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Messages - Yeol

I don't know if it's intended, but boomalopes make cow noises. When I heard the "moo", I was expecting to see muffalos, but found boomalopes. I don't remember if boomalopes always had the cow moo-sound, (and I'm playing Rimwolrd since A8)  ::)
I noticed that the same world creation seed does not recreate the same world anymore. The selection of proposed pawns are the same, but the geographical data (world and home section) are each time different with the same seed. I hope this problem will be adressed one day.

4. Wanda Coffey – "killed by a friend"

Randy Rough (commitment), Naked brutality,  World seed "StoryFive", World size 100% (normal,normal), first random site, first character

Wanda woke up naked and alone, without anything, deep within a boreal forest. Wolves roam the region, insects the nearby caves. It's a hostile world: eat or be eaten so it seems. She prepared a very small shelter against the rain, and started to sow crops. The first day a raider came and she would not stand a chance in a fight, but she outran him. He gave up after a day of chasing her around.

One year she managed to keep things going. She had the usual setbacks to overcome: raids, manhunters, extreme weather, deseases,... Nine people joined, four were still hanging around, alive.
And then arrived destiny in the form of 2 raiders. Normally nothing to really worry, but today was different. Luck turned badly. When the raiders approached the base, Wanda and Larc received them with pistol and bow, but misses were many. First shot of the raider hit Wanda in the heart: 2% left. Second short ripped an arm off. Everyone attacked together the same guy, and finally killed him. The other fled, but managed to set fire to the camp. With the two other camp members being pyromans, Wanda and Larc had to put out the fire also. Wanda went beserk, and wanted to murder someone, and attacked Larc. The others came to try and stop Wanda. With one punch from Larc, Wanda fell to the ground: dead... the End

Hahaha, who kidnapped my Jacob? Anybody here?  ;D
Same cave, one week later... RAID!  A lone raider was going to invade and destroy my camp... I thought. I never understood why he decided to enter this cave to attack it's dwellers. He never came back out again... Raid over.

W1zard, today it were the insects, tomorrow it's an infection, a lucky headshot or a meteorite. You will never be able to control it all. When playing Randy on a more difficult level, you have to expect extreme odd against you, and to loose it all, although you did everything to try and turn the odds around.

If you don't like the randomness in a game, play Cassandra or Pheoby. They will throw challenges at you at the level of the state and development of your base. More a game where you control the pace and the challenges thrown at you. It's more predictable, less extremes; maybe more your style of Rimworld.
W1zard, Rimworld is not a game of winning or loosing. It's a game about living tales, adventures, stories. You had one, a short one, but it clearly moved you. In Rimworld your pawns will almost always "loose", but YOU can tell the tale. I had to restart 5 times to get a game that goes beyond a season. Look in the "Stories" section, and read my 4 very short stories.

Don't consider the end of your colony as loosing, but as one new story to tell. Start another (random) colony, and try again your best to keep them alive. Probably another turn of faith will cause again mayhem and defeat. But that's part of the fun and the callenge. ;-)
I don't know if it was intentional, but graves do not anymore show the names of the person buried. I remember from previous versions of Rimworld that it did (Mod?), but now there is no name anymore, just a date and that it's a human corps buried there. I would like to see it "fixed", because for roleplaying it adds to the immersion; remembering the names of the fallen ones.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
July 31, 2018, 02:19:58 AM
Another cheap idea:
Pawns take into account their physical state when deciding what to do. When a pawn is shivering of the cold or worst, he will try to seek a warm place to warm up. When a pawn is overheating, he will look for shadow and cool shelter, etc. The player can override this by giving explicit orders, but the pawn has some self-protecting when deciding what chores to do. It's no fun baby-sitting them all the time in extreme climatic situations, to avoid them to seek suicidal actions (= not seeking self-protection when things go bad).

and yet another cheap idea:
soaking wet has an effect depending of the temperature: when it's freezing, soaking wet gives a negative buff (the colder the more negative), and makes freezing effect worst. When it's hot, soaking wet gives a positive buff (mood), and helps against overheating. Some linear behaviour between the extreme cases might be considered
Stories / Re: Extremely lucky starting conidtions!
July 30, 2018, 04:17:49 AM
Indeed very lucky start, but in the long run luck and bad luck cancel themselves out.  ;)

I just discovered that one can make a bow with the crafting spot. That will make my "naked and alone" runs a little easier.  ;D
4. Jacob Harpes – "Kidnapped"

Randy Rough (commitment), Naked brutality,  World seed "StoryFive", World size 100% (normal,normal), first random site, first character

Jacob woke up naked and alone, without anything, in a cold tundra region of the world, scarcely scattered with berry bushes and a few trees. He started to sow (but crops grow slow), and build a shelter against the bitter freezing nights. He ate berries, berries and berries...

The fireplace in house kept the nights warm. Crops were slowly growing and expected within a week to be harvestable. All seemed under control, when a single raider appeared: a decent melee'er with a knife. Jacob tried to surprise him, but it was in vain. The knife made the difference. Jacob got severely hurt, passed out and got kidnapped. Never heard of him again...

Thank you, Jcapp. End it's even more enjoyable to play these random starts. You got extremely lucky, I read in another thread. In the long run, luck cancels itself out, but starting with bad luck keeps stories very short. (but entertaining)
Choco appeared on the map. She's a "mad woman", a wild human living with, and as the wildlife. She could be tamed, but my protagonist (Wanda) does not have the skills. So Choco wandered around, and found this comfortable cave: shelter and easy food seemed to keep her there. Little does she know how dangerous it is to live amongst the co-inhabitants. But she does not mind. She lives there now for more then a week, and it seems she's staying there for another good time. She's comfortable, safe from predators (dead lynx at the cave entrance), and out of weather and rain. Choco: the wild-woman living among insects.

Story 3 - Lesley "Squirt" Harpes – "Eaten Alive"

Randy Rough (commitment), Naked brutality,  World seed "StoryThree", World size 100% (normal,normal), first random site, first character

Squirt woke up naked and alone, without anything, in an extremely desolated desert land, almost without vegetation or wildlife. He started to sow rice, and build a shelter. He ate raw Iguana...

On the sixth day, crops were growing, harvest was expected in a few days, steel had been mined for the wind turbine and stove... Squirt was going to hunt during the night the last sleeping Iguana. The fight turned out bad.  The Iguana was dead, but Squirt had many scratched, which started to infect immediately. The time he needed to tend his wounds, he passed out. A manhunting Yorkshire Terrier came to eat him alive... The End.

Thanks for the suggestion. I loaded the game, left it running. At the same time a pod appeared with another pawn, the game ends with the normal message that all are dead. It was worthwhile to try, though.