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Messages - Silas_

I hope Clutter furniture makes a return appearance.  You're the best Mrofa, hope you're well.
Releases / Re: [1.0]Ancient Rim (19th Apr 19)
April 27, 2019, 09:11:31 AM
Love this, by far the best pre-gun Rimworld mod.  Looking for ward very much to anything else you release.  Ancient Egypt sounds awesome!
Releases / Re: [1.0] Religions of Rimwold
February 08, 2019, 06:32:38 PM
Quote from: Sarge on February 08, 2019, 04:54:01 AM
Quote from: Silas_ on February 07, 2019, 09:27:04 AM
Quote from: Sarge on February 06, 2019, 05:49:32 AM
Ah cool. Perhaps over time it can create a history where the church is one of (if not the absolute) the most corrupt ordinances to have ever been established. Committing crimes the length of one's arm under the guise of being holy and righteous; fear mongering and manipulating the state, fraud and tax evasion behind the mask of tax exemption for the church, oh and of course all the sex crimes.

You can probably tell that I'm a fan of organised religion.

Your mod has potential for all kinds of interesting in-game drama and interaction, depending if you're planning to take it beyond mere flavour.

Calm down.

Piss off.

You forgot to tip your fedora.
Releases / Re: [1.0] Religions of Rimwold
February 07, 2019, 09:27:04 AM
Quote from: Sarge on February 06, 2019, 05:49:32 AM
Ah cool. Perhaps over time it can create a history where the church is one of (if not the absolute) the most corrupt ordinances to have ever been established. Committing crimes the length of one's arm under the guise of being holy and righteous; fear mongering and manipulating the state, fraud and tax evasion behind the mask of tax exemption for the church, oh and of course all the sex crimes.

You can probably tell that I'm a fan of organised religion.

Your mod has potential for all kinds of interesting in-game drama and interaction, depending if you're planning to take it beyond mere flavour.

Calm down.
Releases / Re: [1.0]Ancient Rim (22th Jan 19)
January 29, 2019, 02:05:57 AM
Thanks Koni, this mod is totally unique and best quality.  The best medieval/ancient type mod for rimworld.
Mrofa is the best <3
Does this for sure not work with 1.0?
Mods / Palisade Mod?
October 21, 2018, 10:00:21 PM
Hey guys,

A couple months ago I had a mod that added very nice wooden palisade walls and gates(I think it was actually called "pallisade" or "pallisades") and now I can't seem to find it anywhere.  Sadly, I can't find it here on the forum or on steam workshop anymore either(I believe it was on both previously) .

Does anyone know where to find it or have a saved copy of the mod they could upload?  Thanks very much for any help!

EDIT:  Whoops, I found it here!  No idea how I overlooked it, apologies for the frivilous thread!

This is my favorite rimworld mod, the art is really beautiful and has so much personality.  Thanks Mrofa, I do hope you are able to update this!
Hey Koni, any chance this will be updated to be compatible with 1.0 once it becomes stable?

I don't mean to nag, I'm just excited.
Thank you very much Antaios and Von Gogh!
I love these mods and your work in general.  Looking forward to combining this with the LOTR mods and Rimworld Medieval Edition for a Dwarf Fortress-esque Rimworld experience.

Thank you!  Looking forward to anything that may come in the future.

Unfinished / Re: [B18] Simple Armors
May 31, 2018, 01:12:19 PM
SzQ, sorry to hear that you're too busy.  C'est la guerre.  If you linked your files, I for one would appreciate it.  No pressure, take care!
I don't suppose these will function as-is?  These are some of the best-made weapons around.
Will vents and coolers work as-is on B18?  I've gotten so attached to them at this point.

EDIT: Whoops!  Looks like they were last updated a day after B18 released.  That just leaves Skullywag's weapons packs. :p