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Messages - jabbamonkey

I created a graphic for a new research table...

However, when you build this table out of wood, all of the whites become brown. So, the computer, the papers and the book are all brown. I took a look at some other mods, and they use masks to hide specific areas from the object color.

The question is, what is the naming convention for these new masks - For both SINGLE and MULTI image files? (I tried ResearchBenchm.png and ResearchBench_m.png but that didn't work) And, does the XML need to be changed in order to incorporate the image mask?

Mods / Re: New Graphics For The Game
November 07, 2014, 01:55:15 PM
I got it (I see the "multi). Thanks!
Mods / Re: New Graphics For The Game
November 07, 2014, 01:38:09 PM
So as long as the images with the extensions exist (_front, _back, _side), then the game will use them? Awesome.

Mods / Re: New Figure Artwork
November 07, 2014, 11:42:04 AM
What would also help would be to know what the vertical offset is for the Hats/Helmets vs the Bodies? How many pixels lower (based on a certain height-width dimensions)
Mods / Re: New Graphics For The Game
November 07, 2014, 11:32:01 AM
Yup, that is a huge obstacle. Take a look at the Universal Vending Machine that I did (which REALLY shows the problem).

I wanted to do mainly overhead items ... but in the case of certain items (like the medicine cabinet or the UVM), the top of those items would just show the blank TOP of those items...

Ideally, I should be creating TOP, BACK, and SIDE images. However, this requires editing the XML files in order to do this ... and that isn't my specialty. Plus, I've been focusing on redoing the graphics first, them fixing it where needed later on.

If anyone wants to volunteer to do XML editing, that would be cool. I'd love to work with someone that has strong knowledge of it.

However, I've heard Alpha 8 is going to have some REALLY strong changes with regard to how mods are handled (rumor?)... so this might need to wait. (However, I could always "start" working on the graphics)

Mods / Re: New Figure Artwork
November 07, 2014, 11:27:14 AM
I'm having two issues with my figure reskinning... I am reworking the images so the outlines are thicker (so you can see the details of their hands/sleves, etc). However, there are some issues with how the game renders the images that I created and some issues with how the game treats layered clothing.

First, take a look at the image below...

You will see an in-game screenshot, next to the original source file. Note the power helmet. The power helmet in the game is getting "squished" horizontally, so it doesn't fit on the figures head (you see his skull popping out of the back). If you look close, the height-width ratio of the helmet is definitely different from the source file. So, is the game squishing the helmet image? If so, what should the actual height-width ratio be for the helmets?  Is this in an XML file somewhere? Also, does this change for every character (this is an odd scenario, since every character has their own graphic images ... which is why character skin modding is a pain)

Second the game is slightly bugged with layered clothing (or so I believe). Sometimes, you can wear a jacket/duster ONTOP of power armor. Other times, you can't. This causes an issue with trying to mod skins... How do you make all dusters/jackets unwearable if you have power armor on (or you take them off, if you put the power armor on)?
Mods / Re: New Graphics For The Game
November 06, 2014, 07:23:52 PM
Quote from: mrofa on November 06, 2014, 12:50:29 PM
This are very good, but  when you get in 2,5D problem will be for them to good with walls X_X

Not sure I understand what you mean ... 2,5D?
Gramatically, I'm also very confused...
I noticed a "possible" bug with recruiting prisoners and propaganda.   

When you click a prisoner, you have the option to "try to recruit" that prisoner. If the prisoner doesn't have many great attributes, then I usually just keep them as a prisoner and sell them to a slave trader (yes, I've devious like that). I started adding propaganda to my jail "cells" to help with my recruitment ... however, when I have a prisoner that I do NOT want to recruit ... they sometimes decide to "join my colony" anyway because of the propaganda items.

I know that I can always "re-arrest" them when a slave trader comes, but it seems to take a little realism out of the game. 

Just wanted to let you know about this (and this certainly is NOT a large issue at all).
Mods / Re: New Graphics For The Game
November 06, 2014, 12:21:12 PM
Quote from: Shinzy on November 06, 2014, 12:04:38 PM
(The power armor looks realy weird, but the rest of them has that usual Jabbamonkee stamp of quality on them)

I didn't really spend alot of time of the armor ... It's one of the more complex pieces. I think it looks a little better than the default image though (like the way you would "set out" a piece of clothing on your bed before putting it on).  I'll try and spend some more time on it....
How does the mining work? I've built the Deepdriller Machine, and even added on some other elements to it (i.e. Deepdriller Compressor). When I click the machine, the icon for metal says "Metal: Waiting Supply" ...

I've tried to select characters, and try to make them "Prioritize Mining" ... but that isn't an option. So, I assume this device works automatically ... like the Oil Refinery that automatically produces Refined Oil every few minutes.  However, no metal is being produced. I know the machine has power, so that isn't the issue.

How does this work exactly?
Mods / Re: New Graphics For The Game
November 06, 2014, 12:06:32 PM
Also, if anyone has the TechTreeMinima Mod installed, I created a ton of graphics for it.  I posted a bunch of the image on the forum in the Post called "[MOD] (Alpha 7) TechTreeMinami v3.2.5 Entertainment Bldgs + Get yo FIXES!!"

You can get the mod here:
(the graphic updates that I mention are on page 52 of the thread)

These go in the folder: TechTreeMinami A7/Textures/Things/TTMResources/

These go in the folder: TechTreeMinami A7/Textures/Things/TTMResources/MiscResources

Here are some tables and "building" examples...
Goes in the folder:
Tech Tree Minami A7/Textures/Things/Building/

Power items... still working on these...
Goes in the folder:
Tech Tree Minami A7/Textures/Things/Building/Power/

Goes in the folder:
Tech Tree Minami A7/Textures/Things/Building/Traps/
Mods / Re: New Graphics For The Game
November 06, 2014, 11:54:52 AM
I didn't like how the clothes looked when they were scattered on the map... so I recreated them. Now when you "strip" a body, the character will fold the clothes.  :)

Goes in Mods/Core/Textures/Things/Pawn/Humanoid/Apparel/Jacket/

Goes in Mods/Core/Textures/Things/Pawn/Humanoid/Apparel/Duster/

Goes in Mods/Core/Textures/Things/Pawn/Humanoid/Apparel/PowerArmor/

Goes in Mods/Core/Textures/Things/Pawn/Humanoid/Apparel/ShirtBasic/

Goes in Mods/Core/Textures/Things/Pawn/Humanoid/Apparel/ShirtButton/

Goes in Mods/Core/Textures/Things/Pawn/Humanoid/Apparel/TribalA/

Goes in Mods/Core/Textures/Things/Pawn/Humanoid/Apparel/Various/

Goes in Mods/Core/Textures/Things/Pawn/Humanoid/Apparel/VestPlate/
Mods / Re: Where to place new graphic images...
November 06, 2014, 02:53:12 AM
Quote from: mrofa on November 05, 2014, 11:37:39 AM
Make your own mod that uses same defnames they will replace vanilia ones.
So basicly make a mod and copy .xml files from core mod and change thier texture path

I was hoping to avoid copying the XML files (every time there is an update, I'll have to redo it ... and with alot of graphics, this could be problematic). I was hoping there was an alternative solution...
Mods / Re: Where to place new graphic images...
November 06, 2014, 02:51:08 AM
Quote from: JuliaEllie on November 05, 2014, 07:07:52 PM
you might want to have a look at this :)

Been meaning to take a look at this... too busy recreating graphics...
Mods / Where to place new graphic images...
November 05, 2014, 10:39:47 AM
So, I am looking to replace certain graphics ... but can't find the correct folder to put the new graphics in.

I am trying to replace the metal in the game. So, I created 3 metal graphics ...
... and placed them in the following forlder:

When I play the game, half of the metal in the game is replaced. Half of the metal still uses the old graphic. I tried restarting the game, but that didn't solve the issue.

Any idea where to place these new metal images?