I like the idea as well.
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Bugs / Re: Colonist Broken
August 30, 2014, 08:11:29 PM
Could you post the actual error or a picture of it here?
Have you been doing any save editing or changing your mod loadout?
Have you been doing any save editing or changing your mod loadout?
Bugs / Re: [W|0.6.532] Enemies can't get in
August 30, 2014, 12:07:01 PM
If you don't mind mods, Neurotoxin has a Colonist only door mod
General Discussion / Re: Do Mechanoids ever die?
August 30, 2014, 12:03:16 PM
They do die, you could mortar them or wait for a raid party to attack them, (Mechs will still probably win, but they'll feel the pain of war).
Once they're weak most people recommend getting a small group of snipers to wear them down.
Once they're weak most people recommend getting a small group of snipers to wear them down.
Ideas / Re: Cryogenics and Losing your fort, and roleplay
August 30, 2014, 11:59:40 AM
I was basically saying with the lore, that there is room for expansion into what feels like a more alien environment.
We're not there yet but it is possible.
We're not there yet but it is possible.
Ideas / Re: Reproduction and Colonist population growth
August 30, 2014, 11:55:41 AM
Clones in star wars have reduced lifespans so that they can mature and be useful, perhaps something like that for them?
General Discussion / Re: A Guide To Save Editing (In Construction)
August 29, 2014, 08:08:06 PM
Lower left corner is 0,0 (There's an inspector tool in Dev mode that can help with finding co-ordinates)
Personally, I just turn fog off while in Dev mode to see hidden things if needed (I didn't know about your way, I've so far only looked at Colonist editing)
As for cloning... It appears to work, but I've only tested it for about 5 seconds now, so no guarantees.
Healing scars and other damage is done by resetting the health tracker, getting ready to post that part soon.
Personally, I just turn fog off while in Dev mode to see hidden things if needed (I didn't know about your way, I've so far only looked at Colonist editing)
As for cloning... It appears to work, but I've only tested it for about 5 seconds now, so no guarantees.
Healing scars and other damage is done by resetting the health tracker, getting ready to post that part soon.
General Discussion / Re: A Guide To Save Editing (In Construction)
August 29, 2014, 07:10:00 PM
General Discussion / Re: A Guide To Save Editing (In Construction)
August 29, 2014, 07:09:52 PM
General Discussion / Re: A Guide To Save Editing (In Construction)
August 29, 2014, 07:09:42 PM
What is wrong with Thing physically? - Missing limbs, injuries, and health
This is a healthy colonist.
This is a injured raider (possibly dead)
Another self explanatory section, Injuries are things like bruises and stab scars, Non local injuries I think are things like blood loss & starvation. The missing parts section contains info about missing/destroyed body parts. I don't know what <maxPainLevelMultiplier>1</maxPainLevelMultiplier> does. If the incapacitated section shows a value of True, it means that the colonist in question is incapacitated, you can set it to False to wake them up or delete the <incapacitated>True</incapacitated> altogether (as the game does after a successful healing).
Tips to heal a colonist: You can remove injuries individually, set values to false, but this allows a lot of room for error. What I do is copy a healthy colonist <healthTracker> section and paste it over the injured colonist's healthTracker.
More what is Thing up to? - Pathing, carried object, Food, & Sleep level
Another section I'm unfamiliar with. <pather> displays details about where the colonist are going and their path, <inventory> holds non-equipment or apparel items, the most interesting parts are <pieceFood> & <pieceRest> as they dictate whether your colonist is Hungry/Tired, once pieceFood reaches 0 it changes to <ticksToNextStarveDamage>281</ticksToNextStarveDamage>, and when pieceRest reaches 0 the colonist passes out. <carryHands> I believe is what is currently being carried (metal/logs/etc)
What's your colonist thinking? - Thoughts/moods and Prisoner status
The main things here are thoughts and moods, some are determined by environment factors like openness which is based on the size of a room, Environment by what surrounds them (Nice carpet or blood stained dirt, decorations or dead bodies?[and no, dead bodies don't count as nice decorations]), the recentMemory section is simply a comparison about when the colonist was last in light- Determines if you get the "In darkness" thoughts and another comparison of when they were last outside- to determine cabin fever status. The main thing here is determined by everything else; Mood, My guess is a colonist idle with 50 mood and based on their thoughts it changes for better or worse. The rest of the things in this section are rather boring, the only thing is the prisoner section which changes to
when the Pawn/Prisoner/Colonist is imprisoned, the contents of the <prisoner> section are based on options you set in-game.
What is your Colonist good at? - Skills & work priorities
This is probably one of the more useful sections to edit, whether you want to create specific skill-sets or super humans. Again its self-explanatory. But I shall explain it as well, this section contains the skills of your colonist and his/her passion for each skill.
The simplest way to explain it is with a single example
Construction is the skill here, it's a level 5 skill and currently has 3311.884 exp towards level 6, It is a minor passion meaning the colonist will learn at a regular pace. (1x)
The rest of the skills follow the same format. You can edit skills to make them all major passions by setting <passion> to Major instead of minor or adding <passion>Major</passion> to skills where there is no passion. You can also set the skills to whatever level you desire.
For doing all of this I recommend using Neuro's Save editor (Mentioned & Linked in the first post)
The only other part of this section is the workPriorities, these can be set ingame and don't really gain any benefits from save editing. (You can set priorities beyond 4, but not sure of side effects/value)
This is a healthy colonist.
Code Select
<injuries />
<nonlocalInjuries />
<missingParts />
This is a injured raider (possibly dead)
Code Select
<li Class="Injury">
<li Class="Injury">
<li Class="Injury">
<li Class="Injury">
<li Class="Injury">
<li Class="Injury">
<li Class="Injury">
<li Class="NonlocalInjury">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
<li Class="MissingBodyPart">
Another self explanatory section, Injuries are things like bruises and stab scars, Non local injuries I think are things like blood loss & starvation. The missing parts section contains info about missing/destroyed body parts. I don't know what <maxPainLevelMultiplier>1</maxPainLevelMultiplier> does. If the incapacitated section shows a value of True, it means that the colonist in question is incapacitated, you can set it to False to wake them up or delete the <incapacitated>True</incapacitated> altogether (as the game does after a successful healing).
Tips to heal a colonist: You can remove injuries individually, set values to false, but this allows a lot of room for error. What I do is copy a healthy colonist <healthTracker> section and paste it over the injured colonist's healthTracker.
More what is Thing up to? - Pathing, carried object, Food, & Sleep level
Code Select
<nextSquare>(141, 0, 121)</nextSquare>
<destination>(143, 0, 121)</destination>
<li Class="ThingWithComponents">
<carriedFilth />
<contents />
Another section I'm unfamiliar with. <pather> displays details about where the colonist are going and their path, <inventory> holds non-equipment or apparel items, the most interesting parts are <pieceFood> & <pieceRest> as they dictate whether your colonist is Hungry/Tired, once pieceFood reaches 0 it changes to <ticksToNextStarveDamage>281</ticksToNextStarveDamage>, and when pieceRest reaches 0 the colonist passes out. <carryHands> I believe is what is currently being carried (metal/logs/etc)
What's your colonist thinking? - Thoughts/moods and Prisoner status
Code Select
<li Class="Thought">
<prisoner IsNull="True" />
<talker />
The main things here are thoughts and moods, some are determined by environment factors like openness which is based on the size of a room, Environment by what surrounds them (Nice carpet or blood stained dirt, decorations or dead bodies?[and no, dead bodies don't count as nice decorations]), the recentMemory section is simply a comparison about when the colonist was last in light- Determines if you get the "In darkness" thoughts and another comparison of when they were last outside- to determine cabin fever status. The main thing here is determined by everything else; Mood, My guess is a colonist idle with 50 mood and based on their thoughts it changes for better or worse. The rest of the things in this section are rather boring, the only thing is the prisoner section which changes to
Code Select
when the Pawn/Prisoner/Colonist is imprisoned, the contents of the <prisoner> section are based on options you set in-game.
What is your Colonist good at? - Skills & work priorities
Code Select
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
This is probably one of the more useful sections to edit, whether you want to create specific skill-sets or super humans. Again its self-explanatory. But I shall explain it as well, this section contains the skills of your colonist and his/her passion for each skill.
The simplest way to explain it is with a single example
Code Select
<li Class="SkillRecord">
Construction is the skill here, it's a level 5 skill and currently has 3311.884 exp towards level 6, It is a minor passion meaning the colonist will learn at a regular pace. (1x)
The rest of the skills follow the same format. You can edit skills to make them all major passions by setting <passion> to Major instead of minor or adding <passion>Major</passion> to skills where there is no passion. You can also set the skills to whatever level you desire.
For doing all of this I recommend using Neuro's Save editor (Mentioned & Linked in the first post)
The only other part of this section is the workPriorities, these can be set ingame and don't really gain any benefits from save editing. (You can set priorities beyond 4, but not sure of side effects/value)
General Discussion / A Guide To Save Editing (In Construction)
August 29, 2014, 07:09:31 PM
This is my attempt to share my limited knowledge of save editing with Windows 7 (Using a different OS can change file locations & other things).
Warning: You may corrupt your save/blow up the planet while editing, create backups before toying with things.
Part 1: Getting Started
Save file location
There's a few ways to find the save file location.
The Easy Way:
Open Rimworld
Start a game
Open the in-game menu
Click on Options
Look under Gameplay and click "Open save data folder"
A folder should open up with your saves & stuff
(Windows 7) Manual navigation:
Navigate to C:\Users\*\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld
* is my windows user name, replace it with your own and find your way there.
Open the saves folder and you're there.
(Windows 7) The Minecraft Way:
Search for %appdata% in the Start menu
Open the folder "Roaming" when it appears
Click on appdata in the Navigation bar
Open LocalLow
Open Ludeon Studios
Open Rimworld
Open saves folder and you're there.
Opening a .rwm save file requires you to select a program to open it with. Notepad will work, personally I recommend using Notepad++.
Notepad ++
I recommend grabbing Notepad++ for editing save files, it allows you to open multiple save files in different tabs (It's nice to be able to compare save files)
Part 2: A colonist and what they look like in a save file
Here's what a colonist looks like in a save file.
What is "Thing"?
Reading through the contents of the colonist save section is mostly self explanatory, the first area:
Tells you what the "thing" is, It is a Human located at 140,0,120 facing east. The human is also a member of the colony and a Colonist, also the human is not jailed by any faction.
Some notes:
Colonists gained from randomly joining will be listed as villagers, not colonist. <kindDef>Villager</kindDef> instead of <kindDef>Colonist</kindDef>.
The <jailerFaction> section states what faction has jailed this person.
Directions are as follows North=0? East=1 South=2 West=3, this is for the <rot> value (Rotation), North isn't actually defined the <rot> </rot> section is entirely removed when facing north (back towards player)
What is Thing's story? - Backstory, traits, name, skin, and hair colour
And the next section is Story, the backstory name and colonists skin & hair colour are defined here.
Again self explanatory, for editing traits & back stories I recommend Neurotoxin's save editor paired with the Rimworld wiki, Just a note, changing backstory manually or with Neuro's editor won't affect stats, but it will allow your colonist to do jobs disabled by their old backstory.
What is Thing up to? - Age, Apparel, equipment(Weapon), Mindstate, and current job details
This next section I'm entirely unfamiliar with but a few things are again self explanatory
From here you can see the humans age, apparel, equipment, state of mind (Mental brakes: dazed/rampage) and finally their current job.
Note: for editing this, I'd experiment with in-game resources to see different values depending on what that person was doing/wearing at the time.
Ex. For apparel wear power armour and then save to see its <def> & <id> so that you know the proper names to edit in as desired.
Warning: You may corrupt your save/blow up the planet while editing, create backups before toying with things.
Part 1: Getting Started
Save file location
There's a few ways to find the save file location.
The Easy Way:
Open Rimworld
Start a game
Open the in-game menu
Click on Options
Look under Gameplay and click "Open save data folder"
A folder should open up with your saves & stuff
(Windows 7) Manual navigation:
Navigate to C:\Users\*\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld
* is my windows user name, replace it with your own and find your way there.
Open the saves folder and you're there.
(Windows 7) The Minecraft Way:
Search for %appdata% in the Start menu
Open the folder "Roaming" when it appears
Click on appdata in the Navigation bar
Open LocalLow
Open Ludeon Studios
Open Rimworld
Open saves folder and you're there.
Opening a .rwm save file requires you to select a program to open it with. Notepad will work, personally I recommend using Notepad++.
Notepad ++
I recommend grabbing Notepad++ for editing save files, it allows you to open multiple save files in different tabs (It's nice to be able to compare save files)
Part 2: A colonist and what they look like in a save file
Here's what a colonist looks like in a save file.
Code Select
<thing Class="Pawn">
<pos>(140, 0, 120)</pos>
<skinColor>RGBA(1.000, 0.937, 0.835, 1.000)</skinColor>
<hairColor>RGBA(0.310, 0.280, 0.260, 1.000)</hairColor>
<li Class="Trait">
<li Class="Apparel">
<color>RGBA(0.389, 0.398, 0.388, 1.000)</color>
<primary IsNull="True" />
<secondaries />
<duty IsNull="True" />
<targetA>(143, 0, 121)</targetA>
<targetC>(0, 0, 0)</targetC>
<targetQueueA IsNull="True" />
<targetQueueB IsNull="True" />
<placedTargets IsNull="True" />
<numToBring IsNull="True" />
<curJobDriver Class="JobDriver_Goto">
<injuries />
<nonlocalInjuries />
<missingParts />
<nextSquare>(141, 0, 121)</nextSquare>
<destination>(143, 0, 121)</destination>
<li Class="ThingWithComponents">
<carriedFilth />
<contents />
<li Class="Thought">
<prisoner IsNull="True" />
<talker />
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
<li Class="SkillRecord">
What is "Thing"?
Reading through the contents of the colonist save section is mostly self explanatory, the first area:
Code Select
<thing Class="Pawn">
<pos>(140, 0, 120)</pos>
Tells you what the "thing" is, It is a Human located at 140,0,120 facing east. The human is also a member of the colony and a Colonist, also the human is not jailed by any faction.
Some notes:
Colonists gained from randomly joining will be listed as villagers, not colonist. <kindDef>Villager</kindDef> instead of <kindDef>Colonist</kindDef>.
The <jailerFaction> section states what faction has jailed this person.
Directions are as follows North=0? East=1 South=2 West=3, this is for the <rot> value (Rotation), North isn't actually defined the <rot> </rot> section is entirely removed when facing north (back towards player)
What is Thing's story? - Backstory, traits, name, skin, and hair colour
And the next section is Story, the backstory name and colonists skin & hair colour are defined here.
Code Select
<skinColor>RGBA(1.000, 0.937, 0.835, 1.000)</skinColor>
<hairColor>RGBA(0.310, 0.280, 0.260, 1.000)</hairColor>
<li Class="Trait">
Again self explanatory, for editing traits & back stories I recommend Neurotoxin's save editor paired with the Rimworld wiki, Just a note, changing backstory manually or with Neuro's editor won't affect stats, but it will allow your colonist to do jobs disabled by their old backstory.
What is Thing up to? - Age, Apparel, equipment(Weapon), Mindstate, and current job details
This next section I'm entirely unfamiliar with but a few things are again self explanatory
Code Select
<li Class="Apparel">
<color>RGBA(0.389, 0.398, 0.388, 1.000)</color>
<primary IsNull="True" />
<secondaries />
<duty IsNull="True" />
<targetA>(143, 0, 121)</targetA>
<targetC>(0, 0, 0)</targetC>
<targetQueueA IsNull="True" />
<targetQueueB IsNull="True" />
<placedTargets IsNull="True" />
<numToBring IsNull="True" />
<curJobDriver Class="JobDriver_Goto">
From here you can see the humans age, apparel, equipment, state of mind (Mental brakes: dazed/rampage) and finally their current job.
Note: for editing this, I'd experiment with in-game resources to see different values depending on what that person was doing/wearing at the time.
Ex. For apparel wear power armour and then save to see its <def> & <id> so that you know the proper names to edit in as desired.
General Discussion / Re: Nonhuman colonists?
August 29, 2014, 05:43:59 PM
Just a note; the lore does not forbid aliens- It just says that an alien specie has never been found.
Bugs / Re: [W|0.6.532] Enemies can't get in
August 29, 2014, 05:40:34 PM
Well, not sure what else there is to do now 
Best defence system ever?

Best defence system ever?
Bugs / Re: [W|0.6.532] Enemies can't get in
August 29, 2014, 04:31:25 PM
One last guess, they can't find a valid spot to shoot from? try removing a single rock chunk infront of the turret?
Bugs / Re: [W|0.6.532] Enemies can't get in
August 29, 2014, 03:50:07 PM
My only guess is that they're trying to decide what turret to attack but getting confused for some reason, does removing 1 of the two left turrets do anything?