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Messages - Mag

Will you add more turrets or features in the next updates ?
Releases / Re: [A15] Mending
August 29, 2016, 05:23:21 PM
I got 404 on the easy one
Release a lot of prisonners and shoot them when they're about to reach the corner of the map, only one manage to survive, that one with 30% of movement
Here's something that may change.
The deep-mining is too broken, I get 2500 jades only with a 3x3 when the vein is 7x5. See what I mean ? You can get money too fast without difficulty. That's the same thing for gold and uranium. The thing is I still didn't found any steel veins (I've tried 6 veins). Maybe place more steel and make the other veins more  smaller ?
And do you still take saves for the video ?
Quote from: ruzackovich on August 19, 2016, 09:42:10 AM
a15 ??? oh no? not again. and this mean and i must downloading , setting, playing, arranging everything including editing , troubleshooting , compiling, sorting ,picking and crashing overtimes , and doing it from a scratch ? and......that!.  is Really reaaaallly,.... annoying . can rimworld had old mod compability ? i playing game for fun, running away from confusing of the real world . like skyrim? it has update from 1.0 until still old mod run and compatible, not the mentioning adding new 2 add on, can rimworld will become old saves and mod and setting compability.? i am sorry if this is too much annoying of me for you . its just my personal perspective feeling about whatsoever i must do.

Yeah, we want a game with one update every year..
That's an alpha, it's supposed to be updated until the final release, adding new features so quickly is something really good for RimWorld.
Quote from: Tynan on August 18, 2016, 07:34:43 PM
While these are worthwhile discussions I am really still looking for general play feedback on balance and such.

Nobody's actually really tested a long-term drug-using colony so I don't know at all how it'd work out!

I tried this new alpha but my save got corrupted short after an update, so here what I have to say.
(I didn't have the time to try them, only tested the trade)
The drug are too expensive, you can get a lot of easy money just with the joints.
That component, required for some drugs, are only purchasable ? Because if you need to make drug with it because your colonists need it, I don't think there is enough traders or enough 'things' to buy. (If it's supposed to be late, why can we search these drugs so early ?)
And I find annoying the fact when you're making beer, the colonist don't put the bucket directly in the barrel, in a sens, it's like a storage.

That's the best I did, even if it's a really poor review.