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Messages - Fruit loops

I just never got in the ''feed my colonist other food than nutrient paste'' phase I never understood cooking that well so it probably caused my down fall xD
Stories / Re: Your favourite colonists
July 25, 2014, 04:55:07 PM
this is sad but my favorite colonist was ''Emmie, sex slave'' who ever added that was genius there was so many times I've seen her a bounch when I randomize to find the right one or I've seen her in slave traders ships a few times So one time Emmie was kidnapped so...... idk man what are they doing to her I am sad every time I think of her

she was my favorite colonist just cause what she worked as xD
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
July 25, 2014, 02:09:52 PM
this has probably been lested many times but I am gonna say it again

combat zone (may only work in a few situations) so you know how you have home zone that's where the people clean and put out fires and such how about a zone for when a colonist is drafted or a hostile is in the zone that the colonists cant go in it doesn't matter if fire or its the only way to get food or some thing like that for instance I have a killbox everybody shoots from behind sandbags and there is also turrets if a colonist walks I  there for some reason he's almost always dead from friendly fire or a hostile killing him cause he has no cover so I was thinking you could put that zone in the killbox or other areas and when their drafted or there is a hostile in the zone the colonist cant under any circumstances go in it other than if the player manualy tells him to I don't know if this is the cheapest idea but I thought it would maybe take a day idk im not a dev but I would really like if this was implemented
you may have had raiders and mechs and ONE or TWO squirrels but what aways gets me in th early stages of my base day 1 threw day 365 is the red message that says the local population of either squirrels muffalo or boomrats has gone mad so basicly what ever one of those is chosen the entire species is gonna come at you and murderer you all so that's what is the hardest to me lol
Ideas / Re: disease's and sickness
July 25, 2014, 01:29:05 PM
ik that this was already stated in some other forums but I thought i'd give it new life for a few days :D
Ideas / disease's and sickness
July 24, 2014, 11:18:33 PM
So I think the deepness in rimworld is great i thought that this would be a great addition So here we go 1: types of sicknesses (there is many others) maybe 1 that made your person incaped at whatever health he's at he lays there and slowly dies until he is cured or dies maybe one that has no symptoms then randomly he go's insane like rabies or something maybe 1 that makes your guy be able to carry less and less and making things longer and longer until he suddenly dies  maybe one that slows your guy down theres endless possibilities......... oh and a zombie one lol

ways you get them: a small chance of getting 1 from touching dead animal bodys or human bodys or getting shot in combat or eating raw food and obviously if a non infected person touches a infected person and may others

items to combat them: on a bed there is a button the bed a make prisoner bed how about a medical bed and the room the bed is in is like quarantined so only the doctor can go in or a way to lock a door that leads to a quarantined room or a button

cures: in the research table menu there could be a tab that researches diseases cures so when somebody has that disease the doctor can like heal him or somthing
So I am going to tell you my usual map generation it consists of a large mountain a few smaller mountain areas and ALOT of desert this time the first two parts were usual but NO desert what so ever just grass the other thing that was unusual was a lot of animals I normally get around 60 animals on the map this time I got about 40 muffalo and about 100 boomrats and squirrels combined so lets move on 3 years in the future so I have about 40 colonists on randy....... it was a normal morning in rimworld a crashed ship landed far off in the distance so I send a guy named Redfields to go collect the uranium man that was a mistake I have a wall and the wall has no entrance so he had to mine his way out so hes about 3/4s of the way there and a red message appeared I move my mouse to see what it was and 2 more almost instantly appeared so I freaked out for a second and clicked to see what it was 1: local pop of muffalo has gone mad 2: local pop of boomrats has gone mad 3: local pop of squirrels has gone mad I was like...... WOW so every single animal on the the map about 140 or so started rushing redfields so he was dead I sadly forgot that there was a hole in our wall so after redfields was incaped I was like sorry man your screwed and I went on with life thinking our wall was secure it was 6 thick so it was hard to get threw so now every animal rushed threw the gap murdered everybody not on the inside the mountain part of my base everybody who was inside was 35 or so was drafted and put in different hallways and rooms thinking ha their gonna kill a few not find the rest and have mental breaks or leave well that's what raiders do not insane animals they basicly killed everyone except 10 or 11 I told them to make a last stand against the rabid creatures in a hallway leading to my food supply cause I'd rather lose a 3 year old colony instead of letting them it my food HA well my guys got owned and that was the end I kept a save and tried diffrent ways of handling this but alas there was no hope...... but seriously was this crazy bad luck or was it a bug

btw there might be a few grammar mistakes just deal with it i used to live in somewhere else thanks for reading and please resond ty