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Messages - marcavis

Ideas / Re: Tribal Start + Heat wave = Broken
August 09, 2016, 01:31:58 AM
I agree this needs some tweaking; a way I was able to play with a tribe (on BaseBuilder, Phoebe) was to go to advanced start and begin the game in fall (on temperate terrain)
Still had a heatwave IIRC, but it only went up to about 40 C, so it was survivable.
It's a neat idea to be able to modify the planet's climate, though an implementation based in percentages doesn't make a lot of sense:
100F is 37C; 130F is 54C, but 37C * 130% would be 48C. Besides, what happens when temperatures get close to, or below 0?
What one probably wants is additive offsets for both high and low temperatures.
Gotta second Cibi's suggestion; the current implementation suggests that LGBT people are about half as diverse as the norm, which is, yeah, quite weird.
(Also, the thing about gay people not reproducing isn't strictly true, with in vitro fertilization and whatnot, but I suppose is a decent enough approximation since making things otherwise would require Tynan to develop additional systems for it)