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Messages - Haplo

Off-Topic / Re: Science fiction books
October 05, 2013, 06:13:55 PM
I really do like the books of John Scalzi.
"Old Man's War", "Ghost Brigades" and do not forget the problems of a new colony in "The Last Colony" and the view of the teenage daughter in Zoe's Tale.
These three (four) books are about the same characters, but if you want, you can jump over the more military-like first books and read the colony book(s) separately.

The first book "Old Man's War" describes how a 75 year old gets into the space-military and what he did in his 10 years there.
"Ghost Brigades" is about a special military unit he met in the first book.
"The Last Colony" is about the time after his 10 years in the army.
"Zoe's Tale" is the story from "The Last Colony", only from the viewpoint of his adopted teenage daughter.

All in all I really love these books and have them read multiple times already.  ;D

In my youth I liked the series "Ren Dhark". But I can't really recommend the 'newly' released books. They dropped most of the interesting background of the earlier paperbacks, so that the books are rather boring..
Off-Topic / Re: RimWorld in 3D (or so it seems) !
October 05, 2013, 05:42:58 PM
I took a look into both games and must say.. 3D is sooo overrated!
With the first impressions they gave me, I am glad I backed this game rather than any of them. :)
General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
October 05, 2013, 05:09:10 PM
Wo are you?
I am an electrical engineer from Germany, who likes to play a few games as long as my wife doesn't say otherwise  ;)

What introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?
I found this game in the steam greenlight section, looked into it on kickstarter and am right now a backer of this interesting game. What really interested me is the graphical similiarity to prison architect. I already like the game but found the story a bit...

What's your favorite other game?
Hmm, that one isn't easy to say. I like a lot of games. Mostly RPGs, but also a little Simulation, Action and Strategy from time to time.
Right now my favorite would be most likely Assassin's Creed 3, Skyrim, Deus Ex and X3.

Most embarrassing gaming-related story?
Sorry, but I don't know you well enough to tell you my embarrassing stories  :P

What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?
I needed a while to find my favorite, but now they are chocolate-cherry flavored oat flakes ;D