Quote from: C. Fenderson on September 26, 2014, 06:37:39 AM
Agreed. You don't hear many reports of medieval people getting cabin fever from being in their castle walls, just being inside of their home for too long.
Alternate note, what about a dwarf trait/story that makes them immune to this? Or maybe make people who have a backstory involving mining immune to cabin fever. I think this'd be a pretty nice feature.
To be fair we don’t have many reports about anything from that time let alone scientific reports on psychology. The only time people would be confined to a castle/fort is during a siege by an army. I am sure peasants being confined to a castle for days/weeks while an army waited for them to run out of food or destroy the wall to go kill them all was less than an enjoyable time and they probably exhibited symptoms of cabin fever before it was a thing.
As for the OP, I see no problem with the current game mechanic. By walling yourself in (with no opening) you are exploiting the game so that most threats cannot get to you or are not triggered. I see the cabin fever as a way to overcome this. However, I would like to see social reduce the impact on cabin fever but one thing at a time.