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Messages - suivezlemir

Just had a look through your mod list, I'm gonna try them all ! Modders like you are enhancing the gameplay (and our fun!) in such a way, I don't even have the words to describe it. But please accept, Sir, my deepest sympathies for the great work you're doing here :) 
Awesome !!!!!! I couldn't  play without this mod :) thank you so much for taking the time to update it. Quick question though, as written in the description its "Currently this is almost exactly the same as the A12 version by Marnador." Does that mean another update is coming up ? or is it potentially unstable ?. Anyways, THANKS ! :)
thanks EdB for your mods and your hard work for the community ! I won't touch the A13 w/o Prepare carefully and EdB interface. Can we have a quick update as when you roughly expect to be done with them?
And thanks again ! you changed my RW experience (for the better :) )
Translations / Re: Official: Francais
April 13, 2016, 06:15:41 PM
Salut les gens !

Avec la sortie de l'A13 y'en a qui sont intéressés par la traduction ?