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Messages - Kalshion

Mod bugs / Re: [A17] Cannot Recruit Prisoners
June 06, 2017, 11:13:52 PM
You may want to post a log file, along with whether or not your using any mods.
Sure thing, I have attached my current list of mods to the thread and so far as I know they are all up-to-date.

If you need a new log, lemme know, can't attach it to my post =(


One more thing; I did try and do a complete reinstall, unsubbing from all mods, reinstalling the game; resubbing to the mods again - but sadly that hasn't fixed the issue.

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Quote from: duduluu on June 05, 2017, 09:02:57 PM
Quote from: Kalshion on June 05, 2017, 04:54:43 PM
Just curious if this would conflict with other turret mods, like the more vanilla one...
No conflict, enjoy it.

Yay! I get to have navy guns again :D
Just curious if this would conflict with other turret mods, like the more vanilla one...
It was a new game that I started after the update, I typically start new games after updates since I recall it being mentioned once before that trying to continue a game from an older version caused problems.
Mod bugs / Re: [A17] FPS drop with a certain mod?
June 05, 2017, 11:43:15 AM
Well, hmm... I do use another mod that does add floors, well, more like soil and such (Veggie Garden) so maybe having that one and the other floors mod active does something.
Since the update, although I'm unsure if that is what is causing this, I've noticed that my new colony hasn't been given the option to choose a name. Likewise, I've had no raids from any of the other factions, no 'quests' have popped up, nothing. I have my story teller set to Randy, with the difficulty as 'some challenge'.

I did notice A LOT of errors in the log...

Edit: Didn't notice that the save file was larger than what is allowed here; so had to upload it to my FTP

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Given the OP hasn't been around since earlier in the year, I don't think we'll be seeing an update, might have to wait for someone else to make one of these  :'(
Mod bugs / Re: [A17] FPS drop with a certain mod?
June 02, 2017, 11:19:26 PM
It was the only mod that started to cause the severe FPS problem when I had it enabled. So either it is conflicting with another mod, or something else is going on x_x
Mod bugs / Re: [A17] FPS drop with a certain mod?
June 02, 2017, 11:36:09 AM
Nevermind, seems I was finally able to figure out which mod was causing the issue. Was the mod that add's more floors (no idea why, just when I have that one active with others it creates an FPS drop when laying floors, mining, etc...)

I liked that mod ;-;
Mod bugs / [A17] FPS drop with a certain mod?
May 31, 2017, 01:10:12 PM
Sometimes when mining or putting down tiles the game's FPS will take a sudden drop, it was more of an annoyance in the previous game versions, but with A-17 it has suddenly become a rather big problem in that the game drops to a near crawl while either one is happening.

I already tried to go through my mods, deactivating and reactivating, the problem goes away initially but then returns and it matters little what mods I am activating/deactivating. So now I am here, hoping that someone might be able to help figure out what this issue is.

I've included the log file, perhaps someone can see something that I am missing. I've also included an image of my mod order, after all, maybe my mod order is wrong x_x

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And this is why turrets exist, in every area that I keep my prisoners I always have at least two or three turrets (depending on the number of cells I have)
General Discussion / Re: Do you save scum?
January 04, 2016, 12:15:37 PM
I can and do save frequently, mostly due to previous experiences with games crashing on me for no reason's at all. However, I'll typically reload a save if something happened that I do not agree with (such as a colonist being killed instantly or a mechanoid/raid dropping down THROUGH the mountain and into my base)
Off-Topic / Re: Steam ranting & RimWorld's status
January 04, 2016, 12:11:05 PM
Really, it's been abandoned, and how do you know this? You think a developer should just work constantly on a game each and every day, every hour of their time? The guy DOES have a life of his own to lead, and he shouldn't be expected - nor required - to slave away at something he enjoys. A man needs to take a break every so often in order to get a new, fresh, perspective on things.

This is something that a lot of us who work on 3D Models actually DO, we'll work on models for a few days or even weeks (depending on the person) and then take a long break, not because we get bored of it, but because if we don't we run the risk of burning ourselves out and stopping the hobby entirely.

Its no different with game development, yes, some developers can keep going constantly by Tynan is *ONE* man, and the development team behind Rimworld isn't even all that huge to begin with (I think it was just two people?). Heck, if I could, I'd love to help but my modeling skills are probably not up to snuff for what Tynan needs for his team or his game.

Either way, do not make assumptions about the status of a game when you do not have any credible source to back it up, Tynan stated that he was taking a vacation, and the man deserves one after the hard work he's put into this.
I've been trying to figure this out, I have several different outfit sets that I have for my colonists. However, I am wondering if I might be doing somethign wrong here.

One of my outfit sets has a character wearing power armor and helmet, only. But later on I see them put on a duster.

What I am getting at with my question is what all can a character wear at any given time? For example, if they wear power armor/helmet, can they also wear something else? That kind of stuff.