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Messages - Gladeflower

The Cthulhu mod helps alot to make Cthulhu towns with
Bad/No science is used as an authority to conclude value on people in this thread, tho sneakily, and used to make comments on how society should look, else they wont work this and that.
The arm chair science and that gayness can be beaten out of you is also off topic.
Its not how science work and not even how it can be used. I see this all the time as a biology teacher.

My first post btw

Concrete Suggestion

-There is no predefined sexuality for pawns.

-Roll a dice before a pawn decides to flirt with another random pawn, if they are of same gender then there is a 10%+ chance for success role. Else 100% chance.

-If roll is successful then the dice for successful vs unsuccessful flirt is rolled.

Pro: - There is already a system in place for pawns making moves on other pawns
       - Easy to code?
       - Less meaningless visual clutter in the trait tree, and power gamers will be happy.
       - More gay relationships since the chance before for two gays of same gender being together is very low
       - Sexuality is fluid, its not set in stone
       - No need to include lines of codes and names for all kinds of sexualities, with risk of forgetting one. Since fluid system.
       - fun and "shocking", more stories to read

Con: - Sexuality is not predifined for life? Which is more of a pro.