If I was stuck on an unfamiliar planet, I'd probably want to never venture out alone. So, why not have the option for pawns to partner up? They can go and mine together, or one can "stand watch" for raiders while the other mines, etc.
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Bugs / [0.0.254b] Chill Cassie Ramp-Up Bugged
November 08, 2013, 03:44:39 AM
I was just playing a Chill Cassie game. The first two raids consisted of one raider each, once with a pistol and once with some molotovs. Manageable. Then the third raid consisted of *ten* raiders, armed with a variety of weapons. Now, mind you, my base isn't quite armed to the teeth. Four colonists, four turrets, and some sandbags. That's about it. I haven't even researched carpets! Seems to me like Cassie is ramping up even quicker than Cassandra!
FWIW, someone mentioned almost the exact problem in the comments for the Kickstarter Update notification of 254.

TEN raiders having just appeared and killed my poor miner
FWIW, someone mentioned almost the exact problem in the comments for the Kickstarter Update notification of 254.

TEN raiders having just appeared and killed my poor miner
Ideas / View Ceilings mode
November 07, 2013, 09:19:47 PM
So even once bugs like this one are fixed, it'd still be nice to be able to go through and make sure your base has ceilings where you want them, without being forced to look for sunlight or rain.
Why not a simple "View Ceilings" button that would draw the roofs / rock ceilings wherever they are? Note that this shouldn't necessitate any sort of Z-level implementation. Ceilings already exist (and they're even drawn for a couple seconds when first constructed) so I'm proposing a simple toggle to be able to view them.
Why not a simple "View Ceilings" button that would draw the roofs / rock ceilings wherever they are? Note that this shouldn't necessitate any sort of Z-level implementation. Ceilings already exist (and they're even drawn for a couple seconds when first constructed) so I'm proposing a simple toggle to be able to view them.
Bugs / [0.0.254] Ceilings not always constructed
November 07, 2013, 06:54:08 PM
It appears that ceilings aren't always automatically constructed, even when it's a small enough room. See example (world here (the one attached won't work because it was too big apparently)):

This dispenser keeps short circuiting in the rain...why isn't it covered?
Perhaps there should be some way to "force" ceiling construction to get rid of this type of problem.
[attachment deleted by admin: too old]

This dispenser keeps short circuiting in the rain...why isn't it covered?
Perhaps there should be some way to "force" ceiling construction to get rid of this type of problem.
[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Bugs / [0.0.254] Prioritized task isn't remembered after sub-task
November 07, 2013, 05:57:00 PM
1. Place dumping zone
2. Place blueprint near dumping zone
3. Place another blueprint over some debris that has to be moved a distance away
4. Prioritize construction of the second blueprint
What happens:
1. Construction worker starts construction on the prioritized blueprint, then has to sub-task moving the debris
2. As soon as the debris is moved, the construction worker will start work on the blueprint closest to the dumping zone
3. To get the worker to re-prioritize the desired blueprint, one must re-order its prioritization
4. This keeps happening until there are no more sub-tasks.
What I'd expect:
1. Construction worker starts construction on the prioritized blueprint, then has to sub-task moving the debris
2. As soon as the debris is moved, the construction worker remembers the prioritized blueprint and goes back to work on it
1. Place dumping zone
2. Place blueprint near dumping zone
3. Place another blueprint over some debris that has to be moved a distance away
4. Prioritize construction of the second blueprint
What happens:
1. Construction worker starts construction on the prioritized blueprint, then has to sub-task moving the debris
2. As soon as the debris is moved, the construction worker will start work on the blueprint closest to the dumping zone
3. To get the worker to re-prioritize the desired blueprint, one must re-order its prioritization
4. This keeps happening until there are no more sub-tasks.
What I'd expect:
1. Construction worker starts construction on the prioritized blueprint, then has to sub-task moving the debris
2. As soon as the debris is moved, the construction worker remembers the prioritized blueprint and goes back to work on it
Ideas / Resizable Dumping Areas
November 07, 2013, 05:47:23 PM
Since a lot of people utilize dumping areas as a "free barrier" of sorts, it makes sense to allow arbitrarily-sized dumping areas.
Bugs / [0.0.250] Construction workers don't finish their builds
November 06, 2013, 11:10:09 PM
When I give a construction worker an order to prioritize a tile, I expect them to finish the damn tile! Instead, sometimes (like when they're hungry, or they want to sleep, or they just feel like watering some plants instead) they'll work for about one second, then leave. Prioritizing a tile should force the worker to finish the construction before moving on.
Ideas / Fire Suppression System
November 06, 2013, 11:03:24 PM
I've seen suggestions for personal fire extinguishers and for water as a resource, but this is the logical extension. It would be nice to be able to construct fire suppression systems in areas prone to fire. These systems (expensive, of course) would put out the fire / dampen the fire, much like rain does. At the moment, fires during rainstorms are nothing, whereas fires during dry spells are catastrophic; perhaps this would help with a balance between the two.
General Discussion / Stop, Drop, and Roll!
November 06, 2013, 10:53:24 PM
Is there any way to have a colonist put themselves out when they're on fire, other than waiting for it to rain? Or for another colonist to beat out the fire?
I just had the unfortunate situation where a boomrat set one colonist on fire, causing a chain reaction and the deaths of two colonists due to fire. An immediate raid (thanks, Cassandra) and an immediate crop blight (SERIOUSLY, Cassandra?) caused the destruction of the rest of the base and the end of the game (of course, the boomrat fire had already spread to the turrets and destroyed them, but not before Cassandra figured she should send a ton of raiders). This would have been a LOT less frustrating if I'd been able to keep the colonists from dying right after being set on fire.
There's definitely a lot to love about this game that's keeping me coming back, but there's also a lot to hate, causing me to ragequit. I guess that's the nature of a pre-alpha
I just had the unfortunate situation where a boomrat set one colonist on fire, causing a chain reaction and the deaths of two colonists due to fire. An immediate raid (thanks, Cassandra) and an immediate crop blight (SERIOUSLY, Cassandra?) caused the destruction of the rest of the base and the end of the game (of course, the boomrat fire had already spread to the turrets and destroyed them, but not before Cassandra figured she should send a ton of raiders). This would have been a LOT less frustrating if I'd been able to keep the colonists from dying right after being set on fire.
There's definitely a lot to love about this game that's keeping me coming back, but there's also a lot to hate, causing me to ragequit. I guess that's the nature of a pre-alpha

General Discussion / Rapid Food Growth?
November 06, 2013, 07:13:23 AM
Is there any way to hurry food growth? I have a save that I've been repeatedly restarting. In it, I've just had a crop blight, and the food stores are running quite low. I've tried setting every colonist (still just the default 3) to only grow, as well as building a grow light, but I can never seem to grow enough to harvest before they start going mad from starvation. I have not yet researched hydroponics, so this is just a growing area I'm talking about. It's unfortunate that there's currently no way to get food from the wildlife, as that would seem like a viable option in a pinch.
In fact, I'm thinking of Minecraft. If I were faced with a similar crop situation there, I could either find some wildlife to kill or obtain some bonemeal to force the crops to grow faster. Seems to be a reasonable game mechanic; maybe I'm missing it in the current RimWorld game?
In fact, I'm thinking of Minecraft. If I were faced with a similar crop situation there, I could either find some wildlife to kill or obtain some bonemeal to force the crops to grow faster. Seems to be a reasonable game mechanic; maybe I'm missing it in the current RimWorld game?
General Discussion / When will the adaptive AI be adaptive?
November 06, 2013, 12:42:21 AM
So from what I understand, the current Cassandra simply combines semi-random events with a gradual ramp-up of difficulty. The AI is planned to be more adaptive, though, right?
I'm not an amazing gamer, so I get frustrated when lots of bad things start happening at once and it's hard to recover. I was excited about the AI in this game because I was under the impression it's supposed to eventually intelligently ramp up difficulty.
So far, I haven't experienced that. What I have experienced is over and over raiders attacking just as an eclipse and solar flare occur while an electricity overload blows up my reactor and a blight kills my crops. And then the game decides that since I have one colonist left who is about to have a mental break, it would be a great time to launch another raid with twice the number of people. It doesn't seem to be learning from how bad I am; instead, it just keeps piling on the annoying crap until everyone dies.
It is just a pre-alpha right now, though, and I understand that. I just wanted to provide a counter-viewpoint to all of the amazing veteran players on here saying that Kassandra is super-easy and everything like free crate drops should be taken away because it's all too easy.
I'm not an amazing gamer, so I get frustrated when lots of bad things start happening at once and it's hard to recover. I was excited about the AI in this game because I was under the impression it's supposed to eventually intelligently ramp up difficulty.
So far, I haven't experienced that. What I have experienced is over and over raiders attacking just as an eclipse and solar flare occur while an electricity overload blows up my reactor and a blight kills my crops. And then the game decides that since I have one colonist left who is about to have a mental break, it would be a great time to launch another raid with twice the number of people. It doesn't seem to be learning from how bad I am; instead, it just keeps piling on the annoying crap until everyone dies.
It is just a pre-alpha right now, though, and I understand that. I just wanted to provide a counter-viewpoint to all of the amazing veteran players on here saying that Kassandra is super-easy and everything like free crate drops should be taken away because it's all too easy.
Ideas / Haul Away Order
November 05, 2013, 11:10:23 PM
Currently, the haul away option under orders only selects debris. Why not let the user select other things, too? Sometimes my miner generates a ton of metal, and it would be convenient to be able to mark it as "haul this away now" rather than just leaving it there to be picked up whenever someone happens by it.
Ideas / Draft / Undraft Everyone Button
November 05, 2013, 11:01:54 PM
This has been happening a lot lately: my colonists decide that the best time to leave the base is when the raiders are attacking. When this happens, I have to go through and click on each one individually and draft them and stop them in their tracks, then do the same to undraft them after the raiders have been killed. A simple button to draft all colonists all at once would be a nice way to automate this. Think of it as an air raid siren or something, causing everyone to immediately drop what they're doing and prepare for war.
This seems similar to this topic, but simpler, I think.
This seems similar to this topic, but simpler, I think.