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Messages - Darkhail

You appear to be 100% correct, thank you. I started just making prisoners free to roam the main portion of my base, looks like that was a terrible idea.
It has happened so far in every game I have played. Only this time all food is marked socially improper, only prisoners will eat it if it is in the same room as them. Again, no one will bring it to them, nor eat it themselves.
There may not be any connection, but it seems pretty similar to my issue after an estorm.

All of my colonists have begun starving once a radiation storm hit. If you right click any food it states that it is socially improper to haul, and no one will eat any of it. There was no issue until the storm hit, this includes Potatoes, Berries, as well as Simple Meals and Nutrition Paste.

Prisoners will still eat food if they have access to it, however colonists will not bring it to them nor will they bring it to incapacitated colonists.

After the radiation storm ended the food still remained unavailable. However, any new food harvested after the storm initially hit will be eaten/used by the colonists.

Edit: Updated the version to f as it is still an issue. I am also no longer 100% confident that it was the estorm that caused the issue as other games I have started have had this problem.