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Messages - Kyna Tiona

Releases / Re: [1.0][SYR] Syrchalis' Mods
June 12, 2019, 05:25:46 PM
Additional dietary weirdness with thrumkin: chowing down on wood, which debilitates them, when there is literally thousands of hay in storage. Really wish I could just forbid them from eating wood altogether, but I guess I understand why it doesn't show up in the diet menu. >_<
Help / Restricting apparel by body type
June 08, 2019, 05:24:20 AM
I've encountered an alien race mod that also adds utterly adorable clothes. By default, the mod restricts the clothes to being only wearable by the mod's race, meaning it only has textures for the race's body type (thin). I'm trying to figure out a way to restrict the clothes to being only wearable by the same body type instead, that way I don't have characters equipping clothes that immediately become invisible.

Is it possible to do this through adding settings to the def files, or would doing the above be a very involved effort?
Ideas / Re: Guilty Visitors
June 06, 2019, 08:17:32 PM
@Limdood I think it's simpler than you're making it out to be. The game can just track what condition they were in when they entered your custody, then punish you if you release them in worse condition. It's basically the same mechanic as how you gain faction rep for rescuing a downed visitor and ensuring they make it off the map in good condition, except in reverse. Recruiting the imprisoned visitor would of course inflict a penalty, as would anything other than releasing them in more or less the same condition you arrested them in.

As for purposefully inflicting a mental break on a group of visitors in the first place...well, honestly, that does seem a bit exploitable, but it's a thing the game already allows you to do. The system I suggested above would make the exploit harder to pull off if anything. That said, it's a limited opportunity exploit that would probably require save scumming or luck to pull off correctly, so I don't think it's that big of an issue.
Releases / Re: [1.0] Psychology (2018-11-18)
June 06, 2019, 05:00:11 AM
@Psychology Hi again, sorry to bug you. So a couple of my construction colonists were working together on a wall, when Claire reaches over Spider to finish off a corner. Spider gets into an panic attack (see image link below), assumably from her poorly managed anxiety, and starts cowering on the spot. This is beautifully inconvenient, perfectly emulating the same kind of sudden freak outs I've gotten from seemingly innocuous interactions, so I'm assuming it's your work.

The problem is that it wasn't apparent what was going on until I noticed the thought entry. Prior to that, I had tried drafting her, forcing her to deconstruct the wall beside her, reloading the save, having another colonist punch her (!), etc., like I would do with any bug. Could panic attacks get the proper mental break treatment, so it's apparent that my lack of control over them is intentional?
I don't actually understand how this bug came to be. When I get the chance, I'm going to have to take her into combat and see if the shields' defensive values all take effect...
Releases / Re: [1.0][SYR] Syrchalis' Mods
June 06, 2019, 03:01:03 AM
So I'm liking both the naga and and the thrumkin. They look great, make the world feel bigger, and they're just enough different to be really interesting to have around and sometimes extremely useful, but not so much different that break anything. The naga are especially cool, both with having significantly different body parts than an unmodded human and their poison being really good for subduing targets for capture.

I am noticing a thing I would call a bug, though. My thrumkin are eating two or more persons' worth of food, as they do, but it nevertheless only fills up half their food bar. This results in them walking out, doing often literally one thing, then trudging back home with their slow walking speed to eat some more. I also notice that they eat a meal and then go back for more rather than simply carrying multiple meals to their table. Both of these problems together is really hurting their work efficiency. >_<
So as much as I like how Fashinrimsta fills in a lot of gaps in the base game's apparel, both stylistically and functionally, I really can't get over how unbelievably powerful most of these items are. The thermal pants are 95% as cold resistant as a parka with half the bulk and more compatibility with other gear choices, the fine shirt is like equipping three top-tier traits, etc. I could believe it if this were spacer apparel that were locked behind late-game research trees and took costly materials like hyperweave and plasteel, but as is it kind of breaks the game.  :-\
Ideas / Re: Guilty Visitors
June 05, 2019, 02:42:07 AM
Quote from: togfox on June 05, 2019, 01:26:24 AM
What did you do to your guest to make him flip out?

I've don't think I've had that happen before. Some raiders have arrived high up to the eyeballs and don't random stuff but never a peaceful guest.

Nothing in particular. Actually, I've got Hospitality going, so I have an idea of how well I'm accommodating visitors, and most guests really like hanging out around my colony. I'm assuming the character had preexisting issues, although I was mostly concerned with making him stop burning things and forgot to check. I noticed guests don't deliver a notification when they have mental breaks, so I'm suspecting that there's a lot more stranger mental breaks than I'm aware of. They're often aimlessly wandering anyway, so it'd be hard to tell at a glance whether they were wandering normally or any of half a dozen of the minor mental breaks.
Ideas / Guilty Visitors
June 04, 2019, 09:51:03 PM
So from what I can tell, raiders, escaped prisoners, and colonists who have committed murder get a "guilty" status on them that largely absolves consequences for doing bad things to them. Would it be possible to reuse the guilty effect to absolve the player of guilt when a visitor (guest, trader, etc.) acts out of line in the colony, such as with violent mental breaks? Like, I just had a guest go on a mental break and set fire to my rec room. If one of my colonists did that in someone else's colony*, getting arrested would be the least I could expect. But if I arrest the arsonist, his entire faction tries to kill me.

It seems really absurd and not entirely believable that I have to choose between either indulging the guy's wanton property destruction, or bloody war. I understand ingroup/outgroup bias is a thing, and I guess I could expect this rapid escalation out of a faction who's barely not at my throat in the first place. For other factions, though, I feel like a gentle tribe or civil outlander union would probably accept that their guy acted out of line and warranted punishment.

*: Everyone's stretch goal no doubt
Releases / Re: [1.0]New Ratkin race mod
June 04, 2019, 05:07:46 PM
This mod is great. A cute race, cute clothes, and a Storyteller that suits my interests better?  ;D

What are the odds of getting Combat Extended compatibility? I kinda clumsily reverse-engineered Orassans' CE patch to make Ratkins work, but I had to disable all the wonderfully drawn weapons, which made me sad...
Oh, I hadn't even thought about UI scale influencing it. You're right, it works fine at 1x scale, and weirds out anytime else. I completely forgot that Unity processes 2D sprites as 3D polygons, and now remembering it is making me go cross-eyed looking at the game...

And gotcha. It's surprising that weeding and harvesting are the same job on the backend, but it makes sense nonetheless. Sorry to bug!
Sorry to bug you. I have a bug and a request, both for the Work Tab mod. First, the bug. Scrolling left and right moves the labels up and down, and there's a diagonal line past which the text disappears. I don't even know. I dunno if having the logs that HugsLib keeps would be handy, but if so, here.

As for the request: for the detailed priority settings, would it be possible to split normal plant cutting (trees, grass, etc.) out from harvesting crops? The former is basically just another unskilled labor job in most of my colonies, but for the latter skill ranks are pretty important, what with botched harvests and all.
I feel a bit dumb. I decided to get back into RimWorld, so of course the first thing I do is download the current versions of Psychology, Hugslib, and literally everything Fluffy. I went to change Psychology's mod settings, and saw no cog icon on the mod manager. I wasted a quarter hour thinking it was the mod, then another thinking it was the mod manager, before finally discovering that it's just set up differently and only shows up in Options->Mod Settings. >_<

I noticed when I went to the Mod Settings menu that your mods pop up with their own dialog window, rather than other mods just opening a drop-down. I'm assuming that represents two distinctly different ways of handling mod settings' UI, and your mod manager can only see one of them?
Outdated / Re: [A16] Psychology (2017-1-17 v2)
January 21, 2017, 12:46:29 AM
Quote from: Psychology on January 21, 2017, 12:24:39 AM
You can also order a pawn to be euthanized, and then cancel it, to anesthetize them.

Which is just so wonky and unintuitive and causes problems even in vanilla. Excuse me while I go make a super-simple mod to add anesthetization as an operation.

EDIT: Gah. Making the operation is simple enough, figuring out how to get the game to recognize it as something to put in the list is not. Too tired to deal with this now.
Outdated / Re: [A16] Psychology (2017-1-17 v2)
January 20, 2017, 06:29:48 AM
Quote from: Psychology on January 20, 2017, 03:29:15 AM
If I changed it from the current random event to be "realistic" (and it's not, it's supposed to model a social contagion, not real homesickness, I chose homesickness only because it was appropriate), all of your colonists would get it after they've spent a year or two in your colony and it would only get worse, not better, until they could no longer bear it anymore and mental broke constantly. But I won't.

...Wow. It's really too bad the sharp retorts only seem to come out when you're frustrated, I enjoy them~

So hey, does this error look like it was actually Psychology's fault? At first I'd thought it was mine, since I'd adjusted my mod order, but then I reloaded the game with the original mod list and got the same result.

Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalLyingDown TryIssueJobPackage: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Psychology.Detour._Pawn_RelationsTracker._SecondaryRomanceChanceFactor (RimWorld.Pawn_RelationsTracker t, Verse.Pawn otherPawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.LovePartnerRelationUtility.GetLovinMtbHours (Verse.Pawn pawn, Verse.Pawn partner) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_ChancePerHour_Lovin.MtbHours (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_ChancePerHour.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

EDIT: Right, context. It consistently happens a few seconds after I load the save. It's currently around midnight and everyone's asleep. I only have the one couple, so I'm assuming it's their fault if anyone's, although I can't think of anything out of the ordinary with them save for being incestuous.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen them "lovin" yet. Not sure if that's important.