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Messages - nuschler22

Outdated / Re: [A16] Hygiene (2017-1-14)
January 30, 2017, 09:10:56 AM
Quote from: Minnigin on January 30, 2017, 07:51:24 AM
Quote from: nuschler22 on January 30, 2017, 04:55:35 AM
I'm not understanding how to keep people clothed. 

I have made a building about 25 by 25 with four individual shower stalls.  They are at the farthest part of the building.  I then made a clothing only stockpile that has ALL clothing in the colony in it.  The colonists have to walk through the stockpile to access the only door for the building.

I still have colonists that refuse to put back on new/good clothing after showering and walking through the stockpile. 

Any solution?

only thing that worked for me was to either destroy all clothing by using reclaiming or by forbidding them

I don't understand.  How does that help the issue?  I'm very unclear on what's causing it. :)
Outdated / Re: [16] border collie v1.0
January 30, 2017, 05:55:13 AM
Thank you!

Just downloaded it.
Outdated / Re: [A16] Hygiene (2017-1-14)
January 30, 2017, 04:55:35 AM
I'm not understanding how to keep people clothed. 

I have made a building about 25 by 25 with four individual shower stalls.  They are at the farthest part of the building.  I then made a clothing only stockpile that has ALL clothing in the colony in it.  The colonists have to walk through the stockpile to access the only door for the building.

I still have colonists that refuse to put back on new/good clothing after showering and walking through the stockpile. 

Any solution?
What am I doing wrong or is there some mod conflict?

Many of my items require "generic wood."  I have some of the generic wood that I started out with but I can't seem to find any more.  Some things, my butcher table for example, require both generic wood and a type of wood chosen by me. 

Is it a mod conflict, or am I doing something incorrectly?
Primarily (actual reason) because I have serious OCD and it bothers me I can't put a lamp shade on it. 

Wall lights, floor lights, anything would work.  Anybody know of a mod that doesn't have errors?  Some of the A15 mods (fences and floors, for example) work fine.

Thanks. :)
Quote from: Rock5 on December 20, 2016, 08:25:05 PM
I originally updated Veinminer to A15 with extra features. That's the second link and I never updated it to A16.

The top link was updated to A16 based on my version. I've tested it. It works perfectly. Did you download the second link by mistake?

Just to confirm, the first is the one from a link that just says Dropbox?

I'll give that a try.

I think I did use the second link. Are you on Steam or able to upload there so others can use it? I don't know how it works with sharing/cloning mods.
Quote from: Rock5 on December 20, 2016, 07:38:42 PM
It was already updated to A16 by Hatti.

And it was based on my fixed version with a few extra features. Which version was yours based on?

Here is my original post if you want to know what I changed.

I used the Steam version that shows it's compatible with A16.

I downloaded and redownloaded it about an hour ago and it causes a crash each time, with not being able to restart.

Edit:  I downloaded the one from your link, and it shows as red in the Steam mods.  Don't know if you're on Steam, but that means it's not compatible (or the game doesn't think it's compatible).

The steam version I'm talking about is called MineItAll which is a clone of this.  That shows as white, or compatible, but crashes the game.   The steam author is aware of the conflict according to the Workshop page.
Quote from: rshingleton on December 19, 2016, 11:49:17 PM
I used this mod as a base and updated for A16 under the name MineItAll, full credit given for original mod.



Just a warning, MineItAll will show it's compatible with the A16 update, but causes a crash and prevents restarting the game.
Has anyone used a mod that adds lights to the game (like wall lights, LED) with A16 without too many issues?
Being able to put the name in and see it pop up, confirming it's in the game, is an excellent addition.

Thank you!
As a raid was coming in (first one of game with a single raider), I drafted all my colonists and realized that one only had a club when a gun was available.

As soon as I send him to pick up the gun, the other colonists opened fire on him one time, then stopped.

And, of course, my (random) colonists that had 0,1 and 1 respectively for shooting, hit him at distance. (Just funny, since they couldn't hit the raider as he approached)
General Discussion / Re: How To Roll Joints?
August 20, 2016, 10:47:32 AM
Awesome responses.

Comparing defending yourself to using  and selling drugs for profit .  Lol.

But good for you guys.  I'm glad you're all happy at the direction of the game.

This will be my last post on this forum. And my glowing review in Steam will turn to a negative.

Enjoy your political statement of a game.
General Discussion / Re: How To Roll Joints?
August 20, 2016, 12:28:27 AM

This is an official part of Rimworld now?

Time for a negative review on Steam.

Way to drive half of your customers away.

I've gotten sick of the liberal and political agenda of this game.

I play games to distract me.  Not to get the liberal agenda pushed on me which is clearly what's going on with the insistence of adding gays and drugs.

General Discussion / Re: Pregnancy
August 20, 2016, 12:26:19 AM
I just saw a mod that adds it on Steam. I haven't used it and cant vouch for it.

I just saw it today under most recent mods.  I forget the name but it's obvious.
Once again, regarding screen shots, if you expect a screen shot or a save game even after it was explained that it's not functional, that's your issue. Not mine.

Same games as well considering the amount of mods everyone uses. 

Feel free not to argue and skip topics where people don't provide them instead of incessantly and immaturity demanding they be provided.

I have no need to prove that my setup is working fine.  And cools normally when a heat wave isn't in effect. If youre not comfortable that I'm telling the truth, then that's your issue. Not mine. Don't like it?  You can easily not provide help and go help others that fit your requirement for help.

If you don't accept that, you have the ability to move on. 

Be mature and stop constantly insisting you get your way.  I'm not demanding your help. And, quite frankly, if you truly believe a screen shot or save would have helped in this situation than you're misunderstanding the issue or refusing to fully compressed it.