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Messages - Gaesatae

Quote from: 1000101 on February 16, 2015, 01:13:50 PM
I hope you don't mind Gaesatae, but I made a patch for Haul Priority and Vein Miner.  You can find it here.  I include no resources from either mod, it's just a simple menu patch.  :)
No problem whatsoever :) I'm glad you like it, I'll see if I can manage to make it easily compatible with other mods once A9 is released.
Translations / Re: [Translation] Spanish
February 10, 2015, 08:17:38 PM
En la imagen aparecen los usos de cover y prone. El problema de cover es que se usa como sustantivo para indicar una cantidad y cobertura no debe ser utilizada de esta manera. Hasta encontrar algo mejor creo que se quedará así.

Aunque agazapado implica esconderse, creo que es mejor opción que prono más que nada para que el jugador lo entienda. "Objetivo agazapado" solo aparece cuando se ha herido lo suficiente al enemigo o animal como para que no pueda andar. En esta situación me parece razonable que el objetivo este tumbado boca abajo e intentando ocultarse.

En el caso de "Cryptosleep casket", creo que lo más correcto es sarcófago. A diferencia de los ataudes los sarcófagos no se entierran (y me encanta la sonoridad de esta palabra).

Me parecen bien el resto de puntos que comentas. Mañana mismo los actualizo.

PD: como ejemplo de fallos que solo es posible ver en el juego, en la imagen acabo de ver "Roble para a 21%"
Original: {0} stops ==> {0} para a // corregido por: {0} detiene un
Translations / Re: [Translation] Spanish - In progress
February 10, 2015, 01:34:26 PM
Hay un par de cosas que me gustaría escribir aquí para que me dieseis vuestra opinión, incluyendo algunos cambios que hice sobre la traducción existente en el momento que empecé a traducir.

Blueprint=> Cianotipo => Anteproyecto: Aunque cianotipo es la traducción literal, se trata de un tecnicismo en español (no registrado en la RAE) y decidí cambiarlo por anteproyecto. Blueprint expandió su uso común para describir cualquier tipo de plano o proyecto mientras que cianotipo ha caído en desuso.

Target prone => objetivo prono => objetivo agazapado: ââ,¬Å"proneââ,¬Â es comúnmente utilizado en inglés, yo desconocía la existencia de prono en español. Al no encontrar ninguna otra palabra que significara "tumbado boca abajo" decidí traducirlo por agazapado. Creo que es posible que más gente entienda esto en lugar de prono.

Cover => Cobertura: Es una mala traducción, pero es la única que disponible de momento. Si alguien conoce un sustantivo que pueda traducirse por "cover", que hable ahora o calle para siempre.

Brawler => Luchador: Luchador se traduce por "fighter o wrestler" y brawler tiene el matiz de ser alguien a quien le gustan las peleas, semejante a: buscabulla, camorrista, pendenciero... De momento he preferido no cambiarlo, pero me gustaría hacerlo. Ã,¿Sugerencias?

Bloodlust => Sanguinario: como rasgo de una persona, tengo mis dudas entre "sed de sangre" o sanguinario.

To butcher => Descuartizar: Ã,¿quizás despiezar/despezar? me sorprendí mucho al no encontrar fácilmente un verbo para describir la acción del carnicero.

Socialite => Aristócrata: traducción libre. Se agradecen sugerencias.

Cryptosleep casket => cámara de estasis: me he reprimido de corregir esto hasta consultar. Tynan no utiliza "stasis chamber" posiblemente para dar un toque exótico a algo común. Sea por el motivo que sea creo que tampoco deberíamos utilizarlo en la traducción. Ã,¿Qué os parece "sarcófago de criptosueño"?

Creo que por hoy ya está bien.

Las traducciones de los nombres en el juego (de los animales, facciones, enemigos...) están completamente abiertas a sugerencias y me gustaría saber que pensáis de ellas. El único problema que he encontrado con los nombres ha sido encontrar un nombre a la altura de Alphabehaver.

Viden, Ã,¿podrías cambiar el título del hilo y quitar "- In Progress"? :)
Quote from: ManWithNoName on February 08, 2015, 06:24:33 AM
The issue:
They would both work fine with one another till you save and logged out of the game, then when you returned to your save game priority haul had vanished from the tool bar so you couldn't use it at all.

I did expect to see issues with other mods using designators but it's funny how it happened... Anyway, I don't know if its possible to make two mods with designators work together, but if anyone is really interested I can look into it.
Translations / Re: [Translation] Spanish - In progress
February 09, 2015, 02:17:01 PM
I believe the translation is kind of neutral, I tried to avoid as much as possible using 'Castellano' specific words, but when a neutral word affects the style I prefer to use a word commonly used in Spain. But there should not be slang from Spain and if there is, I would prefer to remove it (if a better translation is avaible). That's why I specified 'Castellano' in the language info.

I wouldn't know if the translation is ok for latin-american Spanish speakers. Viden, if you think it's really neutral we should remove 'Castellano' from language info.
Help / Re: New ThinkNode and StatusLevel problem
February 08, 2015, 06:29:11 AM
Thanks very much mipen! I believe I did everything you explained. I'll check your code in a couple of days, and will see where I messed up.
Quote from: Patrykbono20 on February 08, 2015, 01:51:54 AM
ok, but what working with stuff from others mods, which isnt in core ?
It should work fine, this mod only looks for haulable things laying around, it doesn't matter what they are as long as they can be picked up.
Help / Re: New ThinkNode and StatusLevel problem
February 07, 2015, 01:53:56 PM
mipen, I did all that, and it works fine if you use a simple jobgiver. The problem I have is mostly related to how can I use my own Statuslevel and status tracker, so each pawn will have his own need. The jobgiver will need to access the tracker of each pawn to decide if it creates a job. And there is my problem, the pawn won't pick up the statuslevel and I can't cast the vanilla pawn into my own pawnclass.
General Discussion / Re: Call for public testers!
February 04, 2015, 10:19:23 AM
You can count me in.
I have some experience in alpha testing and, more important, now I have the time and will to test as long as necessary. I've been modding for a month so I'm familiar with the game code and errors.
Help / Re: New ThinkNode and StatusLevel problem
February 04, 2015, 04:01:51 AM
Thanks for your reply.

I don't want to mess too much with the pawn class, I'm worried about mod compatibility. Also, I prefer to use the game classes when possible. I'm working on the structure of my mod and I plan to expand it, so having to work around this will make my life miserable on the long run.

I think it's better for me right now to stop trying this, maybe until the next release, or until someone can point out what I'm doing wrong.
Hi, fellow translator.

I believe that right now there are some things that can't be translated, and I think the Architect menu is one of them. My advice, make a list of everything that didn't get translated, maybe on next releases it will work.

About the nouns, you don't need to be extremely precise in the translation, you just need to transfer the feeling the word gives you in English. The first thing that came to my mind about the origin of Xerigium while translating it, was "Serum" and ~ium just to give it a scientific name feeling. Even if I'm wrong about the origin, it works great as a medicinal herb name in my language.

About Glitterworlds, I love that name. My feeling about it was that only the people from Rimworlds call them by that name, a kind of name that came from envious people. Again, I might be wrong, but I don't feel right using translations like "sparkling, twinkling, shiny" just to refer to the brightness of their cities or tech, or the characteristics of their stellar neighborhood. But it may be enough. I spent a lot of time thinking about it and... well, some things get lost in translation.
Help / Re: Initializing comps and inspect string
January 31, 2015, 03:50:13 PM
I had the same problem when I created a custom comp that had to work with electricity.
Try changing on the getinspectstring:
this.comps[i].CompInspectStringExtra(); for
I write [compclass] because I don't have any idea of how to use a variable in there. I'm a C noob. But something like Type compclass = this.comps.compClass.GetType(); may work, I don't know.

I don't know if it will work, I didn't use the Activator.CreateInstance, but you get the idea...
Maybe what you are looking for is the <researchMods> in the ResearchProjectDefs.

You just have to change "ResearchModsSpecial.GunTurretCooling" for your mod namespace.class.method. Inside this method you can do almost anything you want, for example, change the def properties of the buildings you want to upgrade.
Help / New ThinkNode and StatusLevel problem
January 31, 2015, 02:20:42 PM
I was trying to add a new ThinkNode and I've hit a wall, and I can't figure out how to make it work.

The idea is very similar to the vanilla "ThinkNode_SatisfyNeeds", and its objective is to create a new need like food or rest. I've created the same structure the game uses to manage food needs: a ThinkNode, a StatusLevel, a Tracker and a new Pawnclass. I also added the ThinkNode to the xml.

My problem is that I can't find a way to make the game use all this. The thinknode class works, but I don't know how to add the StatusLevel and the tracker to the colonists.

Does anyone have any experience with something like this?
Mods / Re: Hierarchy
January 30, 2015, 03:31:55 PM
Mmmm... This is a good idea. Maybe I'll try to add something similar to my mod. You just have to wait a couple of years until it's finished. :D