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Messages - «Temple»

Quote from: Miner_239 on June 24, 2016, 05:05:24 AM
Quote from: EdB on August 09, 2014, 01:59:55 AM
Download EdB Colonist Bar (v0.13.0.3) for Alpha 13 (Dropbox)
Yeep, sure, no A13 version to see.

That is what I meant, I also meant the Colonist bar not the inventory, but my statement is still valid as the main features is not A13 yet.
This is not for A13 yet, only the Inventory part is.
Love your mods, and love the mechanoid powercell, I usually get one with Prepare Carefully to have a easier start with power  ;D
Outdated / Re: [A13] Reinforced Conduits
May 06, 2016, 11:56:13 PM
I have an idea for the cost, 2 steel 1 plasteel?  I'm happy your thinking about adding research and your contribution to the rimworld mods.
Hey, I read the post and didn't see anything about CR, so just a quick question, is it compatible and if not do you plan of making it?
Great work Kenny like always, I've always been an fan of yours and your mods but there is 1 thing I want to ask, you make a mod just for the concrete foundations so I can build on water after placing them, if you don't want to I might and is it alright if I post it as an attachment so maybe you can put it on a dropbox download for other people like me?
You probably forgot to restart after opening the mod menu.
No, I forgot I had an edited core so I just undid what I added(Made resources stack 100, 75 makes me cry, also idk why this would cause a problem) I also restarted multiple times, made new maps, and new colonies, so that wasn't the problem, changing the resource stacks shouldn't have conflicted with CR because why would CR touch steel, wood, and other 'stuff' defs?  Not sure if it does(Haven't checked yet)

You probably forgot to restart after opening the mod menu.
No, I forgot I had an edited core so I just undid what I added(Made resources stack 100, 75 makes me cry, also idk why this would cause a problem)
My colonists wont pickup the ammo, its loaded in the loadout, not too big of bulk or to heavy, I'm 100% sure I selected 303 FMJ for the rifle and the ammo is on the ground, the colonists wont pick it up and reload or carry any with them. please help?(Also no error logs popping up, and mods are in order Core,CCL,CCL Vanilla tweaks, EDB Mod Order, and Combat realism, those are the only mods active and in that exact order.)

EDIT: All raiders or other humans(not colonists) have the Loadout generators, any ideas?

NVM ISSUE FIXED, I just reinstalled the game completely.
Nice to see you haven't died!
My favorite armor is the peacebringer, I have the textures save so if they ever go away I'll still have them!!!
I made a customized version of the Anti-Tank weapons to work with combat realism if you want I can add it as an attachment here and you can post it on the thread or topic of anti-tank weapons only  ;D
I miss the healing pods from A6!!! Being instantly healed was amazing...
Quote from: Dragoon on October 28, 2015, 06:48:06 PM
Quote from: Hunter00064 on October 24, 2015, 04:53:32 PM
All crocodile skin is is just hardened leather that has a natural form to represent what we call chainmail.
There are crocodile skin boots so why not shell?