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Messages - Kaiser09

Quote from: Canute on March 19, 2021, 02:08:24 PM
He can't wait that much, the mortar will prolly fire soon and made much trouble.
But Alenerel prolly found a good solution.
You maybe should dig a tunnel that allow you to flank the cluster from the east.
Then you can move into the low shield and shoot the unstable power cell.
If you got EMP grenade (launcher) you can try to fight them. Smoke can help against the turret too. Nothing worse when a burning pawn run at panic out of the cover.

Part of my colony is built under the mountain, the enemy mortar should not have effect there, right?

I think I will go for the secret tunnel soemthing, once all the pawn recover, then I will try to distract them while another will try to aim at the unstable power cell from the tunnel.
... and no, I haven't got a emp launcher.
So the options are:
1) Praying for a carovan to come (from the north at least)
2) Use the manhunter item (you mean the one to make the animals crazy?)
3) Maybe try a suicide attack, I could distract them on the west, while another pawn attach from the east?

I do not have the military aid yet.
Hi guys, I need your help as I found my colony in trouble.

I have got a mechanoid cluster, north of my base, a part some scyte, centipedes and so on, there is a mortar cannon and a mech low shield which is my main concern.

My tech is not advanced, I have got some hunting rifles, machine guns, pistols, my pawns do not have any armor nor mortars yet.

How would you deal with them in this situation?

I am afraid if I get close to the mech, I would be slaughtered, I cannot fire them due to the low shield and I do not have mortars to use, meanwhile they are bombarding me.
I have a lot of traps in a narrow canyon east of my base (you can see the wild animal on the mini map), but they seem smart enough not to follow me.
I could risk researching mortars, but it will require times and there would be the projectile problem, meanwhile they fire me with their mortar.

Any advice?
General Discussion / Quest - Air attack
March 17, 2021, 03:14:58 PM
So, my colony is currently made of 7 pawns.

I have now got a quest about borrowing 7 (so all of them) of my pawns to the empire to destroy an enemy outpost.

Accepting I would leave my base defenceless (even if for some hours), has ever happened this to anyone?
Quote from: Canute on March 10, 2021, 01:40:23 PM
Even with Cassandra it isn't untypical not to get raids for a longer time, and it is Randy's special.
Since you don't have error's and geting other incidents i don't think anything is broken, you are just lucky/unlucky depend on the point of view.

Next time if you like to have more raid's, add an repeating incident "Enemy raid" at the scenario.

I was just wondering if the installation was broken or not, I like to play vanilla.
In the end I got the first quest, even if it is not the usual one of the noble chased by some mad animals.
I think it depends on the tile you play,I usually play on temperate forests, while I am now playing on boreal forests.
Bugs / No quests after 15 days 1.2.2900 + Royalty
March 10, 2021, 12:30:31 PM
Hi, It seems something broke my installation.
I was using some mods, everythings was working fine during my game, then I started a new game, naked brutality with Cassandra as storyteller at medium difficult.
It seems I am not getting any quests after 15 days now, I still have my initial pawn + a prisoner.
I get a good amount of visitors, few carovans and some animal self-tamed joined the colony (in a game I got 9 terriers) in another a horse + 2 donkey.
I always play with cassandra and medium difficult and it's quite usual to have this inizial quest about hosting a noble from the empire in exchange of some honor, instead it seems this quest not appearing anymore, it seems like the empire does not exist.
I have restarted the game 3 times, the same pattern seem to repeat, no quests, lot of visitors and animals joining the colony.

I do not have any error on initial screen, even if Im using few mods that do not add anything new (wall light, pharmacist, harmony, rimhud and stuff like that).

I tried everything, from reinstalling everything to removing any rimworld key from the register, I do not know if it is normal or not.
Releases / Re: [1.2] OnlineCity
March 05, 2021, 03:55:12 AM
Hi, I may have not understood very well how this mod works but, does it allow me to play with a friend (in two separate and independent settlements) on the same world or will we find other players as well?

I just would like to play with another person as if we were in a LAN.

I know Zetrith mod, it works well, but playing on separate settlements is a definitely another thing :)
Mods / Best gun mod? Not CE
February 16, 2021, 08:48:33 AM
Hi guys, I am looking for 1-2 mod that add guns, pistols, rifles, laser maybe to complete my collection.

I am not using CE neither vanilla extended mods.

So far I added the Zorg ZF-1 mod, but that it's just 1 gun, I would like something more complete, not overpowered is essential.

Any advice?
Translations / Re: Official: Italian | Italiano
January 29, 2021, 11:25:35 AM
Translations / Re: Official: Italian | Italiano
January 29, 2021, 10:38:38 AM
Quote from: Stonenimrod on January 28, 2021, 05:37:26 PM
Quote from: Kaiser09 on January 28, 2021, 04:57:10 AM
Era una delle poche traduzioni fatte da me? Chiedo venia, però bo mi pare strano, perchè io non ho toccato il contenuto tra parentesi quadre quindi dovrebbe essere uguale sia in inglese sia sotto in italiano.
Grazie anche a Ragnar.

EDIT: I edited the translation as suggested with the "dont" instead of "Dont", I made a report and seems there are not mistakes, however the quest is still the same.
Also, I noticed that some of the old quests I completed have some errors like this.

EDIT2: Ok I see that this french guy had the same problem like me, It seems that once the quest has been generated, It cannot be reversed.

Ciao, non so esattamente chi ha tradotto quelle parti, potrei essere stato io con la fretta.
Comunque prova a scaricare l'ultima versione da github alla tua cartella di gioco. Ci sono stati degli aggiornamenti e correzioni di errori. 
E poi un altra cosa, che riguarda un po tutti, se vi capita di trovare un qualsiasi errore nella traduzione del gioco (tipo nelle foto che hai inviato te Kaiser), vi prego di segnalarlo qui oppure direttamente su github (creando una nuova Issue) al link Questo per scovare facilmente eventuali errori di battitura, traduzione, di comandi [...], ed altro.

Grazie mille e buona notte

Ciao, alla fine quelle quest sono rimaste con gli errori, segno che una volta generate non possono essere tradotte.
Anche le quest iniziali Ship to the stars e royal ascent mi sono rimaste in inglese perché la partita l'ho iniziata prima che venissero tradotte (almeno credo).
Una cosa strana invece è che i nomi di alcuni tizi dell'impero sono ora tutti in ERR (vedi lo screen). Non so se possa dipendere da qualche mod.
Translations / Re: Official: Italian | Italiano
January 28, 2021, 04:57:10 AM
Quote from: Stonenimrod on January 27, 2021, 09:12:35 AM
Quote from: Kaiser09 on January 26, 2021, 01:48:35 PM
Ciao ragazzi, non sono ancora riuscito a capire come funzioni la logica della traduzione.
Nelle due cartelle language, sia di core che di royalty, ho solo le due cartelle d'italiano corrispondenti.

Ogni tanto mi arriva un evento come quello che vedete il allegato di costruzione del monumento, la traduzione nei file è corretta, ma io la vedo in questo modo.
Ciao Kaiser. Allora come dice Ragnar:

Quote from: Ragnar-F on January 26, 2021, 06:53:33 PM
Sorry for interfering, but before you start searching forever for the cause, I'll give you the crucial hint. The [...] placeholders are case-sensitive; that is, in your particular case [DontDestroyMonument] should be changed to [dontDestroyMonument].

nelle traduzioni si usano i comandi [...] per aggiungere testo/parole già tradotte. All'interno di queste parentesi, la parola deve essere esattamente uguale al comando nella frase originale inglese. Se guardi nel file della traduzione
la frase inglese originale è
<li>commonEnding->The monument is [monumentSize] in size and will require these resources (total value [monumentRequiredResourcesMarketValue_money]):\n\n[monumentRequiredResources]\n\nConstruction must be completed within [constructionTimeoutTicks_duration] of accepting the task. You'll receive the rewards when you finish construction.[dontDestroyMonument]</li>

ma nella traduzione italiana viene usato il comando [DontDestroyMonument] e [MonumentRequiredResources], quindi bisogna modificare la traduzione cambiando i comandi in [dontDestroyMonument] e [monumentRequiredResources].
Il ERR: probabilmente dice che è presente un errore di traduzione in quella frase.
Se modifichi una traduzione sarebbe meglio dopo controllare che non ci siano errori del genere. Puoi farlo nel menu iniziale di Rimworld, in alto a sinistra "Salva report di traduzione". Verrà creato un file .txt con tutti gli error/warning della traduzione.

Era una delle poche traduzioni fatte da me? Chiedo venia, però bo mi pare strano, perchè io non ho toccato il contenuto tra parentesi quadre quindi dovrebbe essere uguale sia in inglese sia sotto in italiano.
Grazie anche a Ragnar.

EDIT: I edited the translation as suggested with the "dont" instead of "Dont", I made a report and seems there are not mistakes, however the quest is still the same.
Also, I noticed that some of the old quests I completed have some errors like this.

EDIT2: Ok I see that this french guy had the same problem like me, It seems that once the quest has been generated, It cannot be reversed.
Translations / Re: Official: Italian | Italiano
January 26, 2021, 01:48:35 PM
Ciao ragazzi, non sono ancora riuscito a capire come funzioni la logica della traduzione.
Nelle due cartelle language, sia di core che di royalty, ho solo le due cartelle d'italiano corrispondenti.

Ogni tanto mi arriva un evento come quello che vedete il allegato di costruzione del monumento, la traduzione nei file è corretta, ma io la vedo in questo modo:
Quote from: Canute on January 20, 2021, 10:13:24 AM
Please for the future the link please, it is better and search to read then part inside code.

Since you play Italian, could you try to change it to engl. ?
Maybe it is just a translation error.
Please for the future the link please, it is better and search to read then part inside code.

But beside that i agree with you, none of your mods should change the duster.

Yeah I think It has to do with the translation file as we are working to finish it in these days.
That should be enough:

Log uploaded on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 4:01:31 PM
Loaded mods:
Harmony(brrainz.harmony)[mv:]: 0Harmony(2.0.2), HarmonyMod(1.0.4)
Mod Manager(fluffy.modmanager)[mv:3.8.1038]: 0ColourPicker(, FluffyUI(, ModManager(av:3.0.0,fv:3.8.1038), SemVer(1.2.2), YamlDotNet(av:8.0.0,fv:8.1.0)
Core(Ludeon.RimWorld): (no assemblies)
Royalty(Ludeon.RimWorld.Royalty): (no assemblies)
HugsLib(UnlimitedHugs.HugsLib)[ov:8.0.1]: 0Harmony(av:2.0.2,fv:, HugsLib(av:1.0.0,fv:8.0.1)
Numbers(Mehni.Numbers)[mv:1.0.4]: 0Harmony(av:2.0.2,fv:, Numbers(av:1.0.0,fv:1.1.0)
Quest Reward Rebalance(SGC.quests): (no assemblies)
Archotech Re-Expanded(Yanzihko.ARE): (no assemblies)
Archotechnology and Archotech Bionics Expanded(Burnt.Archotechonoly): AdvancedShieldBelts(1.0.0)
[S16] Archotech beacons(s16.db): (no assemblies)
RimHUD(Jaxe.RimHUD): RimHUD(1.6.7)
[KV] RimFridge([ov:]: RimFridge(1.2.1), SaveStorageSettingsUtil(1.0.0)
Pharmacist(fluffy.pharmacist)[mv:2.9.140]: Pharmacist(av:2.0.0,fv:2.9.140)
Dubs Mint Minimap(dubwise.dubsmintminimap)[mv:1.3.711]: 0Harmony(2.0.2), DubsMintMinimap(av:1.0.0,fv:1.0.0)
CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+](CrashM.ColorCodedMoodBar.11): 0Harmony(av:2.0.2,fv:, 1SettingsHelper(av:,fv:0.19.1), ClassLibrary(0.0.0)
Interaction Bubbles(Jaxe.Bubbles): Bubbles(1.6.2)
Wall Light(Murmur.WallLight): WallLight(1.0.0)
Special Order Comm(Daemon976.amazonforrim): (no assemblies)
Amrita - Age Reversing Serum(y1nalin.amrita): Assemblies(1.0.0)

Active Harmony patches:
BattleLog.Add: post: Bubbles.Patch.Verse_BattleLog_Add.Postfix
Building_NutrientPasteDispenser.FindFeedInAnyHopper: PRE: RimFridge.Patch_Building_NutrientPasteDispenser_FindFeedInAnyHopper.Prefix
Building_NutrientPasteDispenser.HasEnoughFeedstockInHoppers: PRE: RimFridge.Patch_Building_NutrientPasteDispenser_HasEnoughFeedstockInHoppers.Prefix
ColonistBarColonistDrawer.DrawColonist: PRE: MoodBarPatch.MoodPatch.Prefix
ColonistBarColonistDrawer.Notify_RecachedEntries: PRE: MoodBarPatch.MoodPatch2.Prefix
DebugWindowsOpener.DevToolStarterOnGUI: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.DevToolStarterOnGUI_Patch.ExtendButtonsWindow
DebugWindowsOpener.DrawButtons: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.DebugWindowsOpener_Patch.DrawAdditionalButtons
DefGenerator.GenerateImpliedDefs_PreResolve: post: Numbers.Numbers.Columndefs
Dialog_Options.DoWindowContents: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.Dialog_Options_Patch.ReplaceModOptionsButton
EditWindow_Log.DoMessagesListing: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.EditWindow_Log_Patch.ExtraLogWindowButtons
FoodUtility.TryFindBestFoodSourceFor: post: RimFridge.Patch_FoodUtility_TryFindBestFoodSourceFor.Postfix
Game.DeinitAndRemoveMap: post: HugsLib.Patches.Game_DeinitAndRemoveMap_Patch.MapRemovalHook
Game.FillComponents: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.Game_FillComponents_Patch.GameInitializationHook
Game.FinalizeInit: post: HugsLib.Patches.Game_FinalizeInit_Patch.WorldLoadedHook, RimHUD.Patch.Verse_Game_FinalizeInit.Postfix
GameComponentUtility.LoadedGame: post: RimFridge.Patch_GameComponentUtility_LoadedGame.Postfix
GameComponentUtility.StartedNewGame: post: RimFridge.Patch_GameComponentUtility_StartedNewGame.Postfix
HealthAIUtility.FindBestMedicine: PRE: Pharmacist.HealthAIUtility_FindBestMedicine.Prefix
ITab.get_PaneTopY: PRE: RimHUD.Patch.RimWorld_ITab_PaneTopY.Prefix
InspectPaneFiller.DoPaneContentsFor: PRE: RimHUD.Patch.RimWorld_InspectPaneFiller_DoPaneContentsFor.Prefix
InspectPaneUtility.DoTabs: PRE: RimHUD.Patch.RimWorld_InspectPaneUtility_DoTabs.Prefix
InspectPaneUtility.InspectPaneOnGUI: PRE: RimHUD.Patch.RimWorld_InspectPaneUtility_InspectPaneOnGUI.Prefix
InspectPaneUtility.PaneSizeFor: PRE: RimHUD.Patch.RimWorld_InspectPaneUtility_PaneSizeFor.Prefix
InspectPaneUtility.PaneWidthFor: PRE: RimHUD.Patch.RimWorld_InspectPaneUtility_PaneWidthFor.Prefix
LanguageDatabase.SelectLanguage: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.LanguageDatabase_Patch.ForceRestartAfterLangChange
LetterStack.LettersOnGUI: PRE: RimHUD.Patch.Verse_LetterStack_LettersOnGUI.Prefix
MainMenuDrawer.DoMainMenuControls: TRANS: ModManager.Patch_Replace_Page_ModsConfig.Transpiler
MainTabWindow_Inspect.get_PaneTopY: PRE: RimHUD.Patch.RimWorld_MainTabWindow_Inspect_PaneTopY.Prefix
Map.ConstructComponents: post: HugsLib.Patches.Map_ConstructComponents_Patch.MapComponentsInitHook
Map.FinalizeInit: post: HugsLib.Patches.Map_FinalizeInit_Patch.MapLoadedHook
MapComponentUtility.MapGenerated: post: HugsLib.Patches.MapComponentUtility_MapGenerated_Patch.MapGeneratedHook
MapInterface.MapInterfaceOnGUI_AfterMainTabs: PRE: RimHUD.Patch.Verse_MapInterface_MapInterfaceOnGUI_AfterMainTabs.Prefix
MapInterface.MapInterfaceOnGUI_BeforeMainTabs: PRE: DubsMintMinimap.Harmony_MapInterfaceOnGUI_BeforeMainTabs.Prefix post: Bubbles.Patch.RimWorld_MapInterface_MapInterfaceOnGUI_BeforeMainTabs.Postfix
MapInterface.Notify_SwitchedMap: post: RimHUD.Patch.Verse_MapInterface_Notify_SwitchedMap.Postfix
MemoryUtility.ClearAllMapsAndWorld: PRE: RimHUD.Patch.Verse_Profile_MemoryUtility_ClearAllMapsAndWorld.Prefix, Bubbles.Patch.Verse_Profile_MemoryUtility_ClearAllMapsAndWorld.Prefix
ModMetaData.SamePackageId: PRE: ModManager.Patch_ModMetaData_SamePackageId.Prefix
ModsConfig.RestartFromChangedMods: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.ModsConfig_RestartFromChangedMods_Patch.QuickRestartInDevMode
PawnColumnWorker.DoHeader: TRANS: Numbers.Numbers.UseWordWrapOnHeaders
PawnColumnWorker.HeaderClicked: PRE: Numbers.Numbers.RightClickToRemoveHeader
PawnColumnWorker_Label.DoCell: post: Numbers.Numbers.AddHighlightToLabel_PostFix TRANS: Numbers.Numbers.AddHighlightToLabel_Transpiler
PawnColumnWorker_Text.DoCell: TRANS: Numbers.Numbers.CentreCell
PawnTable.PawnTableOnGUI: TRANS: Numbers.Numbers.MakeHeadersReOrderable
PlayDataLoader.DoPlayLoad: post: HugsLib.Patches.PlayDataLoader_Patch.InitModsHook
PlayLog.Add: post: Bubbles.Patch.Verse_PlayLog_Add.Postfix
PlaySettings.DoPlaySettingsGlobalControls: post: RimHUD.Patch.RimWorld_PlaySettings_DoPlaySettingsGlobalControls.Postfix, Bubbles.Patch.RimWorld_PlaySettings_DoPlaySettingsGlobalControls.Postfix
ReachabilityUtility.CanReach: PRE: RimFridge.Patch_ReachabilityUtility_CanReach.Prefix
ReorderableWidget.Reorderable: TRANS: Numbers.Numbers.ReorderWidgetFromEventToInputTranspiler
Root.OnGUI: post: HugsLib.Patches.Root_OnGUI_Patch.OnGUIHookUnfiltered
Root.Update: post: HugsLib.Patches.Root_Patch.UpdateHook
Root_Play.SetupForQuickTestPlay: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.RootPlay_TestPlay_Patch.InjectCustomQuickstartSettings
Section.RegenerateLayers: post: DubsMintMinimap.Harmony_RegenerateLayers.Postfix
Thing.get_AmbientTemperature: PRE: RimFridge.Patch_Thing_AmbientTemperature.Prefix
TradeShip.ColonyThingsWillingToBuy: post: RimFridge.Patch_PassingShip_TryOpenComms.Postfix
Tutor.TutorOnGUI: PRE: RimHUD.Patch.RimWorld_Tutor_TutorOnGUI.Prefix
UIRoot.UIRootOnGUI: post: HugsLib.Patches.UIRoot_OnGUI_Patch.OnGUIHook
Verb.WarmupComplete: post: DubsMintMinimap.Harmony_WarmupComplete.Postfix
VersionControl.DrawInfoInCorner: post: HarmonyMod.VersionControl_DrawInfoInCorner_Patch.Postfix
WindowResizer.DoResizeControl: post: ModManager.Patch_WindowResizer_DoResizeControl.Postfix
WorkGiver_DoBill.GetMedicalCareCategory: PRE: Pharmacist.Properties.WorkGiver_DoBill_GetMedicalCareCategory.Prefix
WorkshopItems.Notify_Installed: PRE: ModManager.Patch_WorkshopItems_Events+WorkshopItems_Notify_Installed.Prefix
WorkshopItems.Notify_Subscribed: PRE: ModManager.Patch_WorkshopItems_Events+WorkshopItems_Notify_Subscribed.Prefix
WorkshopItems.Notify_Unsubscribed: PRE: ModManager.Patch_WorkshopItems_Events+WorkshopItems_Notify_Unsubscribed.Prefix
Harmony versions present: net.pardeike.rimworld.lib.harmony, RimHUD, mehni.rimworld.numbers, Dubwise.DubsMintMinimap, Bubbles; com.rimfridge.rimworld.mod; fluffy.modmanager, UnlimitedHugs.HugsLib, com.github.bc.rimworld.mod.moodbar; fluffy.pharmacist

Platform information: (hidden, use publishing options to include)

Log file contents:
Mono path[0] = '[Rimworld_dir]/RimWorldWin64_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = '[Rimworld_dir]/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
Initialize engine version: 2019.2.17f1 (8e603399ca02)
[XR] Discovering subsystems at path [Rimworld_dir]/RimWorldWin64_Data/UnitySubsystems
GfxDevice: [Renderer information redacted]
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
RimWorld 1.2.2753 rev705
[HugsLib] version 8.0.1
Dubs Mint Minimap 1.3.711
Key binding conflict: Dev_ChangeSelectedDebugAction and MainTab_Architect are both bound to Tab.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Translation data for language Italian has 77 errors. Generate translation report for more info.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

[RimHUD v1.6.7] Initialized
[CMColorCodedMoodBar] CMColorCodedMoodBar initialized
[Bubbles v1.6.2] Initialized
[RimHUD v1.6.7] Integrated with Interaction Bubbles
Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1)

Unloading 52 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 11406.
Total: 93.002800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.559900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.191000 ms MarkObjects: 92.187400 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.064100 ms)

Loading game from file The 100 with mods:
  - brrainz.harmony
  - fluffy.modmanager
  - Ludeon.RimWorld
  - Ludeon.RimWorld.Royalty
  - UnlimitedHugs.HugsLib
  - Mehni.Numbers
  - SGC.quests
  - Yanzihko.ARE
  - Burnt.Archotechonoly
  - s16.db
  - Jaxe.RimHUD
  - fluffy.pharmacist
  - dubwise.dubsmintminimap
  - CrashM.ColorCodedMoodBar.11
  - Jaxe.Bubbles
  - Murmur.WallLight
  - Daemon976.amazonforrim
  - y1nalin.amrita
No string files for Words/Nouns/TalkTopics_Heavy.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

No string files for Words/Nouns/TalkTopics_Light.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1)

Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 19339.
Total: 209.143400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.817400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.276300 ms MarkObjects: 208.009200 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.040100 ms)
Hi, I have found nothing related to this.
Basically at some point all the 3-4 dusters I had in the depot, reserved to Cape.
Also, in the tailor's table I can see 2 options both related to the Cape, instead of one being for Duster, despite one of them still says "Duster" in the description.
Both of them would result in a Cape if manufactured.

As mods (Ill post a list later) I am currently using few, all related to archotechnologies and stuff like that, noone related to apparel.