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Messages - JesterBlue

There are some problem with consciouness. So Movement ability is determined partly by consciousness while movement speed is by Movement and consciousness so if you lose consciousness, Move speed is double penalized and it make your guy walk very slowly.
The other is Immunity gain also depend on consciousness which make no sense we know irl people fall unconsious to heal - like a low power mode. So a sick guy will have lower consciousness and hence slower Immunity gain and will stay sick for longer.
Ideas / Re: [Story] Imagine a Storyteller !
July 16, 2015, 03:10:39 AM
CODENAME : Korny Karnage
Defining attribute : Blood for Korn
Description : Korn is inderence about non combat or trivial strife, and hate psychic inteference, less psychic event, less event, less trade except combat weapon and slaver, less raider appear but then they do, it's usually with long warning and several factions at the same time. After an EPIC battle, player are rewarded with a long peace period, trade, lots of drop pods and new colonist joining. Corn will never be blighted.
Options : Population & raid.
Just use shot gun guys, it's the actual hunting weapon, ot the rifle. Trying to snipe a bunny from across the map is overkill, slow and dangerous. Or just go commando against squirrel, you can't go wrong with that.
Ideas / Re: Scavengers
July 16, 2015, 02:48:49 AM
This is why people like Zombie Apocalypse. It actually make sense.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
July 14, 2015, 06:06:36 AM
Fire have a range 1 heat zone with stackable temperature. This may help to have fire place outdoor for cold maps.

Fire place is a one time build item but consume resource periodically, like a dispenser hopper.

Feeding a sick colonist should increase joy - I have seen many bed ridden pawn go crazy in these past few games.

Radio item, give joy to everyone in the same room. Just like heat. Some time bad news give penalty

Quote from: MrWiggles on June 30, 2015, 09:51:16 PM
I suspect that'll never happen due to the value of the organs and the plentiful nature of corpses.

Organ have low hp, can spoil and degrade quickly even indoor. No more hoarding kidneys.

Visible darkness.

Mushroom... just because, we already have genetically engineered Devilstrand, howabout natural ones one that can havest to make traps

Smooth wall; just like smooth floor but with natural stone wall to remove that -2 penalties.
Ideas / Re: Scavengers
July 14, 2015, 05:43:22 AM
The bigger question is why do hundreds of tribeman walk across entire continent, forsaken their homeland just to pick on 5 guys in a cave minding their own business.
Ideas / Re: W.A.S.T.E.
July 14, 2015, 05:34:13 AM
Now we can finally have poops all over the map! Nice!
Friendly fire is a part of life, you should get used to it and micro; on hunting however; I believe there should be a range modifier to make the shooter shoot closer from the target; it's anoying to see the hunter try shoot a turtle from across the base in total darkness. Handgun and shot gun is sofar my favourite hunting weapon. Give your hunter a sniper is just asking for it.
Yes, don't cross the wire. May be a fuse box item as well to combine and disperse the different lines.

Ideas / Re: Doctors should carry meds with them
July 14, 2015, 05:25:52 AM
Not a good idea with the way it work now; may be in the future when there's an item like first aid kit to stop the bleeding and prevent your pawn from passing out and can be consume automatically like food... may be.
Ideas / Re: Rain should radically decrease comfort
July 14, 2015, 05:23:19 AM
The way the system work now, the most simple way of implement this is to add a new state: Drenched this will impart a mood penalty and lower temperature resistant to cold. May be reduce moving speed and gws. Remove Status end by being in a safe zone for a set amount of time; just like heat stroke and hypothermia.
For cave world flora, you could add a poison shroom to make trap, a shroom with low HP that exploded when destroyed, a shroom that generate heat or just some shroom that give wood... May be a special shroom that grow on graves...
Outdated / Re: [A11] Darkness
July 14, 2015, 03:51:45 AM
The Eclipse! It's so bright! And it happened at night!!!
General Discussion / Re: i dont know if i like this...
November 28, 2014, 02:50:35 AM
Every topic about mood and relationship face the same problem of not having a specific entity for your colonist to direct their emotional problems to except for the vague and ominous 'Colony'.
When you harvest organ from anyone, it's like "the COLONY make me cut out his lung with a sharp rock and leave it in an ice box on the floor" while another colonist would be like "organ spilled on floor, must haul to stockpiles". We can deduct that they're all  agreed to do this into this together or all turn to worship the everpresent COLONY which absolve them of all sins with the only  commandments being 'thou shalt not click execute prisoner or sell slave". The others similar negative moods like eat human meat and see corpse are all emotion/mechanical feeling similar to being in the dark or eat raw food, not moral decision.