Thanks I might try. I think it is something which could be added to the main game though.
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Ideas / Re: I think only an addition of skills and jobs will save this game :>
February 25, 2017, 02:53:41 AMQuote from: Barazen on February 09, 2017, 05:26:43 PM
True... for us veteran players this is nothing but convienience... but for newer players that would be daunting
How about keep the current skills but have specific skills underneath. So butchering a creature helps improve your top level cooking skill but also improves your 'meat butcher' skill. So a colonist with high 'food preparation' who never butchers will know a bit about how to butcher a creature but not everything.
I'm thinking of how some skills are transferable. If get very good at putting guns together presumable you would be more adept at taking apart mechanoids and saving more resources.
Also you could hide the lower level skills from new players until they are ready to learn about them without it having a huge impact because the top level general skills would still be a rough guide to how effective colonists would be at different tasks.
Ideas / Cleaning robot (with some limitations)
February 25, 2017, 02:35:03 AM
This has come up before but I would like to suggest a simple cleaning robot like a roomba. In other words a small slow robot which would randomly drive around and clean floors.
I suggest that it would have the following limits:
Would require a smooth surface to move. No going outside or going through items on floor. No going over boulders. Would need floor or smooth rock to travel.
Slow compared to colonists.
Can only go through auto doors.
Expensive to buy/difficult to make. Same tech requirement as automated turrets.
Would require power. Would have little solar panel on back and would stop running in dark area. If accidentally ran into area with no light, would require rescuing.
I suggest that it would have the following limits:
Would require a smooth surface to move. No going outside or going through items on floor. No going over boulders. Would need floor or smooth rock to travel.
Slow compared to colonists.
Can only go through auto doors.
Expensive to buy/difficult to make. Same tech requirement as automated turrets.
Would require power. Would have little solar panel on back and would stop running in dark area. If accidentally ran into area with no light, would require rescuing.
Ideas / Re: Prisoners try to escape
July 12, 2015, 06:24:25 AM
I am sort of surprised this isn't in the game already. Especially if there were more prisoners than colonists.
General Discussion / Re: Why do raiders attack?
June 14, 2015, 03:58:38 PM
Look, I know there are reasons they attack. what I am trying to say is that the game never tells us why. I know that is part of the point with this kind of gameplay in that we invent our own story however it feels a little silly somehow that there is no explanation whatsoever.
General Discussion / Re: Why do raiders attack?
June 13, 2015, 04:21:53 PMQuote from: Listy on June 13, 2015, 09:17:26 AMQuote from: Devon_v on June 13, 2015, 09:13:41 AM
The tribals probably do think that the colony is some sort of evil thing that must be destroyed. The pirates want what you have. Given the seemingly endless number of pirates that exist in any given band, sooner or later someone gets a bunch of people drunk enough to go assault your base, because anything that well defended MUST be full of treasure.
I do try to build a massive legendary golden statue, just to make that last statement true.
Well yes but it would be nice if the game told us why we were under attack.
General Discussion / Why do raiders attack?
June 13, 2015, 09:01:47 AM
Why do raiders attack? Is there a reason?
Although the fights are fun they don't really make much sense. Often attacks are hopless for the attackers even if they might do big damage to the colony the attackers will lose most of their people and still retreat. Why would a group of pirates decide to start an attack which result in most of them getting killed? I realise the game is about fun rather than realism but I just think when attacks happen "oh there goes the random event generator again".
Here are some possible reasons for an attack.
Steal food/silver
Kidnap slaves
The tribespeople think we are evil spirits sent by the gods
We are a threat to them somehow (doesn't really make sense unless we have an attack mechanic)
We killed/kidnapped a visitor from their colony
They demanded money and we refused to pay.
Although the fights are fun they don't really make much sense. Often attacks are hopless for the attackers even if they might do big damage to the colony the attackers will lose most of their people and still retreat. Why would a group of pirates decide to start an attack which result in most of them getting killed? I realise the game is about fun rather than realism but I just think when attacks happen "oh there goes the random event generator again".
Here are some possible reasons for an attack.
Steal food/silver
Kidnap slaves
The tribespeople think we are evil spirits sent by the gods
We are a threat to them somehow (doesn't really make sense unless we have an attack mechanic)
We killed/kidnapped a visitor from their colony
They demanded money and we refused to pay.
General Discussion / Re: General Questions about Water
May 02, 2015, 03:52:11 PMQuote from: a89a89 on March 29, 2014, 11:17:45 AM
The average human adult can survive 2 days without water
Actually it is about a week but it depends on the situation. Maybe a day or two in a desert. When I worked in a care home I looked after somebody who had decided to refuse all liquids and food. They lived for 2 weeks!
Ideas / Wardrobe: A place to put clothes
April 20, 2015, 01:28:24 PM
I don't know if this would be prohibitively difficult for programming reasons but could we please have a method of storing clothes which does not involve laying each item out flat on the floor?
I suggest: The wardrobe. It holds up to 7 items of clothing. When placed in a colonists bedroom they put their clothes in it before going to sleep.
I suggest: The wardrobe. It holds up to 7 items of clothing. When placed in a colonists bedroom they put their clothes in it before going to sleep.
Ideas / Let players drain the marshes!
April 19, 2015, 02:58:36 AM
I suggest we are allowed to drain marshes by having our colonists dig a trench from the marsh to the sea or large body of water. If digging a trench to a lake then it would have to be at least twice as big as the marsh to absorb it.
The marsh would drain slowly leaving behind tiles which could be built on or farmed. The trench which drained the marsh would remain full of water like a stream. The trench would slowly become blocked (by sediment brought from land being drained). The colony could prevent it becoming blocked by clearing the trench with colonists. If the trench were ever blocked, the marsh would return which would kill any crops growing and seriously damage any equipment which the colony had built there.
What do people think?
The marsh would drain slowly leaving behind tiles which could be built on or farmed. The trench which drained the marsh would remain full of water like a stream. The trench would slowly become blocked (by sediment brought from land being drained). The colony could prevent it becoming blocked by clearing the trench with colonists. If the trench were ever blocked, the marsh would return which would kill any crops growing and seriously damage any equipment which the colony had built there.
What do people think?
Ideas / Re: Home zone VS clean zone
April 18, 2015, 09:51:54 AM
Yes! Cleaning is annoying. If we could have cleaning zones this would be very useful.
Ideas / Re: Balance: Squirrels are too powerful
April 18, 2015, 09:50:13 AM
Agreed. They should be an annoyance which are crushed immediately. Muffalo on the other hand I can imagine being very dangerous when angry.
Ideas / Re: What is a house without a window?
April 15, 2015, 06:03:06 AM
Windows would be great. There is already a cabin fever effect. Maybe the cabin fever could be stronger and windows could help nullify it. It would also discourage the underground mountain fortress behaviour which some players feel is unrealistic.
I think they would make a great addition to combat. They could make colonists much less likely to be killed if standing behind a stone wall and shooting out of the window every few seconds.
I think they would make a great addition to combat. They could make colonists much less likely to be killed if standing behind a stone wall and shooting out of the window every few seconds.
Ideas / Re: How to make wealth and attacks more balanced
April 14, 2015, 01:17:24 PMQuote from: Darth Fool on April 14, 2015, 12:30:11 PM
How about we replace it with one that is objectively better?
I think that having a model for what each faction knows about your colony is an excellent idea. Topics of interest to potential raiders would be:
1) Easily accessible wealth.
2) Hard wealth (furniture, buildings, etc...)
3) Technology level
4) Number of colonists
5) Defenses
yes I agree. in general how a colony is treated should be based on the perception by other settlements.
I think whether or not there is an attack should be a risk/reward calculation. eg, there is not point attacking a poor well defended place but a rich colony with no guns should be easy pickings. I think being able to conceal wealth would be a good game mechanic (its what I would do in the survivors situation) and could become part of a diplomacy mechanic in the long run.
I also think it is a bit silly in the current game that if you are lucky and mine lots of gold in the first week then you get bigger attacks even if nobody could have known about your mine.