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Messages - KiwiSensei

Yeah me too, thanks for looking into it though! And I'm sorry if it caused any inconvenience.
Feels silly to miss such a simple detail, especially when fiddling with coding myself you'd think I'd learn to sometimes step back and stop digging past the surface where, very often, the answer is hidden in plain sight :P
Supes got back to me on the Power Logic thread, saying he'd upload one without prerequisites however that research will still be auto completed as it's intended. And now that I look at the screenshot, it shows as needing 0 research to complete so I assume even if it changed with your mod, wouldn't 0 needed research still cause it to auto? I feel like I missed a point and have caused extra work for two modders for no reason now  :-\ I'm still going to check your test file though because curiosity has taken over and I honestly quite enjoy these things due to the included learning process  :P

EDIT: Your updated file did nothing as I suspected, however just changing the base cost of the "misbehaving" (as intended) research to 100 solved the problem. Seems like it was just the 0 cost combined with the game's coding that caused a flood of free techs. Although that doesn't explain to me why your testing didn't yield the same results, and why it didn't happen upon the map generation.
That sounds great, thank you!  ;D
None, only the one from Medieval Times about "bench" something that's apparently safe to ignore, and so far it has been. Either way I disabled Power Logic for now and I'll enable it manually once I reach the correct tech level, sadly it'll still give me the techs for free but I can live with that, or find some workaround like upping the research factor for a couple of techs.
It's not that they don't work together really, it's more that Power Logic does the random adding bit (even without CRS enabled I believe), which then causes CRS to bump tech level due to added completed research. In my last test it bumped to medieval rather than industrial though so at least that was a step in the right direction, but the problem would disappear completely if I could just stop Power Logic from auto completing those techs.

EDIT: So it could be something else causing the techs to be added? If your test with Power Logic didn't reproduce the results then I'm once again blank.

Here's a link to my modlist, maybe there's something I've done wrong, posted it on imgur because it'd be a pain as an attachment here. Psychology is also active at the very bottom (accidentally cropped it out), rest is inactive mods.
I've been having an issue I tried solving with Kiame where I thought his/her (?) Change Research Speed mod was malfunctioning and auto-completing research. It turns out the culprit was Power Logic; upon creating a colony, the research isn't completed which is what I want, however upon loading a saved game, doesn't matter if it's before I even unpause after spawning in, Power Logic research gets auto-completed and it instantly completes all research up to microelectronics basics because it's listed as a requirement.

Needless to say that sort of messes up the point of a tribal start with increased research cost to slow down the pace of progress. Is there a way I can fix that? Not even sure why it only happens on loading and not when creating the colony. The only workaround for now is to not enable the mod until I finish the microelectronics research but that's obviously not as smooth as just modifying the code if that's a possibility for me to do.

EDIT: Attaching the same (rough) before/after picture that I posted on Kiame's thread once I found out what happened.

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Yeah it's the latest manual from this topic, I didn't see this problem reported by anyone though, only saw the reverse with lost progress. And that's something I didn't encounter myself.

EDIT: I found the culprit, it's caused by Power Logic auto-completing that mod's research on load (but not on map creation for some reason), and thus all the prerequisites also get completed, attaching a (rough) before/after picture, can also confirm it didn't happen once I disabled Power Logic. However, I'd very much like to keep that mod because I'm a sucker for those systems ;D

Disabling it manually until I complete microelectronics, then enabling it, is a plaster but not a smooth fix. Is there a way I can patch this or track down the bit of code in PL to make it not auto-complete that research? (I've asked for a solution on the Power Logic thread as well, just figured I'd still ask here since it seems like something an experienced modder can answer, author or not.)

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Difference between your test and mine was that I got the "freebies" no matter the conditions;

Start new colony, instantly save and load -> free tech + level bump, same for crash landed (except some of the freebies overlap their starting techs)
Get a bit of research done, save and load -> same as above
Set factor to 0.1 and instantly finish a tech or two, save and load -> same as above

I also tried messing with the load order, put your mod on top, at the bottom, in the middle, turned off static tech progression, turned off tech progression overall, still the same. Only thing that made a difference was turning off your mod completely. So far it seems like loading the game somehow flags the colony as a crash landed start and sets tech level and starting techs to the appropriate values, and at the same time it doesn't, since even crash landed adds some of the techs.

I don't think it's the mod not working, would've seen posts about that by now, I just have a hard time pinpointing the issue which I assume is a conflict with another mod somewhere.

EDIT: Granted, I didn't test the opposite - turning off everything and running only your mod and core, will try that just to make sure when I get a chance later on.
I don't know if there's a better place to post this but I didn't see any dedicated troubleshooting thread for the KV mods.

My issue is basically the opposite of what others reported, when I load a game I have a few techs that just get completed on their own. My global was set to 3 before starting the game on both occasions, tribal start with tech advance at 10, 30, 80 and 150, on the github B18 version.

Trying to play a slow game from neo with medieval times thrown in for a step between neo and industrial, needless to say, free research ruins the point of that challenge :p The ones that got completed didn't seem random so it might be mod related, I seem to remember them being related to Medieval Times and either a mod from the SD collection or RF collection.

As far as I know, fixing missing tech is easy in dev mode but you can't "unresearch" on demand due to the coding of the game, so, I'm stumped, would love to fix it though so let me know if there's anything I can do, send a log file or modlist or something.

EDIT: Loading also sets tech level to industrial, despite the added techs bumping me to 19/30 which should only put me on medieval.