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Messages - bleedo

@cundc: I don't really know. Been a while since I played RimWorld.
No promises, but I might get back to it again soon.
Go Ahead @argain, after all it's Tynan's code in the end anyway. :)
Help / Re: Extending ThinkTrees instead of copying?
June 11, 2014, 04:16:07 PM
Sweet! Thanks.
Help / Re: Extending ThinkTrees instead of copying?
June 02, 2014, 12:41:14 PM
Quote from: sparda666 on May 09, 2014, 11:17:31 AM
Pawn.WooHoo(Pawn mate);

w00t? Static WooHoo call? GangWooHoo?
Help / Re: RimWorld source code
May 09, 2014, 03:52:17 AM
Quote from: Architect on May 01, 2014, 05:21:03 PM
mmmm, that new code smell...

I really hope there aren't too many code smells. :)
I forgot to mention i have class=mycompositetree to the root. I wrote a custom thinktree class that unions the existing with the inserted. I'll post it another day, but it's still a hack I'd rather avoid.
I've got a composite thinktree partially going.
I "derive" the original, and insert subnodes before given types.

For example:
<ThinkTreeDef Name="MyTree">
        <li class="AI.MyCode, MyAssembly>

It works, but everyone needs to use my class to be compatible.
Would be sweet if Tynan could bundle a class like that instead.

Of course I have to set the thinktree to MyTree on the humanoid race, but it's better than copying everything.

Another (better) option would be to end each thinktree with a "check next tree" class and making think tree references an array instead of a single one.
OK, after listening to you guys, I've decided NOT to make colonists breed. Ever!




Help / Extending ThinkTrees instead of copying?
May 06, 2014, 01:22:12 PM
There might be something I'm missing, but I have the impression that in order to extend the humanoid thinktree, in particular for colonists, you have to copy the entire existing thinktree and reference the new one in an overridden pawn thingdef?
This will as far as I can understand make the last mod loaded "win" ownership of the thinktree.
Is there some other way to extend the trees so all mods could extend existing core behaviour?
I'm not quite sure how Tynan loads mods, but it might be possible to host them in another appdomain with lower permissions, or just set permissions to medium in the main assembly. Possibly then doing disk operations in a separate domain with higher. :)

It would be preferable if the game handled security and we didn't have to scrutinize mod code before using it.

I won't have a go at it, but I dunno what would happen today if somebody did Process.Start("format c:");
I've got three-quarters of a mind to toss in a few random keystrokes.  :)
Would've been sweet with some secret git repo though.
If at all, I think I'd make colonist breeding a command. This is by no means cut in stone. It's a pet idea. Not even sure I'll manage to take this plugin much further at all. I'm letting it rest until A4 and then I _might_ do something with the animal husbandry idea.

But it's nice to know what you guys think of the colonist breeding idea. :)
Quote from: WolfgangPolska on May 02, 2014, 06:15:54 AM
Is there any way to change muffalo limit?

increase the max value in the pawnkinddef file
Help / Re: Programming carnivores
May 02, 2014, 03:14:15 AM
The muffalobreeding mod has some code that makes toils. See jobdriver_breeding. :)