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Messages - Jdalt40

Off-Topic / Re: Countdown to Rimworld 2
June 19, 2021, 01:51:06 PM
Quote from: alexo on April 29, 2020, 01:22:33 AM
updete Turret Extensions pls
Please stop spamming this on every 1.0 thread
Off-Topic / Re: Countdown to Rimworld 2
March 30, 2020, 11:58:00 PM
Hey TwistedSoul, how exactly does your new system work for banning individuals? And will this have any chance of error? For example, banning users that have loaded the game outside of Steam, even though they have bought it legitimately.

And will bans be extended to any other activities in the mod?
Releases / Re: [1.0] Spotted
October 31, 2018, 05:43:44 AM
Hey TGPArcher, has it ever crossed your mind for there to be a "Raid Spotted" timer alert on the side? Like the other alerts except telling you exactly when they would arrive, since the letter is good, but it doesn't tell you the time remaining till they arrive, only the time they would arrive when they first were detected.
Hey Rah, currently your ImplantBase abstract overwrite is causing issues with Archotech Expanded, are you able to change this to something else or is this required by you? If it's required for you, refer to the ending of Abstracts and inheritance | RimWorld Modding Resources
Releases / Re: [1.0] Spotted
October 26, 2018, 08:48:17 PM
Hey TGPArcher, how well does this coincide with Safely Hidden Away? As in, will it add the delay on top of the already existing delay caused by SHA?
Pretty much, just noticed a lot of mods using Abstract bases wrongly (mostly old mods that still used old traditions). Have a good day  ;)
You can rename the Abstract Def you're using to stop overwriting issues while keeping XML that you added. Unless you're applying it to other recipes outside of your mod intentionally.
You can list Abstract Defs not in your mod as a parent without issues, so overwriting Abstract Defs is not needed and can potentially cause compatibility issues.
Quote from: Rah on October 19, 2018, 08:49:09 AM
Hi Jdalt40, that's not really an error. Where are you getting those messages from? And are you having problems with another mod?
AllYourBase, let's just say I'm going on an Abstract Base Overwriting Crusade. If it was intentional to overwrite the defs, I'd patch them with what you need instead of overwriting them. If you want I can help concerning this. Overwriting Abstract Defs is just a bad practice due to this affecting all other mods (anything now using those Abstracts will inherit from your mod if active).