My opinion on this (and it's definitely a design decision) is that it's most clear to users when it's one-to-one in that no unlocks need multiple technologies. However, my guess just from the names you gave is that you want to have some technology that unlocks new options, but those unlocks are dependent on an array of previous technologies, in which case it's sort of unavoidable that it shows up in both the way you're describing, since you'd have to have multiple prerequisites on the unlocks for this mechanic to work like I believe you want it to.
I have a rule when designing tech trees for my mods which is: a tech should never be useless alone. Generally that means that a tech should always unlock something that's useful alone, in some way. This can be hard to do in many situations, but it leads to a much more fulfilling gameplay experience for the user. I didn't particularly follow it in GlitterNet and CyberNet and I think they're worse off for it, but I came to that principle after making them precisely because there was some "useless" techs that felt bad during gameplay.
Anyway, the way that this relates to your original question is that I'd propose that instead of having one, centralized tech that's "useless" on its own, I'd recommend splitting it into several smaller (and easier to research) techs that come after the techs that provide the prerequisites; essentiall,y a "Super Deluxe Throne" tech after Complex Furniture (and so on for each unlock). Depending on how many things you intend to add this might be untenable since it would end up adding too many techs. In that case, I suppose you'd need to deal with the UI issue.
I have a rule when designing tech trees for my mods which is: a tech should never be useless alone. Generally that means that a tech should always unlock something that's useful alone, in some way. This can be hard to do in many situations, but it leads to a much more fulfilling gameplay experience for the user. I didn't particularly follow it in GlitterNet and CyberNet and I think they're worse off for it, but I came to that principle after making them precisely because there was some "useless" techs that felt bad during gameplay.
Anyway, the way that this relates to your original question is that I'd propose that instead of having one, centralized tech that's "useless" on its own, I'd recommend splitting it into several smaller (and easier to research) techs that come after the techs that provide the prerequisites; essentiall,y a "Super Deluxe Throne" tech after Complex Furniture (and so on for each unlock). Depending on how many things you intend to add this might be untenable since it would end up adding too many techs. In that case, I suppose you'd need to deal with the UI issue.