
I suppose I am one of those "won't buy a new monitor because this one still works" guys. The irony. But, It's got all the latest tech besides being LED and... well... being new.
I want a G-Sync monitor, but it's old TN panel technology (terrible view angles and color) and it's ridiculously overpriced just to remove tearing with v-sync off or removing the input lag/framerate drop with v-sync on. I'll upgrade when it's viable.
/sort of off-topicness
Edit: Nope. Sorry. More off-topicness: http://www.techpowerup.com/210846/amd-announces-freesync-promises-fluid-displays-more-affordable-than-g-sync.html
Ideas / More interaction with environment = invincible structures
March 22, 2015, 11:22:30 PM
If there were structures that could not be removed (or maybe require research and a lot of work?) would help force interaction with the biome/environment. Not necessarily buildings, but just 1x1 or 5x5 of dense natural or man-made areas that could not be removed. If they don't already, have trees give cover and maybe create bushes that things can hide in.
There are already a few complete or incomplete structures, but it would be much more interactive if there were places you could not build (swamps already do this) as well as areas that can't be removed.
Cover is a huge deal for combat right now. So much so that people make killboxes and take the gravy train. But what if you need to go attack seigers and THEY have the killboxes because they have cover everywhere and YOU are the one trying to bumrush them and flank.
The combat system is great. I love it. But the fact that 90% of the mechanics of it aren't used (or rather, are just abused) is really disappointing.
Colonists need to get there @$$#$ out there and interact with the biome/environment.
Maybe a rescue/escort type request from visitors/allies. Go out and defend someone getting chased, or escort them through a cover-laden area so they survive an ambush (much better with fog of war instead of just have them airdrop or walk on the screen).
Maybe some type of "wild undergrowth" or something that's indestructible (simulating fast growth) or can only be burned down but grows back quickly. Let's nasty things stay invisible until they come out. Basically swamp with fog of war.
There are already a few complete or incomplete structures, but it would be much more interactive if there were places you could not build (swamps already do this) as well as areas that can't be removed.
Cover is a huge deal for combat right now. So much so that people make killboxes and take the gravy train. But what if you need to go attack seigers and THEY have the killboxes because they have cover everywhere and YOU are the one trying to bumrush them and flank.
The combat system is great. I love it. But the fact that 90% of the mechanics of it aren't used (or rather, are just abused) is really disappointing.
Colonists need to get there @$$#$ out there and interact with the biome/environment.
Maybe a rescue/escort type request from visitors/allies. Go out and defend someone getting chased, or escort them through a cover-laden area so they survive an ambush (much better with fog of war instead of just have them airdrop or walk on the screen).
Maybe some type of "wild undergrowth" or something that's indestructible (simulating fast growth) or can only be burned down but grows back quickly. Let's nasty things stay invisible until they come out. Basically swamp with fog of war.
General Discussion / Re: What resolution do you play at?
March 22, 2015, 10:53:26 PM
Looking back, there isn't a proper answer for "1080p 16:9" as the 1920x1200 is right for width and the 1680x1050 option is just about as close in the height.
Why these strange resolutions? Isn't everyone 16:9 these days AND 1080p (1920x1080)?
I understand the 1366x768 or even 1360x768 for laptops or possibly even smaller 720p* monitors, but it's got to be ancient/terrible to be 4:3/16:10 and/or less than that. Why even make the poll in 4:3? Certainly a 4:3 CRT has to be blurry/dim as #%*( by now and not worth using.
Anything in the last 5 years is going to be 1080p or higher unless it's a laptop. 23" 1080p 16:9 monitor is dirt cheap. Got to be really cheap if you can't afford that. That's basically bare minimum for me and that's only $100-$120.
Why these strange resolutions? Isn't everyone 16:9 these days AND 1080p (1920x1080)?
I understand the 1366x768 or even 1360x768 for laptops or possibly even smaller 720p* monitors, but it's got to be ancient/terrible to be 4:3/16:10 and/or less than that. Why even make the poll in 4:3? Certainly a 4:3 CRT has to be blurry/dim as #%*( by now and not worth using.
Anything in the last 5 years is going to be 1080p or higher unless it's a laptop. 23" 1080p 16:9 monitor is dirt cheap. Got to be really cheap if you can't afford that. That's basically bare minimum for me and that's only $100-$120.
General Discussion / Re: Isn't digging just too comfortable ?
March 22, 2015, 10:23:29 PMQuote from: Mathenaut on March 22, 2015, 04:52:19 PMGood point. Especially the last part. Maybe make some "incident trolling" events where there are random cave-ins.
Cabin Fever is already a debuff that afflicts colonists that don't go outside for extended periods.
Unless you're hopping ontop of a vent, most energy generation must be placed outdoors and is still vulnerable to sieges. So no, they aren't 'immune', and there is no incentive to ignore sieges.
One thing that could be done is to have artillery be able to destroy natural stone walls just like everything else.
Also, while it is more secure, mortors should cause cave-ins at a small chance.
Quote from: pktongrimworld on March 22, 2015, 10:01:41 PMThe thing with this game and games like it, you generally pick the "best" and "most efficient" option. After your first playthrough (or second or third if you decided to play again after new found knowledge), you then find it boring as it's not challenging.
I still don't comprehend... how in a single player game. how others use a "easier" (AND THEREFORE WRONG RAWR) method ruin your game play.
I don't get it!
edit: seriously, hooow?
I realized this and started playing progressively harder biomes/maps/etc or even doing random starts. Some people can't comprehend that you need self-control and need to pick your difficulty. Of course you will be bored if it's super easy.
General Discussion / Re: Isn't digging just too comfortable ?
March 21, 2015, 10:17:18 PM
Frankly, I think it should be left alone.
Mountains = easy mode
Open range = hard mode
Tynan recently said you should be picking your map for your difficulty level, not every map being the same with little effort (sow trees, etc).
Also, if Z levels get implemented, the time use to "balance" surface lateral digging is just a ton of wasted time and likely just removed.
As far as the soil being slower to walk on than rock, that's not entirely true. You get a lot of chunks and it's horrible slow to walk through tunnels (1-wide anyways, unless you spend the time to dig 2-3-wide, which balances it itself since that's 2-3 times the digging) unless you have several dedicated haulers getting those chunks out of the way.
I wouldn't mind a "compacted dirt" "smoothing" outside, but that leaves little reason to use pavement, which is only 1 steel each.
Mountain bases already need supports. You can't make vast open spaces without supports, which causes you to make proper planning or simply have tons of cramped rooms and hallways, which is HUGELY different compared to outside where you can build anywhere (besides boreal with swamps) with any size and you can "plan" simply by placing, but digging out in the right order. Outside, a roof simply won't be made without supports. Under a mountain, things get crushed when you don't plan properly.
Mountains = easy mode
Open range = hard mode
Tynan recently said you should be picking your map for your difficulty level, not every map being the same with little effort (sow trees, etc).
Also, if Z levels get implemented, the time use to "balance" surface lateral digging is just a ton of wasted time and likely just removed.
As far as the soil being slower to walk on than rock, that's not entirely true. You get a lot of chunks and it's horrible slow to walk through tunnels (1-wide anyways, unless you spend the time to dig 2-3-wide, which balances it itself since that's 2-3 times the digging) unless you have several dedicated haulers getting those chunks out of the way.
I wouldn't mind a "compacted dirt" "smoothing" outside, but that leaves little reason to use pavement, which is only 1 steel each.
Mountain bases already need supports. You can't make vast open spaces without supports, which causes you to make proper planning or simply have tons of cramped rooms and hallways, which is HUGELY different compared to outside where you can build anywhere (besides boreal with swamps) with any size and you can "plan" simply by placing, but digging out in the right order. Outside, a roof simply won't be made without supports. Under a mountain, things get crushed when you don't plan properly.
General Discussion / Re: Real-life depictions of sculptures!
March 15, 2015, 04:36:47 PM
Awww. Was hoping to see more of these. They are pretty awesome!
Bugs / Re: Corpse Gear Not Degrading
March 13, 2015, 04:47:11 PM
He is talking about their equips, not the actual corpse.
Bugs / Re: Armor vests counted as apparel
March 13, 2015, 04:45:58 PM
I think the problem here is semantics. Apparel can mean anything you put on. Like watches. It is also a verb "to get dressed". If you analyse that as well, to "get dressed" doesn't mean you put on a dress. Hell, "toilet" can actually mean to get dressed as well as it's meaning is just to clean/prepare/clothe yourself (which can include TONS of things).
Also, you are damn right I would be complaining about being the guy with a junk weapon and bullet proof vest.
You don't think you would complain about using a used/damage bullet-proof vest? They are one time use. Once you have been shot in them, they are no longer safe to use.
Also, you are damn right I would be complaining about being the guy with a junk weapon and bullet proof vest.
You don't think you would complain about using a used/damage bullet-proof vest? They are one time use. Once you have been shot in them, they are no longer safe to use.
General Discussion / Re: Arctic Colonies, Temperature, and Parkas
March 12, 2015, 10:44:57 PM
Another issue is getting a proper world seed that has the actually challenging temperatures. It may actually be more challenging to have a more dynamic temperature than a constantly-cold temperate one (you want -50F and 40F rather than -10F and 20F, for instance).
Once you get parkas, it's actually still really easy to grow food outdoors with a few power things, solar lamps, and 1-2 heaters per grow area.
I have about 10-12 colonists and 1 outdoor-indoor grow zone of corn keeps everyone fed. I was running 2-3, but you simply fill your freezer. I made mine gigantic, then realized I could just run about one field of corn and 2 of devilstrand.
My next colony will probably be a re-re-re-re-roll of the world seed to get a really cold area.
The only problem I actually run into on my current one is even though the average temperature is about -10F almost all year round, I can lose my crops (mostly worried about devilstand) to a single solar flare. I have to actually burn fire pits during the power outage as the temp drops below the survival temps even with heaters at 80f for a buffer (hot with parkas on) even though it's only about 5 seconds before the power comes back on and those 5 seconds killed an entire field if 98% grown devilstrand... learned my lesson.
Once you get parkas, it's actually still really easy to grow food outdoors with a few power things, solar lamps, and 1-2 heaters per grow area.
I have about 10-12 colonists and 1 outdoor-indoor grow zone of corn keeps everyone fed. I was running 2-3, but you simply fill your freezer. I made mine gigantic, then realized I could just run about one field of corn and 2 of devilstrand.
My next colony will probably be a re-re-re-re-roll of the world seed to get a really cold area.
The only problem I actually run into on my current one is even though the average temperature is about -10F almost all year round, I can lose my crops (mostly worried about devilstand) to a single solar flare. I have to actually burn fire pits during the power outage as the temp drops below the survival temps even with heaters at 80f for a buffer (hot with parkas on) even though it's only about 5 seconds before the power comes back on and those 5 seconds killed an entire field if 98% grown devilstrand... learned my lesson.
Support / Re: some objects look blurry while others dont, help!
March 12, 2015, 10:12:46 PM
Yes, I had this happen with AMD when playing Minecraft (at least the menu stuff).
I think it doesn't play nice with some games/apps when you use Morphological Filtering. Could have been edge-detect or adaptive sampling though as I don't entirely remember.
I think it doesn't play nice with some games/apps when you use Morphological Filtering. Could have been edge-detect or adaptive sampling though as I don't entirely remember.
General Discussion / Re: Merging Construction and Repair work types - should I do it?
March 12, 2015, 08:01:16 PM
I like the idea of merging, but the consequences are probably not worth the saved screen space or clicks.
I always set my good constructors to the same levels and let everyone repair.
However, if they are combined and repairs don't take priority, you could have a problem trying to get repairs done if you are building a gigantic expansion to your base.
Another way to solve this, though, would be to allow for pausing constructions without having to cancel them and put all the blueprints down again. There is already a need for this even without merging them.
I always set my good constructors to the same levels and let everyone repair.
However, if they are combined and repairs don't take priority, you could have a problem trying to get repairs done if you are building a gigantic expansion to your base.
Another way to solve this, though, would be to allow for pausing constructions without having to cancel them and put all the blueprints down again. There is already a need for this even without merging them.
Mods / Re: I hear voices when i hit the "w "key wth?
March 11, 2015, 11:18:07 PM
Sounds like Starcraft sounds...
*with Russian voice*
"Battlecruiser operational"
I love when techno songs have movie or game sounds. This is a pretty good one for Hearthstone/Warcraft fans:
*with Russian voice*
"Battlecruiser operational"
I love when techno songs have movie or game sounds. This is a pretty good one for Hearthstone/Warcraft fans:
Ideas / Returning colonists from successful "escapes" and hall of fame
March 11, 2015, 11:09:46 PM
I think it would be interesting, for one, to have a "hall of fame" type stat somewhere where we can name a colony and escape ship and see who was all in their with their history.
On top of that, it would be extremely interesting to have an event were one or more of your previous colonists crash land in another playthrough.
Let say, you have 3 colonists crash land on your 20th game and it's the colonists from your first escape. It could be awesome to see your favorite colonist pop out again and it could be really tragic as well if that vegetable colonist you thought was going to be "saved" in cryo either crash lands safely to be "saved" again or just flat out dies on impact. Your favorite colonist from your first colony could even die on impact ending once great story in tragedy instead.
This would, of course, require either keeping and marking saves as "complete" or creating completely new "complete" saves with no ties to worlds (they can crash on new worlds or the same one) and just contain the colonists info and maybe their ship/colony name.
It would bring much more meaning to escaping (hall of fame) and bring more meaning to new games as well.
On top of that, it would be extremely interesting to have an event were one or more of your previous colonists crash land in another playthrough.
Let say, you have 3 colonists crash land on your 20th game and it's the colonists from your first escape. It could be awesome to see your favorite colonist pop out again and it could be really tragic as well if that vegetable colonist you thought was going to be "saved" in cryo either crash lands safely to be "saved" again or just flat out dies on impact. Your favorite colonist from your first colony could even die on impact ending once great story in tragedy instead.
This would, of course, require either keeping and marking saves as "complete" or creating completely new "complete" saves with no ties to worlds (they can crash on new worlds or the same one) and just contain the colonists info and maybe their ship/colony name.
It would bring much more meaning to escaping (hall of fame) and bring more meaning to new games as well.