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Messages - Dramak

Outdated / Re: [A12]Citymap v1.1
February 28, 2016, 07:08:41 AM
Hello everyone !

Grimandevil, thanks. The idea of a modpack is very good. My problem is I fear mod upgrades and my mod is still at an early stage. I don't want to do a modpack and not be able to follow mods'evolution. fMaybe later, to do something like a finished game. Later I'll ask permission to people and integrate some mods.

Bob_Namg. Thank you very much :) It's a nice idea, I'd like to help but I'm not sure Tynan would like my programming. He needs very clean stuff to integrate in the game and I just object oriented code. I think I made some mistakes. But otherwise it would be fun... you'll be the one making raid for a change !

WarlordToby, yes I'm not done (I don't really know how to do it) but I plan to give the choice to player if fog of war stays or disapear. I'll look for theses issues. Especially pawn, we want animals, maybe outside the city.

Thank very much for your post Flying Rockbass ! I hope I'll be able to go on with the development.

I think at this state, it will either crash either you'll have some houses inhabited by zombies or glittertech guys. But in my next version it won't be a problem.
Outdated / Re: [A12]Citymap v1.1
February 14, 2016, 08:40:01 AM
OK, I think my final goal is to really implement the AI, with people hunting, growing crops, harvesting, gathering stock and cooking... but it will be an enormous work and maybe I'll give up. So I'll improve step by step using transitional solutions that make the mod playable soon. Your solution, Orion, will be rather advanced too. Before that, maybe I'll do something simpler just to balance the mod.
Thanks for the advices :)
Outdated / Re: [A12]Citymap v1.1
February 13, 2016, 05:29:31 PM
Also about fog of war, i plan to add a "guard" skill to animals, then they'll keep an eye on the room and even maybe act as an alarm.
But all that "defend your colony, you don't know if someone came in" is what I want to do. What do you think about that?
Outdated / Re: [A12]Citymap v1.1
February 13, 2016, 05:24:21 PM
Hi everyone, thanks for the remarks!
Endermender did you fixed your problem ? If not can you tell me what mod you use? Or even better can you find the one that make a conflict?

Canute, ok i'll add this option for fog of war, good idea.

About food production, I understand. The thing is I want the people to come and steal your food. I want you to defend your stock. But the problem here is they come too soon because they don't have a good enough AI to survive, cook, harvest ingredients. Also they should be afraid of stealing. Maybe I should also  add tools to defend, like lockable doors or alarm against intruders?
Make a magic food dispenser just to fix the economy is really not what I plan to do. In fact my final goal is to simulate a city at war, where you're just trying to survive, find food, find medicine, do some on you're own. But i want the surviving part difficult. And difficult for non-player character too so that they start becoming dangerous, pulled by hunger or despair. Maybe if i don't succeed in doing that AI, i'll do that magic food dispenser, though.

You're very right about hospitality it would improve the others. For the trader good idea. Maybe not all factions but neutral or friendly ones.

Rdz1122. It depends, do you got a compiler ? Maybe i'll be able to do a different version soon with disappearing fog of war. It's not a big change.
Outdated / Re: [A12]Citymap v1.1
February 13, 2016, 06:24:41 AM
Thanks Haplo!

lolznan123, unfortunately I didn't set any option. I plan to do it but I must find the time (i just became a dad) and learn how it works.

About theses options. As Orion said, it should be possible to have a ruined city.

Let's see the options that I plan to implement :
- inhabited, desert or "desert with the occasional gang"?
- percentage of map covered by the city.
- in good shape or ruined.
- only one faction united as a city or one faction per building ?
- fog of war disappears once and for all or reappears each time you leave the room ?

Do you see other options ? other choises you would like to have ?
Outdated / Re: [A12]Citymap v1.1
February 10, 2016, 01:49:41 PM
I updated the file, now it should be ready without apparello!
Eso, I think it was your problem too.
Outdated / Re: [A12]Citymap v1.0
February 10, 2016, 09:36:19 AM
Thanks Bob namg! I'll try to do that. Good idea. Police could be hard I don't know i'll have to look.

Eso, yes maybe. None of these lines concern my mod but there must be a conflict with another one. I'll solve it soon but if you want to do it quickly, just go in citymap/languages and in every folder you change each file's name to something else (just add some letters). It dhould solve the problem. If not, could you send me the list of mod you use?

If you liked or unliked something (especialy in the inhabitants behavior) tell me!
Outdated / Re: [A12]Citymap v1.0
February 09, 2016, 10:10:57 PM
Thanks for your idea Vas. Unfortunatly simulating that kind of behavior will take some times. But i'd like inhabitants to act like that yes.
Thank you for triying, Long night's hooking. I think i found the problem, this version requires apparello. You can try using it if you want. But i'll remove this bug soon, maybe tomorrow.
Unfinished / Re: City map
February 09, 2016, 07:35:02 PM
Here it is!
Even if I don't consider it finished, I put it in "Releases" because nobody wanders in this "unfinished mods" forum and I'd like some input and comments.
Outdated / [A12]Citymap v1.2
February 09, 2016, 07:30:38 PM

This mod randomly generates a city with roads, buildings and inhabitants. Colonists will be dropped somewhere in the city (same as vanilla). In this version the city inhabitants belong to different factions.

City generation
- The city is randomly generated, it can be quite long. Between 1 and 2 minute on my laptop.
- This version is aimed to become kind of a paranoïd game, with theft, raids and stuff. So I set the fog of war to mask rooms as soon as you leave them. It can be a bit annoying. I'll release a version where fog of war simply disapear.
- Known bug : when you have created a city and you get back to the main menu, if you start to create a new one, it may not work. It's better to restart the game. (if someone has an idea why, I'd like to hear it)

Inhabitants' behavior
- In order to let inhabitants live in the city, I had to change their AI (in thinktree/humanlike.xml)
- I also had to change colonists's behavior in the same file for them not to go use other people's tables as gather spots.
- In addition, if people don't trust you (goodwill<40) they will not like you to be in their home. Their goodwill toward you will slowly decrease.
- If you claim their stuff, they'll get angry very quick (claiming their stuff, walls or furnitures, can be necessary, for exemple you need to claim their beds in order to use them otherwise colonists won't sleep in it) Use the Claim button in the Orders section.
- At this stage, people are acting kind of weird apart from you because they all belong to randomly picked faction and because very few food is generated on the map. People will soon be hungry...

What I plan to do next
- Improve the behavior of characters (colonists or others)
- put furnitures and people in hospitals, shops and restaurants.
- let the player set some option in the beggining (percentage of the map filled by the city, inhabited or not, by one faction or several, fog of war or not in already discovered rooms, etc.)
- add cars, not for use just for decoration (and ressources like steel and fuel)

Author/Mod Team


How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

Fell free to tell me what you think !

- Updated to v1.1. Correction of a bug when apparello was not in use.
Ideas / Other faction's property
December 08, 2015, 12:15:23 PM
My suggestion concerns the simulation of property in the game. I noticed that only because I try to make a mod... so I understand it's not a priority. But I think it's necessary for the futur.

First a small point : I noticed that a ressource belonging to another faction (meals for instance) stored in this same faction's equipment rack appears amongst the Colony's ressources (on the upper left side of screen) I think it's not very logical.

In a more general way, I would love to be able to claim everything, not only walls but also furniture, etc. I noticed for instance that my settlers don't sleep in another faction's bed (even if I assign it to them, even if I claim the whole room and make it a settler's room)
Other point on claim. It would be great if we could claim things quicker cause the only way I found was to select walls block by block (maybe a "claim all in zone" button would help.)

I know it doesn't interrest a lot of player at this time but I think it's a required step for a better simulation of faction property. It would allow "stealing" for exemple.
I'm quite new at modding (and at Rimworld in general) bit I find this very impressive! Love the M&Co corporation and its scripts!
And thanks for sharing the sources, I'll use some in my mod.
Unfinished / Re: City map
November 23, 2015, 06:43:48 PM
Thank you for your answers! I will look at these to get inspiration!
Unfinished / Re: City map
November 23, 2015, 08:35:23 AM
As a colony map. I want to start in a city with buildings, roads, etc.
Help / namespace?
November 23, 2015, 06:33:45 AM
I've read in some posts/tutorials (thanks a lot Alistaire) that we have/might have to write our classes in our own namespace and not in Rimworld.
I think I just didn't understood but what does that mean? Every class I wrote until now is in the Rimworld namespace and everything goes well. Am I doing something wrong? Is it something necessary to release the mod to other users?
Or it's just that the classes I touch can be modified inside Rimworld?