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Hay works pretty well for my herd of 30 labs and boars. It requires a huge field. There's no way I can cook enough meals. After the hay is harvested I made a restricted area at the field and a small building with a hay stockpile that's next to it. Sent 8 of my 10 colonists to gather hay and it took too much micro'ing having to encourage them to keep hauling hay. Perhaps hay should be called a small volume item and carried upto 200 rather than 75 to make harvests less of a pain.

I tried leaving the hay to be 'naturally' hauled by my 8 hauling animals and the occassional hauling from my colonists, but the rain had nearly destroyed the first 20 or so units of harvest sitting in the field and I went to the restricted area group harvest & haul deal.

Anyway, despite the somewhat advanced micro'ing required via spending a couple of days with all colonists restricted to joy activities (to build mood before 20-40 hours of hauling), setting the field and stockpile restriction, and the day or two out of my colony that it took hay is way more effective than having to cook for the herd! My cook can spend his time providing for the colonists and then butcher, or clean if there is nothing to butcher. My cook is at a high skill level and would not be able to provide enough food for 10 colonists and the herd.

In the case of meals, might animals end up eating at relatively higher nutrition levels and end up wasting that excess nutrition? Right now, I just watched a labrador eat at 25% hunger, consumed 15 hay and reach 100% nutrition. Waste due to eating at too high of a nutrition level would be an additional drawback against investing in cooking the meals. What the total nutrition in a meal compared to 10, 15, 20 hay?

I like more and more a decrease in the volume of hay for hauling purposes.. Its nice how it bales into 200 units.
General Discussion / Re: Catering for a large population
November 24, 2015, 03:41:12 PM
I spend up my kitchen in these ways..

Set chefs to drop food on the floor when done cooking.

Use a cooking room and the freezer as two separate rooms to prevent cooks from getting the hideous environment debuff and going mad. Make both rooms cold enough to preserve food, you can simply refrigerate the cooking room (to preserve the dropped meals) if you don't have parkas on your cooks. For the passage between the kitchen and the freezer use an autodoor or hold open on the door.
53 year old sex slave

pls let her retire
I don't ever miss the raid alert, I often miss the manhunter alert. It really sucks to save scum because I missed flicking off my turrets, or bringing someone in from outside, due to the Manhunter alert that goes unnoticed so easily.
It is annoying when an animal is an a designated area that has 1. Hay and 2. Cooked meals, Beer, Spectago Tea and the animal eats the cooked meals.

Perhaps make it strictly tiered. Animals trained in obedience always goto the 1. (unprocessed food) in the hierarchy.

I'm pretty sure this system doesn't exist in the game. My dogs drink all my damn beer, and they seem to prefer spectago tea even more. They also eat valuables such as Fine cooked and Lavish meals. Crazy!

This would help avoid having to micromanage animal zoning for the animal area used to haul goods.
Ok so I played my first game on some easier settings and fyi made it through until launch where 9 of my 10 colonists set off back into space (the last one didn't want to leave her Masterwork Grand Plasteel Sculpture behind).

That game was on Cassandra Challenge on a year around grow map. My base was hybridized between mountain and the outdoors. The map was pretty good and I close off two big areas for the animals to move between year around.

So I moved the animals between pastures every once in a while and also had to send them out into the world to graze. Raiders will kill the heck out of your animals if they come across them btw. Anyway, I ended up needing lots of hay to help feed my 20+ size herd of labradors and wild boars. The babies are cute to have running around.

Overall it really took a lot of work to keep those dang pets. My colony lasted about 320 days before launching on their home made spaceship. During that time there was really only one point where having the bustling herd was really useful. That was around days 200 or 275 where things became pretty rough on my colonists mood. The use of the herd was that since there was practically nothing to hunt on the map at that time, and that I hardly had a colonist to spare for full-time hunting of monkeys and snakes, I slaughtered probably one dozen boars. This provided the meat for me to continue feeding my colonists Fine Meals and maintaining the +5 mood boost.

In general it seems that it would take a lot of work to keep a herd on a non-year around growing biome although a 4 months growing season for for a TON of hay might work. The primary benefit seems to be the ability to train a lot of haulers and a potentially berserk-preventing benefit is ensuring that Fine Food or even Lavish Meals can be made when times get tough.

I mean a massive field of hay will have to be made in order to support any decent sized self-sustaining (after occasional slaughters) herd. Even on year-around growing. Just a heads up on that.

Oh, a big problem with hauling animals is that they consume all of your perodyne/pain medicine and beers unless you very carefully control that with animals spaces. And they track loads of dirt. And they don't haul very often in exchange for all of the dirt they track around.. I ended up using my 6-8 haulers in bursts by bringing them in from the pastures for a month at a time.

Overall I will make sure to get a big field of hay going along with some potatoes if I do another game with herding. I enjoyed how clutch it was when I ran out of time to hunt and meat for fine meals, slaughtering helping keep my colony from berserking after raids.

Quote from: asanbr on November 15, 2015, 07:29:16 PM
I have tried a few times but it seems uneconomical to me since the food they consume is worth more in terms of food and money than anything I've gotten produced from animals.
Dogs and pigs might make sense because they can haul. Other animals I just tame and sell for cash asap, I find it is a good source of income, in particular camels, muffalo and llamas which are easy to tame and sell for 100-200.

I sometimes keep a boomalope which can be fun to send into a group of raiders or siegers.

I don't see the profit in breeding any type of animal compared to the work amount and food amount it requires. Maybe if they can roam free all year around, I haven't got enough experience of that since I seem to always end up on maps with max 4 months growing period.

Quote from: Komyets on November 20, 2015, 05:04:59 PM
Quote from: Muramas on November 20, 2015, 04:28:02 PM
I like living in the desert because you don't need to clean the floor as much.

You dont need to clean floors if you dont build any floors, hence why i found it far better to actually put a growing zone with daylilys and/or roses to brighten up the mood greatly, beauty can easily give 15 pts of mood, and it also helps training your growers so they do a faster job the more they practice, infection isnt an isue when you have all the herbal medicine you need lol

That's a really cool base! The flooring as growing crops is clearly an exploit of the game system, though. I imagine that crops do not handle being tread on very well. Love the Nest 3.0!
My recent colony happened to start with two good sized herds of Muffalo. I build a big scrap metal wall to create a big pasture zone around them and I split it down the middle so I can alternate pastures when the grass is eaten up. Everything seems fine. Then my herd of 12+ muffalo just disappear when winter came around. There were no holes in the fence (infact I had saved and reloaded after noticing they disappeared due to a random fire that took down a section of wall). I double and triple checked -- no way for these things to leave except perhaps via Deep Water.

So what gives, why did my Muffalo herd disappear? No corpses etc.

I couldn't tame any of them because my dude with 5 animal skill wasn't good enough. So I was keeping the herd around until I recruited an animal tamer or if throughout winter I needed to butcher them. But again, they just disappeared.
Nice addition of variety for creating a nice base in a lightweight mod
Can we get an option to move the colonist bar into a vertical position on the right side of the screen, or horizontal and at the bottom of the screen? And just let the architect menu cover it up when its covering it; if the list gets too wide or too tall it could gain a row or column.

Tiny UI thing, but there's really nothing else going on at the top of the screen except for this mod.
Outdated / Re: [A12d] A2B: conveyor belts & co. [v0.12.1]
September 09, 2015, 07:24:21 AM
Wow! Looks awesome. Really open up the game. I can lay out my colony in a larger variety of ways and even have outposts for hunting or mining using the teleporter if I want to get freaky on a large map :)
Looking forward to an update for A12d. As far as I know this version will be current for a long time because development is on sabbatical.
Mods / Re: Can Anyone Trace This Error?
September 07, 2015, 01:38:24 PM
I looked at the early trace error and noticed that the log has a number to the left of the error. One error is from (1) but I left that one because its core, the other was from (16) so I disabled the mod loaded #16 which was the very simple Expanded History mod. The game opened properly! The colonists still won't use my crematorium so I'm going to deconstruct and rebuild it.
Mods / Can Anyone Trace This Error?
September 07, 2015, 01:31:44 PM
Game works fine with these mods on my first run through. I even loaded a game to save scum after something dumb happened when I afk'd for a moment.

But once I noticed my colonists were not using the crematorium, I decided to reload to see if it'd solve the problems.

Maybe a mod maker can spy the problem? Can I recover this save? It just loads and I see this now.

Error log

Pic of mods

Thanks. Hope I can recover this save.
Amazing mod keep it up