Awesome outfits. I particularly like the tunics and bandana. Question; you mention slavery and yet I have not been able to find a mod that puts my lazy prisoners to work. Any recommendations besides the Game of Thrones slavery mod?
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Unfinished / Re: [B18][WIP] Slave Outfits for Slave and Prisoners! (Update 3!)
March 27, 2018, 07:26:16 AM #2
Outdated / Re: [A17] Crystalloid ~ Crystalline Humanoid Race V2.1 (Updated 10/08)
March 02, 2018, 11:02:25 AM
I hope this gets updated to B18 soon!!
Outdated / Re: [B18] Orc Invasion 18.01.21
February 14, 2018, 07:51:56 AM
Awesome mod, my friend.
Pigmen > Generic Fantasy Orcs.
Are they meant to be all male? ALL of the ones that I've generated have been.
Maybe you could could make them reproduce by turning pigs into orcs? You've already made a reference to breeding pens, and the colony that you created starts off with five pigs. You could make the orcs spawn an item (maybe spores or other unusual secretion?) that can be applied to a pig to spawn another orc that replaces the pig. Maybe have an intermediate stage that behaves like an animal but will eventually "mature" into an actual orc? You could make increase the rate at which the orc spawning item is spawned as more orcs are present, simulating a biological tendency to swarm.
Pigmen > Generic Fantasy Orcs.
Are they meant to be all male? ALL of the ones that I've generated have been.
Maybe you could could make them reproduce by turning pigs into orcs? You've already made a reference to breeding pens, and the colony that you created starts off with five pigs. You could make the orcs spawn an item (maybe spores or other unusual secretion?) that can be applied to a pig to spawn another orc that replaces the pig. Maybe have an intermediate stage that behaves like an animal but will eventually "mature" into an actual orc? You could make increase the rate at which the orc spawning item is spawned as more orcs are present, simulating a biological tendency to swarm.
Outdated / Re: [A17] SeveralPuffins mods for A17
February 13, 2018, 10:02:17 PM
Wish I could play this on A18

Releases / Re: [A17] TropiCKAPP Rainforest Mod
February 13, 2018, 05:58:06 PM
I played with this mod on A17. It was INCREDIBLE! Really, really well done. It's the most engaging biome mod that I've played. I'm super bummed not to see an A18 version. Is there any chance of an update?
Releases / Re: [A17] Call of Cthulhu - Rim of Madness Expansion Pack (8-5-2017)
August 09, 2017, 12:58:45 AM
Also, you're planning on making WEREWOLVES? Oh my God, jecrell, you're a prince. I love you.
Releases / Re: [A17] Call of Cthulhu - Rim of Madness Expansion Pack (8-5-2017)
August 09, 2017, 12:50:54 AM
Besides that, AWESOME MOD. Seriously, 5 stars, two thumbs up, etc
Releases / Re: [A17] Call of Cthulhu - Rim of Madness Expansion Pack (8-5-2017)
August 09, 2017, 12:49:47 AM
I've come across a problem where the Elder Things aren't able to equip their own weapons. . .
Outdated / Re: [A17] Onion Mod! Get those onions in game!
August 08, 2017, 06:42:19 PM
Onions! Nice! Looking forward to the Onion-people
Outdated / Re: [A17] VE-CO. Vanilla Friendly Combat Overhaul - Updated to A17
August 08, 2017, 06:36:46 PM
Sounds awesome. Will playtest soon. Looking forward to the animal update. ALSO, great job setting up the downloads. It's so easy to quickly install your mods!
Releases / Re: [A17] Orassans 🐱
August 08, 2017, 05:55:17 PM
Could you make the various medical mod patches available through github or the forum itself? The RSBE maker has only released the various patches for alien races through steam, and I can't find the 17 EPOE patch for the Orassans anywhere. Besides that, great mod, man. It adds some nice variety to RimWorld colonists. I installed it for 16 and am now reinstalling for 17. The only issue that I noticed is that their immune systems are slightly stronger than humans'. A race of cold tolerant, claustrophillic shut-ins is more likely to have a weaker immune system. Maybe you could weaken their immune system and then give them a mood bonus for staying inside for long periods of time like nice housecats?
Outdated / Re: [A16] RimSlaves : Games of Thrones inspired Slaves Mod
May 14, 2017, 12:26:44 AMQuote from: Walking Problem on May 12, 2017, 07:17:12 PMQuote from: beeeboop on May 12, 2017, 04:47:19 PM
Nice. Sounds cool. No bugs yet. I know that there was such a mod for an older version of the game. If you haven't already, I recommend taking a look at it.
Yeah I somewhat read about it before.
But I probably wont be doing the same thing (or have the ability to). Lets see how
Thanks for the help. For some reason the worker slaves aren't growing plants now?? I haven't tried the soldier ones, but the other ones work fine. I'm playing with Vegetable Garden and a few other mods.
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