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Messages - owenkberg

Ideas / Re: Raiders
December 12, 2013, 10:21:35 PM
Quote from: murhe on December 10, 2013, 12:36:21 PM
Btw. I have got too big piles of weapons so I have wondered if they could be used up. Each time you fire a weapon there could be change it loses a bit of durability and eventually breaks. What you think about this idea?

I feel like this would cause an awful lot of micromanage, which would become impossible later game. Maybe a better idea on that front would be some sort of weaponsmith, who can repair and optimize weapons so that you can set it as a job and repairs, ammo fillings etc. are entirely automated, provided you have the resources.
Ideas / Re: Raiders
December 09, 2013, 06:36:12 PM
Quote from: murhe on December 08, 2013, 10:48:26 AM
- Raider groups might fight each others in addition to player and by taking casualties they might lose strenght. Weakened bandits may send less and wounded raiders.

In my opinion this is a must-have feature. It makes no sense that random groups of raiders would band together or just flat-out ignore each other whilst attempting to destroy your base. The fact that raiders have absolutely no other AI interaction besides murdering you really bugs me.
Ideas / Re: Spaceship Construction
December 09, 2013, 06:29:51 PM
Quote from: apljee on December 07, 2013, 07:25:16 PM
I like it, unlike most others- also, the point of having a spaceship to travel around in instead of making new worlds is that you can transport colonists and resources (I'd assume) to other worlds when they're in need. And in the event of war, maybe a use for Missiles with a missile strike? :D

Yeah, I feel like it could add some nice strategy. =P
I also agree that this wouldn't be anything high priority. I strongly believe this could make a great expansion/official mod later in the life of RimWorld, though.
Anyhow, I understand everyone's points. I just have an insatiable lust for space travel, I suppose. =P
Bugs / Broken footprints?
December 07, 2013, 11:52:59 AM
Nothing serious, but for the entirety of my map the footprints of my colonists have had the red splash indicating a broken structure for a very short amount of time before the footprints despawn. Each footprint does this individually, and it confused me for a moment. Obviously nothing game-breaking, but interesting nonetheless.
Bugs / Re: W-254 Mad Muffalo spawns bomba squirrel
December 07, 2013, 11:50:15 AM
Hmm, maybe not a bug. Tynan's evil squirrels are slowly taking over the universe, map by map...

Yeah no that's quite the interesting glitch there. I really wish it happened to me. =P
Ideas / Re: Spaceship Construction
December 07, 2013, 11:31:29 AM
The only thing that is required for having several bases is the saving of a map... That's already in game. It requires no new functionality besides some text. Most games like this allow for uploading of maps, which is simple, since they are individual files that are always compatible. All I mean by trade routes are separate statistics for these bases. For example, different trade ships would be passing different maps independently of each other, as they already do. The vision that came to your head doesn't seem to be the same as what I intended, and I apologize. I didn't mean for an over-complex system. Simply integration of already existing mechanics (such as the simplicity of the magic "save" button) into slightly more complex simulations.

For a ship, I simply saw it as another map of it's own. Construction would still exist on the grid it currently does, but building would be limited to what you could reach. Raids could simply be new entities (even single "ships" that have similar AI to raiders and would just require some new art and a bit of AI tweaking) Nothing I've suggested was meant to be extremely in depth. The systems could work with what the game already has.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
December 06, 2013, 10:48:25 PM
Wall-hung lights.

Simple as that. The fact that they're always just awkwardly chillin' on the ground really bugs me. =P
Ideas / Re: Raiders
December 06, 2013, 10:42:44 PM
Perhaps to benefit even failed negotiations, the game could add some sort of buff that improves defensive capabilities in case they attack anyway.
Colonists could have some stalled time to prepare or could get a psychological buff, so either way the gamble is worth it.
Yet for more balanced and realistic gameplay, I believe there needs to be some groups of merciless raiders who attack on sight.
Ideas / Spaceship Construction
December 06, 2013, 10:38:48 PM
So I'm sure the idea is floating around somewhere, but I couldn't find anything directly related to it.

Anyways, I've been thinking it would be cool to be able to advance technology to the point of rebuilding a ship. Fairly late game, and after acquiring a large number of resources and tech upgrades, launching into a slightly different mode of play could be quite interesting. The outlay could be the same, construction-wise, building outwards with individual blocks or maybe even adding a feature to lay down blueprints for entire rooms. (Another idea is to individualize your own room blueprints, ex. a prison cell, and save it to quickly place several of them later.)

This could add a lot of depth to the game later on, with tense space battles in the midst of turret spray and boarding colonists. Trades and negotiations can become more personal, and even allow for a multiplayer mechanic.

The text after being defeated also suggests an interesting concept.
"Perhaps someone else will find a use for the ruins of this place."
With ships, it could be possible for a player to upload the map from a failed colony of theirs, and for other players to download and land on the planet. In this way, one could reuse and revive the dead civilization, and begin their own in its place. Having bases on several planets and expanding things such as trade routes could add enjoyable, though indirect player interaction and improve overall strategy.