Quote from: Koek on August 03, 2018, 07:57:50 AM
Doorpeeking is not a bother tbh and ofcourse I get pawns who got hit off the battlefield straight into my hospital. I'm just a bit salty about getting shafted by every mech raid today I guess. I just needed to let off some steam and get my frustration flowing, hoping for some feedback.
Your feedback is appreciated and you are right on most things. Ofcourse I don't ALWAYS have such bad luck, but today is just miraculously bad for some reason. I blame the new armor mechanics
I'm playing rough and I expect some difficulty. Maybe I should try extreme a few times, maybe it'll make me go back to rough with a few sighs of relief
Perhaps I should just deal with how the game works and, for example, stop treating some things as cheesing like staying poor(ish) to have a bit easier raids.
Anyways, thanks for the replies. I need to find a new kidney somewhere and get some bionic legs going.
Yeah playing 1.0 I have had a few bad moments as the game has changed but I am learning and finding it fun so just keep playing and you will learn what has changed and how to deal with it all, like the new armor mechanics for example
Have fun