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Messages - Kegereneku

Ideas / Re: Air vents
February 13, 2015, 05:09:50 AM
I also support making such thing in the standard game.
Ideas / Re: RIVER on map creation
February 13, 2015, 05:00:04 AM
I don't think the coding will be hard, Tynan don't seem to have problem with procedural generation and it's what it is. Minecraft and other game have auto-generated river since eternam and they had depth.

The way I imagine it the Colonist shouldn't have problem crossing it either since it's all a question of movement speed.

I'm more concerned with the game balance, by that I mean who will it pose problem to, us or enemy ? The game is already too hard on some point. (I would have hoped for Cassandra CASUAL to NOT send at me more Pirate than I have colonist, all with superior weapons) I shouldn't need to build "killbox" if its considered an exploit.

Quote from: StorymasterQ on February 12, 2015, 09:15:05 PM
The raider is attempting to ford the river.
The raider has flipped.
The raider have lost: 1 Lee Enfield, 1 Cowboy Hat, 1 Cotton Shirt, 1 Cotton Pants, and a liver.

Someone know his classic.
Ideas / Re: RIVER on map creation
February 11, 2015, 04:16:48 AM
Oh I see your logic. Nevermind then, my fault for being so focused.

Myself I was thinking of fishnet like a construction that must be manned. (building one would require... clothes ?). But the idea of having them as equipment is better as it would work in lake and sea.

IF Tynan make equipment slot and equipment that is.
Eh... I read this post from Tynan, and although this is a logic acceptable like any other I really hope the graphic are NOT "that" final.

Compared to other game it's true that abstracted personality trait easily make a character feel more alive. But in our case the LACK OF PANTS is causing a gameplay problem as pointed out before : You need pant, you want to manage and improve pant technology, but you can't even see them. Who know if someone is wearing devilstrand or nothing unless you check ?

And speaking personally, precisely because it's a skin-color that touch the ground some character feel more like "blob" than human being, to the point I would have more emotional attachment to lemming (be it the video game one or the animal) than them (I sometime want to send my blobish colonist to their death and recruit human colonist). And generally speaking all character look to be too big for their environment and machine.

I don't suggest for more details. I wish to have the right details.

At worst I suppose there must be a mods for that somewhere...
Ideas / Re: RIVER on map creation
February 10, 2015, 11:51:22 AM
Quote from: HattoriHanzo on February 09, 2015, 04:30:41 AM
Also soil near rivers should be always fertile.

Woah, let's not be ahead of ourself here. I mean, we also want rockish torrent in mountainous zone don't we ? It can't be always-always fertile then.
But if it happened to look like that in desert or Arid Shrubland, it would be very immersive.

And new event suggestion :

  • Event : Object brought by the river
    River are source of life, it stand to reason that other colony or building were built upstream. If so, chance are that the river will bring objects with it. (wood, clothes, skins, injured colonist, floating Mechanoid)

    Challenge for the player : None, this is the plus side of risking flood, you might get object from upstream.

Jumping a lot of message here,

What I would really like is to know what my colonist are wearing just by sight.
For now I can't tell if they are wearing pant or not unless I check in the option.
This is a problem since clothes are being more and more importantto survival. They protect your colonist from both attack and weather, and from time to time you want to change.

And I also think adding "leggish" part animated or not would improve the immersion.
To get that I wouldn't mind making the colonist look smaller, we have a zoom and some colonist are already slightly bigger than cryptosleep casket.
I was going to say the same thing, lock the door.

For the rest you have already enough control. You can separate every single piece of food in separate stockpile. And if you really need to put stockpile in warm place you can give them low space low priority.

Would like more control over my colonist wardrobe, it's already bad enough I can't tell if they are wearing pant...
Ideas / Re: Carrying a Ranged AND a Melee weapon
February 09, 2015, 03:43:19 PM
I support this idea.

For balance, maybe the 2nd equipment should come with penalty of speed or work speed.
Ideas / Re: Selective blights
February 09, 2015, 03:41:05 PM
I support this.

I think selectively choosing not only the type of culture infected but the amount would give the story teller a lot more control to create balanced story.
It's all in the nuance.
Ideas / Re: Random Landing Site Option
February 09, 2015, 03:37:41 PM
Ever since I heard about this game, I've been thinking that ultimately it was all about the Narration AI "making a good story". And a good story start with unexpected odds.

So, what if said "option" was another storytelling AI ?
Ideas / RIVER on map creation
February 09, 2015, 04:23:00 AM
It come to me I haven't seen any river in video or the biome I looked, there was water but no river. And this suggestion seem to come up regularly.

So, my turn : River

Such river would appear on the world map, It can be crossed albeit at lower speed.
The animal would need to be able to do so too, they would frequently migrate to the river.

Ideas to accompany river/lake :
Structure :
- Bridge floor, would also allow me to reach metal beyond deep water.
(Hypothetically I would like to build entirely upon a lake, it would be costly as hell but defensible)

Power source :
- Watermill / Hydro-turbine (would not work in lake)

Production :
- Fish net
- Gold extraction (would not work in lake)

  • Event : Flash Flood
    The river become off-limit, colonist who were in at the time end up injured on the side downstream
    Challenge for the player : Both a challenge and an advantage as it can slow down enemy but can also cut a map in two

  • Event : Frozen river
    At their smallest portion the river can become solid and fully crossable, elsewhere there's still liquid water and colonist who try to cross catch instant hypothermia.
    Challenge for the player : If the river is large or tortuous enough it could change a lot the way you move across the map.

In the same vein we could have lake, not subject to river event though.

Edit :
Thinking about it, if outside temperature is already below 0, being in water should be worse.
Ideas / Re: Write an event!
February 05, 2015, 12:10:28 PM
Quote from: Listy on January 29, 2015, 10:18:56 AM
It occurred to me that Events are what makes this game, and at the moment there's actually a small number of them. Now that's no way the Dev's fault, he is after all busy squishing bugs and adding drinkies for my bored colonists.
He's also just one man, and no one can be that creative, as events need inspiration, and we all have our own experiences and thought processes.

I basically registered on the forum to say the very same thing. "Events are what make Rimworld, why isn't there several topic about them already ?". Then I saw your topic, but I still would have expected it to be bigger (you seem to have quite a community already).

So let's participate :
  • Event : Automatic Shrine Opening
    "A signal received by your Comms Console tell you a Cryptosleep Shrine opened nearby."
    You don't know who is inside but you don't see any opening
    Good Event : Occupant are starving but will join you if you open.
    Neutral Event : Occupant are starving but neutral, and will just go away after eating any food found.
    Hostile Event : Occupant are starving but hostile, they might also burst out using grenade and attack.

  • Event : Closed Cryptopod landing
    Difference with refugee : The person aboard might or not be friendly.
    Challenge for the player : Open at your own risk


  • ** Event : Lost puppy
    Will you go tame this lost puppy ?
    Bonus : Easier access to barely tamable creature.

  • ** Event : Genius Animal
    One of your tamed animal become much more intelligent than normal.
    Bonus : more trainable

  • ** Event : Overgrown Animal
    One of your animal become bigger than normal.
    Bonus : better stats

  • Event : Second Sun
    Another star of the binary system is showing itself.
    Notes : It would increase slightly the temperature during the day
    Bonus for the player : Night are still lit and solar panel give some energy

  • Event : Binge drinking discovery
    "I don't remember what I did at last night party, except those strange equations"
    +100 sciences

  • Event : Wandering damaged Mechanoid
    A damaged mechanoid, unable to fight and very slow make its way through your territory
    Basically a (free?) kill, free metal.

  • Event : Generous Harvest
    All plants of some type grow up instantly and/or give more food.
    Bonus for the player : Help in a food crysis

  • Event : Nature's rebirth
    A strange rain reconstitute the entire map flora, help heal disease, and remove scars
    Bonus for the player : self-explanatory

  • Event : Miraculous healing
    One of your colonist who was sick suddenly gain immunity.

  • Event : Lucky weather
    The weather strangely go against the biomes and give you friendly temperature
    Bonus for the player : clothes aside, the heater and cooler use less energy

  • Event : Research Breakthrough
    You found the right idea that save you a lot of time ! (increase the research achieved)

  • Event : Some lone person from another faction arrive with injury/sickness to your base
    If you heal him : good relation with his faction
    If you let him die : Free equipments/clothes

  • Event : Psychic BOOST [Getting added with Alpha11]
    All colonist of the same gender feel like in a dream, understanding anyone perfectly, thinking more clearly than ever.
    (basically a positive boost in moral)

  • Event : Sudden gain of skills (or burning passion)
    One of your colonist with a level instantly in a domain.

  • Event : Overcoming negative trait
    One of your colonist meditate on his backstory and overcome some disability, like hauling.
    (A colonist who couldn't do a job now accept but from 0)
    Gameplay balance : It can only happen once for a colonist and might have already happened. I suggest a special mention to it on the backstory line

  • Event : Drinking party (Party time added in Alpha13)
    A group from another faction come to party, if you manage to have one of them drunk their relation improve significantly.
    Alternative : When a group of visitor come, you can call their faction and INVITE them to have a drink


  • Event : Heavy FOG
    Pawn/Raider outdoor or away from light-source suffer an "Erratic path-finding" debuff. Meaning they don't take the shortest route to their destination.
    If at night, they lose their way entirely, you might better have them stay where they are.
    Also apply to drafted pawn.
    note : Good sight and Bionic Eyes lessen it. Maybe equipment like a torch could be added.

  • Event : Hydroponics mutation
    An hydroponic goes crazy and the plant sown are mutating into something unknown.
    It could be anything, you have the choice of cutting it down and restarting or see how it evolve

  • Event : Wanderer seeking home
    A few wanderer from a recent crash are visiting your village, if they like it some of them might actually ask to stay

  • Event : Emphatic Psychic wave[Some sort getting added with Alpha11]
    A psychic wave make everyone "incapable of violent", all but the psychically deaf (and turret) are affected

  • Event : Research Mishmash
    Strangely the last 100point of research you worked on are better suited for another research.
    (Equivalent exchange)

  • Event : Request for food
    Some groups from another faction lost their food along the way in some accident, they are starving, allow to take food ?
    (saying yes open the trade screen to allow you to choose, saying no they'll just eat from the land if possible, leave or die.)
    (good / neutral / bad relation change)

  • Event : Request for medical attention
    Straight forward
    (good / neutral / bad relation change)

  • Event : Faction looking at your arts / craft or plantation
    One of your [crafted item] impress/disgust a member of another faction
    (good / neutral / bad relation change)

  • Event : Black&Whitey
    For some psychic reasons everything become shade of grey. (or turn into the Colorblind-setting)

  • Event : faction hunting party
    Some member of a faction come and hunt a few token animal.
    Suggestion for diplomacy : Calling the faction to ask them to stop or let them do will influence your relation with them.

  • Event : Invasive flora
    Some big roots grow randomly across the map, creating impassable wall. Fortunately they burn more easily than anything else, and die after a while.
    Effect on gameplay : You can burn them, harvest them for fuel, or let them as natural barrier against enemy.


  • Event : Earthquake
    An Earthquake start, effect :
    All structure are damaged, something beyond their breaking point.
    Colonist inside have a risk of being injured depending of how much space they had around them.
    Under mountain-roof, cave-in are possible.
    Challenge for the player : Dealing with the aftermath of a quake.

  • Event : Gas from Geyser causing intoxication
    Colonist and Animals can suffer from it
    Challenge for the player : treating those, avoiding/enclosing geyser

  • Event : Massive toxic fume causing intoxication [Getting added with Alpha11]
    I imagine that like a cloud moving slowly across the map
    Challenge for the player : Many animals can be killed & colonist must stay inside.

  • Event : Animal stampede
    A herd of animals (size vary) travel across the map at slightly higher speed than normal, hurting whoever cross them (they also destroy vegetation and field).
    Challenge for the player : Keep alive whoever is on their path, replant field.

  • Event : Animal eating your plants[/s](added since Alpha13)
    Somehow one animal isn't satisfied with untouched flora and is psychotically attracted by your plantation.

  • Event : Creature from the sea (akin to rare creature from Alpha13)
    A creature in the water attack whoever get close to the shore.
    Challenge for the player : straightforward, but you'll want to hunt it for its rare skin/meat.
    Suggestion for dev : Fishing !

  • Event : Predator Lurking [The Wolf pack is coming Alpha11, Common predator in Alpha13]
    We keep seeing prey animal... where are the predator ? Well, they come occasionally, they only attack human if they are alone or occasionally two.
    They also shy away from light source and human construction
    Challenge for the player : straightforward
    Suggestion for dev : ability for drafted colonist to follow/escort another.

  • Event : Research Failure
    Turn out you were on the wrong track all along. (reduce the research achieved)

  • Event : Termites !!
    A few wood based structure/equipment are damaged. (I hope you can repair gun too)

  • Event : old forgotten trap (trap are present, now to make some invisible or event-based)
    A colonist walking in non-home zone suffer leg injury upon falling into an old trap.

  • Event : Psychic Vacuum (very short)
    All colonist forget what they are doing for a moment
    Psychically sensitive colonist are stunned
    Psychically dull colonist are unaffected
    Challenge for the player : keeping the workflow, retrieving stun colonist

  • Event : Cannibal Man-hunter
    Some lone warrior (tribal or with advanced tech) is seeking humanitarian food.
    Challenge for the player : straightforward

  • Event : Inter-faction war
    Two faction fight each other on your territory.
    Challenge for the player : You choose to intervene or not, relation with faction will vary

  • Event : Cooler/Heater malfunction
    For a while one of these malfunction and heat-up temperature unless switched off and repaired.
    Challenge for the player : managing the temperature through vents to be able to intervene safely on it or cut the electricity.

  • Event : Dust Storm
    Put dust everywhere, stop plant growing for a while, or kill some, could be made similar to snow (disappearing with time).
    Challenge for the player : Colonist slowed down, culture damaged

  • Event : Tempest/tornado
    Wind Turbine, Crop, Wood structure get damaged and light items (cloth & the like) get thrown around. Colonist walk slowly to resist the wind
    Challenge for the player : retrieve them, build in consequences if those are common in the biome.

  • Event : Acidic Rain [Some variation getting added with Alpha11 it seem]
    Not lethal but colonist who stay outside too long risk catching a disease.
    Animal could have immunity for living here, potato plant would suffer, medicinal would grow faster.
    Challenge for the player : choosing or not enclosed colony.

  • Event : Prosthesis Malfunction
    One of your colonists' prosthesis (not bionic) malfunction, it stay like this until it get 'treated' like a wound.
    You need to use component to repair it.
    Challenge for the player : a minor penalty or worse

  • Event : Prison break[/s] (added)
    One of your prisoner isn't restrained anymore and try to escape
    Challenge for the player : self-explaining

  • Event : megascarab in the vents (megascarab added)
    Megascarabs appeared near the base, they pass through vents and will usually flee, they only attack colonist who are asleep or try to eat emergency food, leather and other things you definitively don't want it to eat.
    Challenge for the player : close vents and doors to isolate the megascarab and kill it.

  • Event : Stealthy Assassin
    The player is notified there's an assassin coming the next night.
    The assassin cannot be seen by the player, and can open door slowly.
    He can only be seen through colonist (direct line of sight).
    Challenge for the player : Keep everyone close of each other, one guarding at night

  • Event : Stealthy Sapper
    The player is notified there's a sapper coming the next night.
    The sapper cannot be seen by the player, and can open door.
    He can only be seen through colonist (direct line of sight).
    Challenge for the player : This time the sapper will avoid colonist, only blow up stuff and get away. (raid might follow)

Storytellers suggestion here
Game Ending suggestion here
General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
February 05, 2015, 08:58:51 AM
Hello everybody

-What introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?
Random causal event in the working of the universe. (a video of Scott Manley)

-What's your favorite other game?
Reality (yep, the IRL one)

-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?
In the very hard and unforgiving Operation Flashpoint I choose to pilot a transport helicopter containing most other player, then my connexion crashed, upon reconnect they banned me.

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?
"Country Store" or "Country Crisp with strawberry"

And/or put up pictures, as you see fit.