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Messages - DaNewb

General Discussion / Re: How to take pirates alive?
November 05, 2013, 10:51:25 PM
Quote from: scottieg on November 05, 2013, 10:16:33 PM
I'm able to incapacitate people but I'm having issues converting prisoners. Is there a guide for how to get a warden and/or convert people in general?

Right now it is extremely easy, simply set a colonist to both "doctor" and "warden", after the prison has been arrested or captured and is in there own room with a bed, simply click on the prisoner, click on the "prisoner" tab, and select select try to recruit option as well as friendly chat.  It usually take a day or two max to recruit any prisoner.
Bugs / Re: Bodies changing date of death
November 05, 2013, 10:43:28 PM
Whether or not this affects the game at all or is considered a bug or not, i to can confirm this happens.  I would have never caught this on my own, ever.
General Discussion / Re: Researching
November 05, 2013, 10:38:18 PM
Obviously they will, just at this stage in development it is not a priority.  Personally for the amount of content in the game, i was surprised there was even this much research.
Bugs / Re: Sleep Anywhere Colonist Bug
November 05, 2013, 10:15:52 PM
I am only guessing and have tried multiple times to get a new game with a catcus on the sleeping spot but cant manage to... perhaps it has to do with the cactus beginning on one of the three starting sleeping spots?  I have noticed that the cactuses tend to create a few bugs and this could be another.  Just a thought, hopefully it helps.
General Discussion / Re: Researching
November 05, 2013, 10:00:45 PM
Currently the research list is restricted to what you initially see, nothing more is unlocked.
General Discussion / Re: How to take pirates alive?
November 05, 2013, 10:00:01 PM
At least for me, melee is less likely to kill the multi-shot rifles and turrets.  If you melee a raider, and only melee meaning no other colonists or turrets are shooting at that same target then it works pretty well.  Also single shot guns like the pistol and enfield also have a better chance at not killing the targets.

The biggest problem to keeping them alive is that many targets are killed by "extra" attacks, where they are hit by additional bullets after they have been incapacitated from a multi-shot volley of a single weapon or turret, or by multiple attacks.
General Discussion / Re: How to get rid of Slab Debris
November 05, 2013, 09:56:19 PM
Thanks for the idea, as i had already tried Molotov and the incendiary launcher with no success i thought blast charges were the only way.
Bugs / Re: [0.0.250] Roof stay when collapsed
November 05, 2013, 09:33:18 PM
Did this occur when you were building a free standing structure outside? Or did this occur while digging into a mountain? Here is some useful information:
Quote from: Tynan on November 05, 2013, 03:49:11 PM
Mouse over the square. If it says "roof (thin)" you can collapse it away. If it says "roof (thick)" you can collapse it but it never goes away; it's like hundreds of feed of rock.
I also have the same problem, after the 4th cycle i have had only 8 raiders appear and one time i also had a crop blight.  No traders, no wreckage falling, no more random visitors, no more animals gone mad.  I have currently played until the 16th cycle.  Here are a few things i have tried to do to fix/alleviate the problem unsuccessfully:
1) I have attempted save and loading the game, both just returning to the main menu and completely closing down rimworld.
2) I have sold my com center and rebuilt it later in an attempt to refresh the traders.  This was also unsuccessful.
General Discussion / Re: How to get rid of Slab Debris
November 05, 2013, 06:33:27 PM
Yes that actually works beautifully, simply set blasting charges around your dump!
General Discussion / How to get rid of Slab Debris
November 05, 2013, 06:28:47 PM
Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying the game as much as i am, and currently i am dissapointed to see that so many people are having difficulty with Classic Casandra as i find it quite simple to manage.  The only thing that i am currently having problems with is having to have so many dump areas for all my slab debris.  I currently burn corpses, and i have attempted many times to burn the debris but that does not work.  I have also tried to shoot the debris but that does not work either.  Does anyone know of anyway to destroy or remove debris?

Thanks in Advance!