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Messages - JuliaEllie

Quote from: Encode on August 16, 2014, 11:50:59 AM
Tried to add this mod to a savegame, but unable to grow the flowers or make medicine (even when random droppods gives flowers). Maybe this is only possible with new game...

Thanks for your report - I tried it with my own old savegames and it works fine. Are you playing with Alpha 6? Maybe some other mods that interfere with JobGivers or anything? Did you research the Medical Crafting? Did you enable the Apothecarius job in the Overview window? Flowers are Hydroponics ONLY. Sometimes the game forbids ingredients in the Bill config for weird reasons.

Thanks to decomg and Somz for the compliments :) Im currently adding more features to the mod and fixing redundancies
Mods / Re: Ideas on medical system
August 16, 2014, 06:33:51 AM
I like your ideas very much and I try to realise a few of them but unfortunately most of them need a .dll and my C# skills are almost non existent.

Medicine production is covered by the Apothecarius Mod shameless self-promotion
Quote from: Shinzy on August 15, 2014, 07:00:01 PM
Producing medikits feels a bit cheaty but god knows you need them alot in this alpha! ;D


I attached Table and flower textures for you, rushed the flowers a bit so they ended up looking bit blurry but should be better than borrowing from the internets! *poke*


Yes it might be a little bit cheaty thats why I tried to put the entry costs for the mod reasonably high. Also you need 3 kinds of flowers and Hydroponics and power to make the Medicine which I think is balanced to buying it from the traders but Im open for balancing suggestions.

Thank you very much for the textures. I love them. I will incorporate them immediately.
Help / Re: Namemaker for items?
August 16, 2014, 05:39:39 AM
Thank you. This is a very cool idea actually I was planning to introduce crafts for trading so Urist McSpacefarer has something to do in the RimWorlds :D Sadly I dont have enough badges in C# to train RimWorld but a random generator should be possible to make the only problem would be the communication with the rest of the game.
Help / Namemaker for items?
August 15, 2014, 04:23:39 PM
Hey everyone
is there a way to use the namemaker for items like crafts/art/etc to make items with the same <defName> but random <label> and <description> from a NameBank without an .dll so I only have to make one item with many variations?

thanks for your help

For problems with the Epyk pack please go there. NO SUPPORT FOR EPYK HERE (link)

UPDATERINO - Got rid of the HiveMind. Back to the good old Apothecarius roots.

Hello everyone,

Apothecarius is back!!

This mod adds a small and straight forward production chain for Medicine made from 3 different 'medical' flowers which can only be grown in the Hydroponics.

Bad thoughts because your colonists are starving or have to eat human meat? Not anymore! Give them Soylent Green made from high energy plankton from our seas. Remember - tuesday is Soylent Green Day!

Medical textures by Shinzy. Thank you very much


Medical Crafting Research - After Hydroponics to unlock the Medi Table
Medi Table - Workplace to craft Medicine
Red/Yellow/Green 'Medical' Flowers - raw resources to craft Medicine
Red/Yellow/Green Plants - Plants that grow the respective Flowers


Soylent Green Research - Research the Soylent Green Machine
Soylent Green Machine - Make Soylent Green from.. well.. People
Soylent Green - acts as raw food. Cook it for best results.


Life Support - keeps your Colonist alive even if he loses a vital organ. Its a very basic technology but better than dead.
Eye ball transplants. You can remove eyes and reinstall them now. I think those are in the base game already.. cant remember..


DOWNLOAD Apothecarius!

PS : the 'FD' version name is related to my post earlier today. Happy guessing