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Messages - FociA

Mods / Build Stuff Mod
January 05, 2019, 03:42:59 PM
a mod that can let the pawns install allready existing stuff(miniaturized) on blueprints.
pls stop someone the clicking nightmare when you try to place 20 solarpanels from the stockpile.
Support / Re: Rimworld Portable
October 05, 2018, 04:18:22 AM
Support / Rimworld Portable
October 03, 2018, 08:01:28 AM
i subscribed so much rimworld mods that the game needs 2 min to just load up(no mod is even activated).
Is it Posible to create a copy of Rimworld that loads only the mods from a folder ?
i want to play rimworld with different modsets.
Releases / Re: [B18] Better Pawn Control (v1.6.8)
March 04, 2018, 08:10:10 AM
I would like to create "auto"policies that are connected to the time assignment(Work/You/Sleep/All).
when its worktime then they should change to the workapperal. etc.
if u search for suggestions.
emergency bunker would be cool - and we can make a deathly fallout then! bunkersim :D
no issues its only confusing(suggest its destroyed or somthing). why not just a list of installed robots.
Why is the Robots Tab going so crazy ?
its add/removes Robots in the list all the time. cant be good for the performance.
wow proof of concept for a Spacestation !
Mods / [Mod Idea]Downed Humans
February 05, 2018, 09:54:52 AM
A Button on Downed Humans to catch and bring them urgently to the Prison.
Outdated / Re: [B18] Insulating Walls
February 04, 2018, 05:58:34 AM
Works great, you should release it in the steam community to find quicker issues.

combined materials. inner - center - outer wall(one tile wall, not 3 layer of walls). gold etc inner walls for beauty. woll in the center for Insulating. titanium etc for outerwall damage.
Help / Re: TimeAssignments
January 12, 2018, 03:11:07 PM
seems hardcoded to me.

public static void DrawTimeAssignmentSelectorGrid(Rect rect)
rect.yMax -= 2f;
Rect rect2 = rect;
rect2.xMax =;
rect2.yMax =;
TimeAssignmentSelector.DrawTimeAssignmentSelectorFor(rect2, TimeAssignmentDefOf.Anything);
rect2.x += rect2.width;
TimeAssignmentSelector.DrawTimeAssignmentSelectorFor(rect2, TimeAssignmentDefOf.Work);
rect2.y += rect2.height;
rect2.x -= rect2.width;
TimeAssignmentSelector.DrawTimeAssignmentSelectorFor(rect2, TimeAssignmentDefOf.Joy);
rect2.x += rect2.width;
TimeAssignmentSelector.DrawTimeAssignmentSelectorFor(rect2, TimeAssignmentDefOf.Sleep);
Help / TimeAssignments
January 11, 2018, 12:40:42 PM
hi, i am a mod noob.
i try to mod the TimeAssignments.xml. i want to add more stuff like training in the restrict tab for dayplanning.
has anyone tried that ? example pls
Help / Animals
January 07, 2018, 01:22:25 PM
Posible to define Needs of Animals ?
this mod is useless for me. a tabacco barn is usual concept if its not posible then -> delete.
When i build a room with a heater and a trasparent roof or a sunlamp its not running in idle.
none idle. sunshine 75%.
my room is Brightly lit at 90% (transparent roof) and 100%(sunlamp). not enough ? bug ?