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Messages - Ironvos

Voted and tweeted, hope it helps :)
So, after 36 episodes the series has finally concluded.
Must say it was quite interesting to play with TTM.
I'll be back with more rimworld when alpha 8 is released.
Hopefully people enjoyed watching my video's  :)
Hello everyone.

Been playing rimworld for about a month or so now, both vanilla and modded.
With the release of Alpha 7 i think it was an ideal time to start a let's play.
But not just the vanilla game, this has been covered plenty of times already on YT.
So i have started a modded alpha 7 let's play a few days ago.
Currently i have published 36 episodes so far.

The main mod i use is Tech tree minami.
Additionally also extended surgery , extended stoneworking and the EdB UI.

My approach is to not minmax too often and just play in a more balanced and plausible way.
So no huge unicomplexes full of rooms, and no idealized starting conditions.

Anyway, enough talk, here's the link to episode 1

And this is the link to the playlist.

Hopefully you enjoy, and if you have some remarks about the youtube presentation or the way i'm playing, feel free to leave comments.