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Messages - Bombadil

Yeah, it would be really stupid to put just one weapon in the world and leave it to chance to get it. That's why we won't do that. There will be a specific mechanism, like a mission or something, to get named weapons.
There would only be one of each named weapon allowed in the world.
Some people want an authentic LOTR experience, some don't. How do we please everyone? We can't, unfortunately. What we can do is make it all modular, that way people pick and choose what they want. How the components will be dividied up is not yet fixed, but we'll most likely have a standalone factions pack, for example. Personally, I will want to play with zero modern tech and no electricity. So I will use the LOTRims mods and other mods, if needed, to make the style I want. In regards to the specificity of items, like the example of the assault rifle vs AR 15, there may be some named weapons, like the sword Sting.
@DiamondBorne The feeling is whatever you want to make it because the mod isn't a total overhaul by itself, it only adds stuff. With other mods combined, you can have an Elven Sith overlord commanding androids and plasma weapons. If you want to do pure LOTR, you can, you just need the right mods.

Elves are coming along well!

So are the orcs. They like it a bit rough.
Thanks Gerrymon! If we make any changes we'll be sure to list them too.
Outdated / Re: [B18] Just Candles
April 17, 2018, 05:56:13 PM
One of the mods in the Rim of Madness series has a grammar phone and radio that I think does what you are looking to do, so that might help.
Love the outfits Gerrymon, nice work ;D
Would we be able to use some of your outfits in the Lord of the Rims mod series that a bunch of us (with lead modder Jecrell) are currently working on? Your outfits would look great in it! We'd give you full credit of course and link back to this main post.
Outdated / Re: [B18] A mod about meat
April 10, 2018, 03:41:45 PM
This mod might help with buildings giving moods, although I have used it to see exactly how it works
This mod series will be big so in answer to your question we are going far! It will include Rohirrim, Haradrim, Gondorian, and Easterlings and many more. Can't say about Dorwinion. Content will be in stages.
Some more WIP pictures for you!

More Elves

Comfy Hobbit hole

Mallorn tree biome

Mallorn tree biome
@MoistWizard Haven't tried myself so I can't tell you. If you can't start a game with them and they don't appear as a faction and as visitors you might be able to dev spawn them in.
@Tal Razlid Hobbits will most certainly be very particular about their food!
Releases / Re: [A17] Better Pawn Control (v1.6.5)
August 07, 2017, 05:11:00 PM
I see
Thanks for letting me know!
Releases / Re: [A17] Better Pawn Control (v1.6.4)
July 26, 2017, 06:36:52 AM
Great mod VouLT, thanks for your hard work! Really hope it gets added to vanilla.
I had an idea for an extension to Better Pawn Control and was wondering how feasible it is: I'd love to be able to restrict zones based on time. E.g. a clone of the work schedule but as a zone schedule. Why? We could force all pawns to socialize in the one room, force my doctors to be near the hospital in shifts (of course I can restrict them now but they will be in the same zone 24/7), and staff a guard post in shifts. For animals it could be used to make sure they come back to the colony at night even if you don't have enough sleeping spots, or even to rotate through different grazing areas so they don't eat it bare. This could also apply to pawns if you have a darkness mod and really want them to be home before dark. This kind of extension might not be feasible at all but if it was, it would be great.
Anyway, thanks again for your mod!
Outdated / [A17] Rimshire Music - LOTR-themed tunes
June 27, 2017, 10:38:13 PM
Rimshire - Music

A Rimworld mod that removes the vanilla space-themed music and replaces it with LOTR-themed music by Vladan Zivanovic. It also changes some of the in-game notification sounds.
This mod works best with Erdelf's Don't Stop the Music mod - it removes the long gaps between songs in vanilla Rimworld. The load order of the two mods is not important.

Keep an eye out for some more Rimshire mods from me in the future that will give your Rimworld game a LOTR feel. If you are keen to help out (I have a lot of stuff planned), PM me. If you are a coder your assistance would be much appreciated!

Save compatible. You are free to add and remove this mod at any time. 

I hope you enjoy my first ever mod!




Change Log
v1.0 Release

Vladan Zivanovic - Composer of the delightful music. See Steam Power Studios for Vladan and his wife's other creative endeavors.
Nancy Lorenz - Creator of the Hobbiton Brushhand font. See Nancy's webpage for her other LOTR fan works.
The Last Days Mod Team - Sound effects. An open source mod for Mount and Blade that made their content available for use. See here for more details.

Music and sound files - see license here.
XML files - CC BY-SA 4.0