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Messages - Bolty

Actually, it looks like a user on Steam has taken over the Leadership mod and is attempting an update. It's in very early beta though, so it might have a few bugs and the user doesn't recommend playing with it just yet.
Yes I would like to see this mod revived, or something similar.

Re: Psychology. That mod is pretty good if you want to run your colony as a democracy, but with the Leadership mod you were able to run it as a dictatorship too. The choice allowed for better stories because you could choose to go down a criminal empire type path, or a modern society type colony.
I remember a while back Thirite did say he was probably going to come back to update the mod to 1.0 when it is released, but obviously so far nothing. However since his last visit to the forum was back in early July, I think its safe to assume he's not coming back for a while.

It is sad to see great mods like this one abandoned but hopefully someone else will take over it. I know Jarry updated it to B19, so perhaps he's working on 1.0 too. I'd give it a go if I knew modding and coding lol
Appreciate the work you put into these great mods CP. I especially love the weapons mod and I think the vanilla game is almost unplayable without it! Can't wait until its updated.  ;D
Lol, good way to get people's attention for sure Razzoriel!  ;D

I mirror what the others have said Tynan! A brilliant game and all those years of hard work you've put in to it have more than paid off. Well done to you!
Unfinished / Re: [B18] (WIP) Diplomacy!
October 17, 2018, 10:25:05 AM
Any update on this mod yet? When it's finished it's one I would really like to try.  :)
I play with loads of mods in my game, so there's quite a few that I get used to and feel "lost" when they aren't there. These are the ones I really struggle without though.

  • Child and Pregnancy
  • Prepare Carefully
  • Pawns are Capable
  • Psychology
  • Numerous mods which add different hairstyles
  • Vegetable Garden
  • Selling prisoners with no guilt  ;D
  • Animals Logic
  • Run and Gun
  • More Furniture

Mods / Re: [Mod Request] Religion
October 12, 2018, 09:11:25 PM
Yes, I would definitely recommend the Call of Cthulhu Cults mod, as posted by Canute. Even though they're a bit bizarre (as I suppose they should be, they are religious cults after all) you can found cults and build churches/temples in your colony.
Great work on this fantastic game Tynan and congrats on the release of the first "proper" version!

I was first hooked into RimWorld about 2 years ago and I'm still hooked today. I can't wait to play 1.0!
Excellent jarry. Don't see any problems with it so far. Thank you for updating this in Thirite's absence.
Ideas / Re: Contagious diseases
September 23, 2018, 05:40:37 PM
How about infected traders and raiders accidentally (or purposefully even) spreading diseases to your colony, simulating the spread of a disease around the planet?

Also I'd like to see some more real-life diseases added to the game. We have the flu, plague and malaria, but how about diseases like tuberculosis and the eradicated smallpox that have the potential to completely wipe out your colony if you don't quarantine and treat infected colonists?

Also more minor annoyance diseases like the common cold which just reduces colonist efficiency and mood for a few days?
Mods / Re: [mod request] Instruments
September 11, 2018, 06:27:22 PM
Quote from: mvargus on September 10, 2018, 07:29:16 PM
Quote from: Griphaha on September 09, 2018, 07:07:26 AM
Links please

and then Razzle Dazzle which was last updated by SeveralPuffins back in December.

That Razzle Dazzle mod looks very good. I really hope the author updates or someone else takes over it. I always welcome mods that allow you to build new buildings like the theatre or concert hall in the case of this mod.

It actually would be great if a few musical instruments were added such as violins and a few woodwind instruments so that you form a small orchestra of colonists that can perform to the rest of the colony, or something else along those lines?
Mods / Re: [Mod Request] Dark Elfes/Slavery and Torture
September 05, 2018, 06:36:31 AM
I would like a torture mod too.

It would be interesting to capture people during raids and torture them for information. At first they resist but as time goes on, they reveal information about things like an upcoming attack from their faction or a location where valuable items are stashed etc.

As for slavery, a mod for that already exists, though it hasn't been updated for A19:
Ideas / Re: Varying Quadrum/Year Lengths
August 24, 2018, 10:43:42 AM
You have my backing too. Quite like the sound of this.  :)
Quote from: AileTheAlien on August 22, 2018, 08:44:52 AM
Even something simple, like having the temperature of water be slighly lower than the outdoors' would work. Something like this even:
- shallow marsh: outdoors / room temperature
- deep marsh: -5C
- shallow ocean: -10
- deep ocean: -15
- shallow river: -15
- deep river: -20

+1 from me too.