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Messages - user19990313

New Translation update: Russian by craftersmine! (Filename:
Some typos in English are also fixed by craftersmine, thanks!
New Translation update: Japanese by Proxyer, Spanish & Spanish Latin by 53N4! (Filename:
Releases / Re: [1.0] RuntimeGC In-Game Cleaner
October 31, 2018, 09:07:58 PM
Japanese & Spanish translation is on the way! ;)
Releases / Re: [1.0] Mod Announcements Thread
October 30, 2018, 06:12:45 AM
[1.0] RuntimeGC In-Game Cleaner

Ludeon Forums link

This mod can (safely) do some cleaning on your saves to make the game running smoothly & reduce the size of your savegame.

Steam workshop
RuntimeGC In-Game Cleaner
For 1.0 (build 2059)

New Translation update: Japanese, Spanish & Spanish Latin! (TranslationUpdate01)

What's new in this release:
+(New) A dynamic Memory Monitor - Fully costomizable!
+(New) 3 new Auto-cleanup items!
+(New) Show Debug Log without enabling Dev Mode!
+(New) Remove snow!
+(New) Useful hacks - close all letters, unlock speed limit, etc.
+(New) RuntimeGC now has a mod setting page!
+(New) Integrated MuteGC and MuteCL mods!
+All cleaning tools are always available - and dev mode grants you more tester-oriented OP cleanings!

Buy a coffee for RuntimeGC!

For A18 or older releases, click Here

How could you salvage your over-sized savegame?
How could you make your game running smoothly as it used to be?
Well,you're lucky because you're using this mod!

You can:
-Remove unnecessary World Pawns to alleviate burden of GameSystem
-Clear AvoidGrids to reduce the size of your savegame
-Remove useless members(dead or of other factions) in an animal family
-Remove filth and snow in HomeArea
-Remove corpses in current map
-Remove BattleLog entries
-Fix some faction relationships error(Those caused by mod conflicts are excluded!)
-Re-generate faction leaders to fix some CommTable issues.
-Reclaim Memory used by GameSystem to boost up game performance

You can view help documentation for these tools by clicking "?" buttons in the GUI.

1.Activate this mod(after Core mod)
2.Load your savegame
3.Find a tab called "RuntimeGC" at the bottom of your screen
4.Click,and do some cleaning with the GUI


PS. The longer you played(year-in-game),the more effective this cleaning will be.
PS2. Sometimes errors occur like "Tried to remove xxx from RimWorld.WorldPawns,but it's not here."They're unavoidable as I should thouroughly de-register every pawn(to avoid further bugs).But,they're harmless,so just ignore them.
PS3. Post any errors or bugs on my forum page.Your effort contributes to a better mod.Thanks!
PS4. (Too expensive to buy)

No known mod conflict yet.
Add this mod any time you like.
Remove this mod any time you like.
You don't have to create a new game.
-Can modpack makers include your mod in their modpack?
-Whatever,as long as you don't remove <author /> tag.And inform me via PM/leave a comment at Steam Workshop.

-Can other modders make derivative mods based on yours?
-No.There's nothing to inherit in this mod ;)

English & Chinese Simplified
Chinese Traditional By BiscuitMiner(B17-18) & AutoWave(1.0)
Japanese By kazumu(B17-18) & Proxyer(1.0)
Spanish & Spanish Latin by 53N4(1.0)
German By maculator(B18)

[If you want to do some translations, please also translate RuntimeGC.SteamWorkshopDescription.1.0.txt  ;)]



via DropBox
or subscribe it at Steam Workshop :P

Special Thanks to A16 testers:
[Check About.xml for their codes]
Thanks for your splendid work in Close-Alpha tests!

Why not pick up some of my mods here?Maybe they could make your gaming experience better!

[B18] AntiAutoUnload-Keeps your inventory!
It seems that this mod is not dead yet, because someone sends PM asking for a B18 version.
Here is the B18 version, and I think I won't work on this mod anymore. I mean I may update it for myself, but I won't guarantee I would release it.

[attachment deleted due to age]
That's quite a good idea, a lite version of WM food selection.
Well I suggest you maintain a static Dictionary<Pawn, Settings> to store food settings instead of a CompPawnMenu, because TryGetComp<>() and so are implemented using linear search (O(n)), and it's likely that players may only adjust food settings for part of the colonists and may never do so on animals/visitors/irrelevant pawns. Then you get faster access to settings, better performance per tick and can use less storage in saves. (You don't wanna see everyone disable your mod because "it's laggy in the long run", right?)
If you're even more aggressive like me, spend some memory to create a reverse-lookup (Dictionary<ThingDef, Pawn>) and query it in food selection function instead of the vanilla ThingFilter.Allows(), which significantly improves the performance. Check StuffFilter for those details.

BTW If you're looking for CN download, search in using the mod name as the keyword, or simply check this. Strongly suggest you use RuntimeGC XD
While wandering in source codes with ILSpy:
public static void WorldPawnPostLoadInit(WorldPawns wp)
if (VersionControl.MajorFromVersionString(ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.loadedGameVersion) == 0 && VersionControl.MajorFromVersionString(ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.loadedGameVersion) <= 17)
if (wp.gc == null)
wp.gc = new WorldPawnGC();

Notice that in line 3:
if (VersionControl.MajorFromVersionString(ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.loadedGameVersion) == 0 && VersionControl.MajorFromVersionString(ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.loadedGameVersion) <= 17)
This suppose to be MinorFromVersionString() if you want to apply the rest of this func to 0.17 or lower saves.

Currently, MajorFromVersionString("0.18.1722 rev xxx") returns 0, and 0<=17 is true for sure, so this patch designed for 0.17 or lower saves is also applied to any of the 0.18 up-to-date saves.
The consequence is, wp.UnpinAllForcefullyKeptPawns() will run on any 0.18 saves loaded, which cleared wp.pawnsForcefullyKeptAsWorldPawns; then you click save button, the new save file will have an empty ForcefullyKept list stored.
<pawnsForcefullyKeptAsWorldPawns />

Yes, that's what a save looks like. I think you know what does that mean... A bomb with rand() seconds countdown.

The same issue occurs in Verse.BackCompatibility.RecordsTrackerPostLoadInit(recordTracker).

Please fix it @Tynan.

And stop forwarding my mail about wpgc... The WorldPawnGC issue is MUCH MORE CRITICAL than this one, but you just play deaf on that...
Outdated / [B18]StuffFilter - aka the Super Filter!
March 02, 2018, 11:11:16 PM
StuffFilter - aka the Super Filter!
For B18(build 1722)

Adding extra filters for the vanilla ones, filtration now will concern the stuff (if any) of an item.
Now you can allow or disallow weapons, apparels or meals with specific stuff configured in the extra filters.

You will be able to :
-Distinguish weapons or apparels by stuff
-Melt weapons / recycle/mending apparels made from specific stuff
-Store veggie simple meal here, and non-veggie there
-Designate foods / apparels for prisoners (should put a stockpile in the prison first)
-Copy filter settings between two stuff filters

Well, I'm trying to compress my description... I think this one is short enough.

1.Load this mod after Core
2.Find a vanilla filter, for example stockpile filter or bill filter
3.Click "AdvFltr" button next to the allow/disallow buttons, then configure the extra filter!


PS. This might be the best implementation for this idea, (or you can try completely re-weaving the dll and KO all other dll mods), I did my best to optimize it, but there might be still some performance wicks. Marking a specific stuff as disallowed results in several more comparisons each tick than marking it as allowed. Well these performance wicks are still too small to be sensed if you don't have over 30 stockpiles.
In short, allow all and untick useless stuff in the stuff filter will be better than disallow all and tick useful ones.
PS2. Cannot distinguish sculptures. (Performance concerns)

No known mod conflict yet.
Add this mod any time you like.
Remove this mod any time you like.Please disable all extra Stuff Filters first!(All AdvFltr button are "Off")
You don't have to create a new game.
-Can anyone copy and distribute your mod?
-You can download or recommend this mod, but You must inform the author of your intention and get the permit from the author in advance if you are going to upload this mod onto other websites.

-Can modpack makers include your mod in their modpack?
-Whatever,as long as you don't remove <author /> tag.

-Can other modders make derivative mods based on yours?
-No,because there's really nothing to derive :P

English & Chinese Simplified


Note for all translators
Hi there, if you are going to translate this mod, please also translate the Steam description text given in the download link, and do not mess up the formatting markers in square brackets  ;D


via DropBox

or subscribe at Steam Workshop :P

Why not pick up some of my mods here?Maybe they could make your gaming experience better!

[B18] RuntimeGC In-Game Cleaner

[B18] AntiAutoUnload-Keeps your inventory!

[B18] RimBank - The Universal Currency System!

[B18] RimSilo - The Storing Service Provider!
Releases / Re: [B18] RuntimeGC In-Game Cleaner
February 03, 2018, 05:05:26 AM
New translations added:
Chinese Traditional By BiscuitMiner
Japanese By kazumu
German By maculator
Enjoy ;)
New translation By BiscuitMiner: ChineseTraditional ;)
Releases / Re: [B18] RuntimeGC In-Game Cleaner
February 02, 2018, 01:07:39 AM
Quote from: frenchiveruti on December 06, 2017, 04:33:49 PM
Oh my god thanks a lot, I started to get my FPS killed with my new chicken farm, it seems that my chickens have memory for enough sons that they'll keep them in their relations history for ages!
So, now I have your mod with my mods.
Also, I saw that there's some tendency to encounter some bugs, so if you update, will you consider adding ModSync Ninja to your mod? Thanks a lot!
There will be only updates around the new release of the game and...I'm quite a lasy guy  ::)
Releases / Re: [B18] RuntimeGC In-Game Cleaner
February 02, 2018, 01:05:28 AM
Quote from: Canute on December 07, 2017, 01:55:16 AM
What do you think about a new feature ?
Currently you need to activate all the cleaning by hand. Most people do this when they notice any lag.
What about to activate an auto. cleaning for some/all features every year/quadrum ?
No, auto-cleaning may cause bugs. The point is, if the cleaning did raise an error, you don't know when and why it failed since you cannot get a realtime log report, and that makes it more difficult to recover your saves.
Cleaning manually is more stable, customizable and controlled.
Quote from: Sarge on December 31, 2017, 09:13:44 PM
Reduced the image size for you. Attached.
Thanks. However, I don't have any other place to store an image so I have to use the preview CDN of steam. ::)
Outdated / [B18]RimSilo - The Storing Service Provider!
December 31, 2017, 09:02:37 PM
RimSilo - The Storing Service Provider!
For B18(build 1722)

Help!Anyone knows how to set the size of the img?
Thanks for @historic_os who taught me how to fix the width and thanks for img processing by@Sarge, though I didn't use it at all :P

RimBank Mod Series
[Core] RimBank
[This] RimSilo

*Disclaimer : Any of the [™] marks in this mod in any translation texts are only used to make the gaming experience more authentic. They shall never stand for any kinds of trademarks, properties or so. If you do consider them as an infringement on your rights, please submit this case to the author, the author will remove any of those marks. It will be regarded as an acknowledgement and acceptance of this disclaimer if you proceed and use this mod.

What's diffenent in B18 update :
+Max Vault capacity : 170000 -> 230000
-Vault subscription fee : 1000 -> 850
+Initial Warehouse capacity : 2000kg -> 3000kg
+Max Warehouse capacity : 10000kg -> 15000kg
*Fixed a bug that there are -2 notes in a vault after a transfer
*Notification letter types remade

Meat and potatoes are everywhere, but fridge's nowhere?
Spend 10 yrs on traveling from the north pole to the source on foot?
Food crisis breaks out on your caravan, and no gas station nearby?

You need this mod -- RimSilo™ (and its prerequisite RimBank)!

-Secure Vault, store your money here in bulk!
-A Warehuse preventing the goods from deteriorating!
-Reliable but inexpensive Static Chamber, get your wounds frozen!
-Global DropPod Delivery Service, send everything (stored above) or raid every settlement!
-With one account, store or fetch your items at any place -- even at enemy base! (Beacon required)
-Drop supplies for your caravan...Or even drop the whole caravan onto a friendly faction base!
-Transfer currency, items, or even animals, prisoners and colonists between two maps!
-A more flexible solution than Quantum Storage! (Sorry, but you didn't update it to A17  ::) )

-And incredibly detailed introductions, guides, tips and FAQs!

Extra Features
-Add it to your game at any time! Opening a new save is NOT required.
-Remove it from your game at any time without corrupting your saves! (See below)

Gameplay Hints (Only examples)
-Store money into the vault to reduce the size of potential raids!
-Warehouse with lots of food or ingredients = an enormous fridge!
-Store items or minified furnitures into the warehouse, and retrieve them at your new base!
-Deliver goods to your caravans by droppods!
-Or just drop your whole caravan onto a friendly faction base! (Then come back on foot, or with Set-Up Camp)
-Put your soldiers into Static Chambers and strike the enemies with an orbital drop! (Remember to drop firearms as well)
-And put prisoners into chambers then bring them back!
-Luciferium's out of stock? Freeze the consumer in a chambers until you get enough!

1.Load this mod after RimBank (the prerequisite mod).
2.Select a colonist and right-click the ATM Terminal (From RimBank), then select "RimSilo™ Professional Storing Service" in the float menu to access the UI.
3.When trying to remove this mod, please open the UI from the terminal first, then select "Delete Account" from "Misc...". If there are any active sub mods (of this), please make sure all the removing commands for those sub mods have been executed.


PS. Select a colonist and right-click the ATM Terminal, then select "RimSilo™ Professional Storing Service" in the float menu to access the UI.
PS2. If you get stuck while solving a payment, try to stop your mouse over icons or titles - A tooltip will emerge and lead the way.
PS3. Almost all the operations in this mod need at least one active orbital trade beacon, just like what you should do when trading with a tradership in the vanilla game.
PS4. (That was a joke in RuntimeGC)
PS5. If you have any questions, check Info button ("i" icons) on the UI, or look up in the "FAQs" from the "Misc...". It's not a bad idea that you check help contents before spending money, right?
PS6. The coremod of RimBank Series (aka this mod) and all sub mods must have the same MinorVersion number. Well if you cannot figure out what I'm talking about, just ignore it, a built-in ModChecker will take charge of it.
PS7. Post any errors or bugs on my forum thread or Steam workshop page.Your effort contributes to a better mod.Thanks!

No known mod conflict yet.
Add this mod any time you like.
Remove this mod any time you like.Please follow the instructions in HowTo Section.
You don't have to create a new game.
-Can anyone copy and distribute your mod?
-You can download or recommend this mod, but You must inform the author of your intention and get the permit from the author in advance if you are going to upload this mod onto other websites.

-Can modpack makers include your mod in their modpack?
-Whatever,as long as you don't remove <author /> tag.

-Can other modders make derivative mods based on yours?
-Yes.But I don't have time to set up a git repo...I'll give one later,maybe.

English & Chinese Simplified
Chinese Traditional By BiscuitMiner
Japanese By KondenEinenShizainoLaw
Korean By eͩkͬfͤkͣrͫ9292

user19990313(ArchAuthor,Dll parts)
WishingLaws(En translation)


via DropBox
or subscribe it at Steam Workshop :P

Why not pick up some of my mods here?Maybe they could make your gaming experience better!

[B18] RuntimeGC In-Game Cleaner

[B18] AntiAutoUnload-Keeps your inventory!